Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 2086: bright eye

"Remember what I said, give Mu Qing the star dimension at the right time. Mu Qing is the opportunity for you to break through. Only in this way can you truly achieve the Dharma body!"


Emperor Xu wanted to ask to understand, but found that Emperor Mu Xing turned and disappeared into the void, as if he had entered a special place, and could no longer detect the breath.


Emperor Xu looked at the stars around him and was a little overwhelmed.

The amount of information in the conversation with Mu Xingdi was too huge and complicated. He took a deep breath and it took a while to digest it properly.

However, he still kept Mu Xingdi's words in his heart.

At the right time, give the star dimension to Mu Qing!

Perhaps, in the future that Mu Xingdi sees, the opportunity for Emperor Xu to break through is still in Mu Qing.

Mysterious space.

A long, immutable silver river flows turbulently. The long river is incomparably huge. Its destination is unknown, the waves splash, and there are countless fragments of future pictures.

Mu Xingdi appeared here. He looked at the vast and majestic time, and there was desire and a hint of madness in his eyes!

Under the influence of demonization, he will have such a desire, but half of it is also his own desire for time power.

At this time, Mu Xingdi was close to the long river of time, and he could feel the attraction and temptation of the long river of time to him.

If the willpower is not firm, I am afraid that it will be directly thrown into the arms of the long river of time, completely demonized and become the slave of time.

Mu Xingdi's eyes turned to the place where the waves were surging again. Every wave splashing represented a possible future.

He fell silent.

According to the original picture of the future, he and Emperor Xu will find a breakthrough opportunity in Mu Qing, and both will break through to the realm of the power of the Dharma body.

But it is precisely because Mu Xingdi has entered the long river of time, which has led to changes in the future, and he has been eroded by the curse of time. Obviously, it is impossible to attack the realm of Dharma Body Power.

Even the Void Emperor, who has long been occupied by an ancient person at the end of the road of the law, can see some future fragments in the long river of time, and find that the Void Emperor still has a weak possibility to break through to the Dharma body!

This is almost unbelievable.

However, Mu Xingdi was unable to see his own future fragments, which also meant that it was absolutely impossible for him to reach the realm of Dharmakaya's almighty power.

There are various signs that his only end is to be completely demonized, become a slave for a long time, and lose all reason.

Mu Xingdi does not want this.

Even if the curse of time brought him great strength, Mu Xingdi would never allow him to become a slave with no reason in the end!

"found it!"

A bright light flashed in Mu Xingdi's eyes.

He captured one of those countless future clips!

This time the picture of the future he saw was much clearer than before, but it was short-lived.

Mu Xingdi can only see a few pictures, one is Emperor Xu standing next to Mu Qing with a complicated face, and the other picture is that Emperor Xu has achieved the power of Dharma Body.

Among the countless future pictures, there are only a few fragments in which the virtual emperor can achieve the Dharma body, indicating that the probability of occurrence is extremely low, or even almost impossible.

And what Mu Xingdi intends to do is to make this future more likely, or even become inevitable!

Mu Xingdi's face was full of determination, and his eyes were full of madness. He resolutely jumped down and entered the long river of time.

"Hahaha! Even if I die, I can't become a slave to any existence!"

The speed of the demonization on Mu Xingdi became faster, and the closer to the long river of time, the stronger the effect of the time curse.

But a fiery spark quickly burned on his body, and a dazzling light burst out!

He is like a star, mercilessly falling into the long river of time!

For the vast and magnificent long river of time, Mu Xingdi fell into it and could not cause any big movement.

However, the ripples that generated spread out, but it spread to the future fragment of the virtual emperor's achievement of the Dharma body!

This only variable has made some changes in the future!

Moon field.

Several months have passed since the end of the special mystery line.

At this time, near the Moon Palace, the sky and the earth were dark, and the bright moon was in the sky.

The powerhouses in the Moon Palace went out to greet them one after another. They knew that it was the Moon Emperor's return!

The Moon Emperor's figure was blurred, always shrouded in a veil that was condensed by a layer of moonlight.

"Lord Moon Emperor, have you found the whereabouts of the dead demon?"

The Moon Snake Saint, who had previously led the team into the special secret realm, stepped forward and asked curiously.

Now, the high-level leaders of the major giants have already known that the Dharma body is now looking for the whereabouts of the man in blood.

"No, our four dharma bodies worked together to track down that guy's whereabouts, but we could only detect the breath, not the specific location."

The Moon Emperor's tone was flat, and although he couldn't see the change in his emotions, it was enough to make the Dharma Body Master search for so long, which was enough to show the importance of this matter.

If the death demon is resurrected, these foreign dharma bodies will definitely not end well, so even if there is a contradiction between the four dharma bodies, they will still choose to join forces on this matter.

However, even if the four dharma bodies join forces, they cannot find the whereabouts of the dead demon.

After a few months of nothing, the Four Great Law Bodies can only give up their search and plan to try other methods.

The vision over the Moon Palace quickly dissipated, and the Moon Emperor stepped into his own world.

The rest of the Holy Maidens and Sons of the Moon Palace looked at each other in dismay. They thought that this matter would soon come to an end. Who would have thought that even the four dharma masters in the world today would not be able to find the whereabouts of the dead demon. .

The many Moon Palace powerhouses present saw the Moon Emperor leave, and continued to talk about some important events that have recently spread in the origin world.

The matter of the death demon is basically known only to the high-level officials of the major forces. It can be said that only the powerhouse of the half-step Dharma body knows one or two, and it has not spread.

The rest of what happened was fueled by the Dark Moon Sect and spread widely throughout the origin world.

Among them, the most hotly debated is naturally Mu Qing of the Black Domain, known as the next Tianjiao powerhouse to suppress an era.

The story of Mu Qing beheading the Golden Dragon King spread, but the specific details were not revealed.

Most people only know that the entire dragon clan wanted Mu Qing, and the Golden Dragon King had indeed fallen.

Moreover, the Dragon Clan also lost two Golden Dragon Kings in one breath, which can be said to be a heavy loss!

The first Golden Dragon King was naturally killed by Mu Qing in a special secret territory.

After the fall of the Golden Dragon King, on the Dragon Domain, the Golden Dragon King will soon be succeeded by another strong man from the Golden Dragon Clan, who will lead the Golden Dragon Clan.

The strength of the newly appointed Golden Dragon King is not bad, and he is also a strong half-step body.

However, the new Golden Dragon King had just assumed the throne, and at that time, the Dark Sky Dharma King happened to know that Mo Zi was seriously injured, and directly broke into the Dragon Domain to discuss the explanation.

The newly appointed Golden Dragon King, before this position was hot, was directly crushed to death by the Dark Sky Dharma King, becoming the fastest fallen dragon king in the history of the dragon clan.

Of course, the Dharma King of the Dark Sky is a powerful Dharma body after all, and is well-known in the origin world. It is not surprising that he can easily kill the newly appointed Golden Dragon King.

But Mu Qing is different. Although most people don't know the specific details, with the affirmation of the Dark Moon Sect, it is certain that Mu Qing killed the Golden Dragon King.

Black Domain Mu Qing suddenly became the focus of many forces, attracted much attention, and suddenly became a man of influence in the origin world.

Some people say that Mu Qing's strength is comparable to that of the inheritors cultivated by the major powers.

in the dark world.

Mu Qing, who had been preparing for several months, finally reached the peak, only to hear a rumbling sound, and rays of light bloomed.

The white brilliance continued to gather and became an eyeball.

Mu Qing looked up at the eighth catastrophe in the sky, and swallowed an elixir into his stomach.

That was the thing he had already prepared to transcend the calamity, Du'e Xuantian Pill!

Suddenly, a special divine power spreads out in Mu Qing's body. With the blessing of this power, his next method can have a significant effect on the catastrophe.

"Eye of Light."

Mu Qing looked at the bright pupil above his head that was staring at him.

The eighth and ninth kalpas of the ruling realm correspond to light and darkness, respectively.

The eighth kalpa is the eye of light, and the ninth kalpa is the eye of darkness.

These are two extremely powerful calamities. As the last two calamities that dominate the realm, they have stopped many powerhouses.

Of course, this is not a big deal for Mu Qing.

After self-evolution, Mu Qing is already a peerless genius, and his strength is far beyond the same realm, so dealing with this eighth calamity is not a problem at all.

It can even be said to be a breeze!

"Let's fight quickly, and by the way, you can also see the power of the Primordial Demon Sword."

Mu Qing looked at this bright eye, and suddenly his mind moved, and he wanted to try the power of the Primordial Demon Sword.

The Primordial Demon Sword can be said to be the most powerful means on his body at present, except of course the dark runes given to him by the Dark Heaven Dharma King.

After the evolution of the light of miracles, the Primordial Demon Sword reached the level of a super holy weapon, and it also nurtured the power of two laws.

This is an incredible thing, the law of the stars corresponds to Mu Qing's power of the starry sky, and this is also the path that Mu Qing intends to take.

The other kind of law, the law of life and death, is strange and mysterious, and Mu Qing does not intend to touch it.

With Mu Qing's current realm dominated by seven tribulations, if he wants to mobilize the super holy weapon of the Primordial Demon Sword, he must pay a great price.

Normally, it is naturally impossible for him to use the Primordial Demon Sword, what's more, just mobilizing the power of the Primordial Demon Sword to condense the power of the Chaos Demon Sword is strong enough.

But now, there is no need to worry about anything. After all, Mu Qing's current position is in the dark world of the Dark Heaven Dharma King.

It can be said to be a completely safe place!

Even if Mu Qing was exhausted in order to motivate the Primordial Demon Sword, there would be no danger to find him here.

Thinking of this, he immediately propped up the immortal starry sky, and saw the Primordial Beginning Demon Sword emerging from the depths of the immortal starry sky.

Mu Qing took a deep breath, and the power of the starry sky in his body surged wildly.

With a solemn expression on his face, he suddenly stretched out his hand and held the Primordial Demon Sword in his hand!


Suddenly, the violent power was vented, the vast starry sky emerged, the ferocious magic light flickered, and the blood-colored lightning danced like a dragon.

In the endless starry sky, there is also a vague shadow, symbolizing the only origin of the heavens and the world!

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