Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 813: Luna's daughter?

Mu Qing looked at the beautiful smile in front of him, his back was chilling.

What's the matter with this guy? Suddenly came forward and said amazing words.

Indeed, it was true that he just wanted to use the Moon God Dream Realm. Before the realm master Xuan Tianming appeared, he had already begun to use half of it, and he was abruptly interrupted in the end.

But the question is, why would Princess Moon River find out?

The magical power of the Moon God Dreamland originated from the Moon God. It was an extremely special magical power. It was related to the Soul of God.

However, Princess Moon River found out!

"Hey! Wait! Isn't that the moon river princess in the **** world? How could the fairy from the heavenly court appear here?"

The people around started exclaiming.

After all, Mu Qing himself is also very famous, plus Princess Moon River, naturally attracts attention.

"What is your purpose?" Mu Qing said with a sullen face.

He was worried, could it be that his identity was exposed?

"Can you talk a little bit?" Princess Yuehe was close to Mu Qing, her shoulder touched, she could feel the smooth and tender skin.

She exhaled like orchids, leaning to Mu Qing's ear and speaking softly.

This Princess Yuehe has a great charm, every move can affect people's hearts, so close, whoever changes her heart.

But Mu Qing was very vigilant in his heart. He frowned, and he didn't understand what Princess Yuehe was looking for.

This guy clearly said that he has the Moon God Dreamland, and he should know his identity. Why didn't he directly call the powerhouse of Heavenly Court, and even deliberately transmit his voice so that others would not hear him.

Princess Yuehe showed a smile, she directly pulled Mu Qing and displayed a certain spatial technique, and the two disappeared in no time.

"What the **** do you want to do?"

Mu Qing scolded in a deep voice.

The other party took him to the space mezzanine, where countless void storms swept across, and it was easy to scrape the Death Emperor.

But for Mu Qing, it was enough to completely ignore it.

The terrible power of the void scraped on Mu Qing's body and shattered directly, unable to cause even a trace of injury.

Princess Moon River hovered in the void, lifting her long hair from her ear.

While smiling, she said: "Here, no matter if it is from heaven or from Buddhism, there is no way to know the content of our conversation."

Mu Qing froze for a moment and said, "What do you mean?"

He didn't understand what Princess Yuehe said, what they are going to talk about next, can't the heavenly court and the Buddhists discover it?

But isn't Princess Yuehe a person from Heavenly Court?

"Dragon race?" Princess Yuehe came to Mu Qing with a blink, squinted at Mu Qing, "The physical body is too strong, but in my father's prediction, you should be an ancient immortal!"

"Ah, no! To be precise, you should be an earth human!"

Princess Yuehe looked at Mu Qing suspiciously, tilted her head, very curious.

Mu Qing was shocked and looked at the beautiful fairy in front of him with surprise.

Sure enough, this guy knows his true identity, but what about his father's prophecy?

"Your father is the emperor of heaven?"

Mu Qing took a deep breath, the infinite lines on his body had appeared, ready to take action at any time.

The true strength of Princess Yuehe in front of him is not clear, but since the other party knows his true identity but dares to come to the door, that strength is definitely not simple!

Princess Yuehe shook her head. There was a trace of hatred in her bright eyes like a starry sky, but she was very deeply hidden.

"My father is not the emperor of heaven." Princess Yuehe turned around, leaving Mu Qing with a graceful back. The hazy moonlight shrouded her body, and she felt a desolate feeling for some reason.

Mu Qing was weird, and unexpectedly found that Princess Yuehe's body was trembling, but it seemed to be an illusion again.

"My father is the Moon God..."

Princess Yuehe turned her back to Mu Qing, looking at the void storm in front of her, she made a flat but ethereal voice, tears streaming down her eyes.

Mu Qing naturally couldn't see Princess Yuehe's face, and he was shocked at the moment.

"How is it possible?! Moon God's daughter?" Mu Qing's first reaction was not to believe it.

Even if the Moon God really has a daughter, why would he be on the side of Heavenly Court?

"You must be very puzzled?" Princess Yuehe turned around and smiled, her tears were wiped away at some point.

"I am indeed the daughter of the Moon God, but I have lived in the Heavenly Court since I was a child, and the Heavenly Emperor erased my memory. Unfortunately, everyone in the Heavenly Court didn't know that my memory was awakened one day."

She seemed to play with her hair falling on her shoulders carelessly, but Mu Qing felt a sense of hatred and sadness from her.

Carrying the source of all evil, Mu Qing can be said to know more about negative emotions than anyone else. He can be sure that these two emotions do exist in Yuehe.

"Is it true that she said?" Mu Qing was dubious.

"Father had already foreseen everything. He had foreseen the future and knew that the destruction of the Taiyue Palace was destined, but he was not reconciled and planted all kinds of backhands!"

"He knew that his corpse would be used by the heavenly court, so he buried some power in his body. The moment my father's corpse was brought to the heavenly court was when my memory was revived."

"Father also foresaw that one day you will meet me in Buddhism, and that's why he will teach you the Moon God Dream. That's why you only need to motivate the Moon God dream a little, and I will be able to detect it!"

Princess Yuehe finished speaking, staring at Mu Qing's face, "Do you believe it now?"

"Semi-trustful." Mu Qing replied. He didn't easily believe what Princess Yuehe said. After all, subjectively, she was a member of the Heavenly Court.

But if you think about it carefully, if Princess Moon River is really a member of the Heavenly Court, and after discovering her true identity, she can definitely inform the powerful person in the Heavenly Court or Bai Duanhun.

With Bai Duanhun's current great emperor's strength, he could easily kill Mu Qing.

"If it is true, then the Moon God is too terrible, have you predicted everything after his death?"

Mu Qing thought.

"I don't ask you to believe me now. I came to you, mainly because I want to ask you to kill Bai Duanxun as much as possible. He is very important to Heaven!"

Princess Moon River handed Mu Qing a rune, which was a communication rune.

"You can contact me if you have anything. The people on the side of Heavenly Court have no suspicion to me. When meeting in the Three Realms, I will help you and try my best to kill Bai Duanxun!"

Mu Qing was silent for a while, but still accepted the communication rune.

Later, he also inquired some news about Bai Duanxun from Princess Yuehe.

"I believe you for the time being, if it's what you said." Mu Qing looked deeply at Princess Yuehe, the power of the black hole escaped from his eyes, and the whole person twisted into a whirlpool, entered the black hole, and left here.

Princess Yuehe looked at where Mu Qing had left, and she said nothing for a long time, but tears flowed out again.

"Sorry father, I can't reorganize the Taiyue Palace, I just want to avenge you!" The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: https:// Domination txt download address: /down/147180.htmlThe starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this time (the 810th Chapter Three Moon God’s Daughter?) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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