Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1829: Shahe

After figuring out his mission goal, Mu Qing turned his attention to the Starry Sky Book.

Now that he has obtained a better high-level sacred artifact from Qinglian Sword Immortal, Mu Qing did not intend to keep the original highly venomous snake knife, and threw it directly into the starry sky book to feed the starry sky that gave the world's snake power. fire.

Clusters of flames containing starlight burned, and the burning of a high-level sacred instrument made the fire of the starry sky a lot stronger. In the flames of the vast starry sky, the shadow of a giant snake could be faintly seen.

However, if you want to completely improve the ability of the world snake, I am afraid that a lot of resources are still needed, at least a third-level treasure!

"Ink Shadow Dark Axe was a super sacred weapon in its heyday. You can't throw it in. Keep it for now."

Mu Qing scrutinized his treasure.

The hand of 氤氲 and the jewel of the blue sea are both functional sacred artifacts, enough for Mu Qing to use it until he dominates the realm. They are rare good things.

The only sacred artifact used in ordinary times is the Qingze Divine Sword, which is just obtained. This is a high-level sacred artifact. Only the Yuanshi Huanyujing and Holy Physique cultivated by Mu Qing have the vast and boundless energy characteristics, so that it can be so relaxed. Urge.

The Ink Shadow Dark Axe is left for the time being, if it can be repaired to the super holy artifact in the future, it will also be a big killer.

"If you have the opportunity later, you can find a way to find a master craftsman in the royal court to help me refine the Qingze Divine Sword to the top sacred weapon!"

Mu Qing touched his chin with a smile on his face.

He doesn't have much requirements for the type of weapon, swords and spears are all acceptable.

After figuring out the specific content and details of the mandatory mission, Mu Qing did not immediately go to the place called the Devil's Land.

Mu Qing first took out the Qingze Divine Sword in the quiet room, sinking his perception into it.

Qinglian Sword Immortal said that the Qingze Divine Sword contains three magical swordsman powers, and there is a supreme sword intent hidden in it, which can stimulate the swordsman magical powers!

There is no doubt that this supreme sword intent is the Qinglian Sword Immortal.

It didn't take long to realize the magical powers of kendo. After all, Mu Qing didn't need to master it himself. These three magical kendo powers were imprinted on the sword of Qingze.

A week later, Mu Qing walked out of the quiet room, with a movement, the three-foot green peak in his hand turned into a streamer and penetrated into his body.

After this period of time, he has successfully comprehended the three magical kendo powers in the Qingze Excalibur.

They are the first type of flower blooming, the second type of sword-producing lotus, and the third type of Zhan Qingming.

After the thorough rectification, Mu Qing urged the door talisman and locked the node of the position coordinate. Under the huge wheels of the heavens, a silver-white portal appeared in front of him.

Mu Qing entered it and shuttled through the space channel at a very fast speed.

The land of the evil spirit is far away, and it took about three days for Mu Qing to return to the Chaos Universe, but it took five days to travel to the land of the evil spirit this time.


The land of the evil spirit is not a planet or a universe, but it can be compared to half the size of an ordinary universe.

According to rumors, this is a forbidden place that was born under the influence of power when the power of the law body from the death **** was fighting.

This is almost a continent floating in the multiverse. The dome is enveloped by a strong atmosphere of evil spirits, and a blood-colored sun is always hanging high in the sky.

The blood-colored light irradiated the entire Devil's Land, making this place particularly gloomy and weird.

The periphery of the Devil's Land is divided into three major areas, the Devil's River, the Devil's Mountain, and Youzhou.

Both the Shahe River and the Demon Mountain are special territories formed under the erosion of the evil spirits day and night. They have nurtured powerful monsters, and even some powerful men of death **** can use the special nature of this place to create a master class. Scripture.

And Youzhou is a safe place where many foreign powerhouses have worked **** the periphery of the Devil's Land. There are large and small forces, occupying various positions.

After all, there are also a lot of good things in the land of the evil spirits, so many foreign forces simply take root in the outer area and develop and multiply.

Gradually, the area where the various forces gathered formed the present Youzhou.

Youzhou is the safest place outside of the Devil's Land. After all, the original monsters and monsters in this place have long been cleared by all forces.

Shahe River and Demon Mountain are more dangerous. From time to time, there will be a wave of powerful monsters and beasts, but there are also many good things inside.

As for really going deep into the land of evil spirits, it must be a strong person who dominates the realm.

Youzhou, Zishan City.

In a building similar to a restaurant, Mu Qing is in a certain guest room, and in front of him lies a muddled man, whose breath is only at the ordinary supreme level.

According to the information that Mu Qing used to detect the spirit of the gods, this is a family child from the City Lord's Mansion.

At the same time, Mu Qing had a specific understanding of the entire Youzhou, where a powerful master ruled, and a powerful master named Ghost created Tongyou Mansion, which is located in the center of Youzhou.

The city lord's mansion of the major cities in Youzhou was actually formed after the foreign forces that had come here were taken over by the ghosts.

And Mu Qing also got the news he wanted. The Zhang family, who has the blood of humans and demons, is also the city lord's mansion of Demon Light City, located in the westernmost part of Youzhou.

Although there is a ghost master on Zhang Family's head, there are many forces similar to Zhang Family, and that ghost master can't always stare at his subdued forces.

According to the memory picture of the child of the city lord’s mansion, Mu Qing learned that although the ghost dominates all places, Youzhou is under his own rule.

But the ghost master does not interfere too much, and it is common for a city to be destroyed and occupied once in a while, as long as the latecomers can give a certain amount of resources and treasure to the Tongyou Mansion of the ghost master.

"On the far west?"

Mu Qing snapped his fingers, and the unconscious man in front of him had his eyes restored to clarity, but he himself had disappeared and left the place.

The entire Youzhou is also quite huge, but it's not a big deal for Mu Qing. This distance is not only the magic of the door rune or the ability of the world snake, it can be easily surpassed.

All the way to the west, Mu Qing stopped in front of a long black river.

It was said to be a river, but under closer inspection, Mu Qing found that this long river was actually filled with dark gas everywhere. At first glance, it looked like a turbulent river.

"This is the evil spirit?"

Mu Qing stepped forward and observed.

These black gas formed a big river rushing wildly, carrying intense negative energy.

Even Mu Qing can feel a sense of crisis in the dark river in front of him.

The Shahe River was formed by the erosion and influence of the special evil spirit in the Devil Land, and countless terrifying monsters and monsters were bred in it.

The evil river in front of you is actually just one of the countless tributaries of the real evil river!

The ghost dominates the entire Youzhou, but even the opponent, the powerful master, can't eliminate the hidden danger of Shahe.

Normally, if you want to cross the Shahe River, you must be sheltered by the strong, but most people will choose to take a long way.

"It is rumored that the land of the evil spirit was born under the influence of the battle of the great master. This evil spirit should have a slight connection with the power of the law."

Mu Qing was eager to try, he strode out, stepping directly on the billowing black gas, and walked towards the other side.

The violent evil spirit formed a river, and waves rolled towards Mu Qing, seeming to pull him into the evil river, polluting and assimilating him thoroughly!

Mu Qing was unmoved, his body burst into starlight, and the darkness appeared all over his body, and the vast starry sky rolled out.

The scriptures that the ordinary dominates, corresponding to the imaginary universe derived from it, cannot bless the power, and can only be seen.

However, Mu Qing, the illusory universe named Immortal Starry Sky, has a hint of magic. Although he hasn't broken through to dominate, he already possesses some Dharmakaya characteristics.

The immortal starry sky, which is an illusory universe, appeared behind Mu Qing. Among the densely dazzling lines of stars, two stars were the most dazzling, one red and one blazing white.

These two stars are derived from Mu Qing with two avenues. After being integrated into the illusory universe of the immortal starry sky, the illusory universe has a touch of charm and becomes special.

The power of destruction and the power of creation enveloped Mu Qing. He was like a **** walking on the ground, with two stars of destruction and creation above his head.

The immortal starry sky is dotted with golden light, and the illusory universe is like a robe, draped on the body, revealing the vast galaxy and the deep universe.

Above the Sha River, a huge ship was moving forward amidst the turbulence as it was scouring and rolling in evil spirits.

Being able to travel with a boat in the Shahe River is enough to show that the people on this boat are unusual and have a deep background.

On the boat, a young man holding a feather fan was slightly pale, but in front of his friend next to him, he still pretended to be calm.

Brother Gongzi barely showed a slight smile, pretending not to panic, and said: "We have traded between Zishan City and Magic Light City many times. This scene is naturally not a problem. In fact, Shahe is a very suitable place to sharpen itself. , I used to fight monsters with my father in the Shahe River."

Even so, he pretended to be calm, but his calf was already trembling.

The black evil spirit in the tributary of the Sha River not only breeds monsters and monsters, but the most important thing is that it will permeate a horrible atmosphere, causing all creatures close to it to feel fearful.

"Wang Ziyuan, can't we make a detour to the Magic Light City?"

The lips of a young man next to him trembled. He was even more unbearable than the other person. He was already half lying on the deck, clutching the mast next to him with both hands.

"No way, the Purple Light City and the Devil Light City are completely separated by this tributary of the Shahe River. Even if the space is shifted, there is no way to cross it, and there is no way to detour. You can only honestly follow the Shahe River road. ."

Wang Ziyuan explained with a wry smile.

"Wang... Brother Wang, shall we not encounter the monsters bred by Shahe?"

On the other side, there was a woman with a pale face, wearing a pale yellow dress, her delicate and white features were full of anxiety, her eyebrows were tightly furrowed, and Shu Lingling's big eyes revealed a hint of fear.

She looked so pitiful, people couldn't help but want to protect.

"Sister Hua, don't worry!" Wang Ziyuan coughed slightly. In front of the other party, he felt that he was not so scared. He patted his chest and said: "With the powerhouse of my king, even if the monster of Shahe appears, It is impossible to endanger us!"The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: /147180.htmlThe starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Domination txt download address: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1829 Shahe), and open the bookshelf next time. To! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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