Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1824: Lei Xiao Palace, Zhang Zhen!

"The Tianjiao list is about to begin!"

Suddenly, An Shaomu spoke. He faced the void in front of him a little bit, ripples appeared, and a light curtain emerged, and the picture that appeared on it was just under the clouds of the world of Azure Palace.

Below the Azure Palace, representatives of many forces or members of the royal court have arrived and been assigned to various areas.

"The super forces have been introduced into the Azure Palace by the elders, and they are all in a secret space similar to ours, observing the scene outside."

"And the others are gathered below, ready to participate in the Tianjiao list."

An Shaomu explained to everyone.

During the jokes, Mu Qing learned that it was not the first time that the Tianjiao List was conducted by superpowers in turn.

This time it was the turn of the Azure Palace, and Qinglian Sword Immortal directly took out the high-level sacred artifacts as the first prize!

Undoubtedly, this is something that the usual Tianjiao ranking competition did not have, and it attracted many members of the royal court to participate.

You know, the entire Life King Court is very large, and it is not only the members of the super forces that can appear the ultimate supreme, some of the King Court members who have never joined the forces will also have!

Of course, if you want to get a high-level sacred weapon, you must win the first place. More members of the royal court are actually watching the excitement.

The original Tianjiao ranking first was actually the evildoer-level ultimate supreme in the original royal court, Wu Xuanyi from Guiyuan City!

Wu Xuanyi was at a critical moment because of his impact on the realm of dominance, so he couldn't participate in the three formidables, and his first ranking also disappeared from the Tianjiao list.

The lack of the first place in the Tianjiao list naturally had to be filled by someone, and it was supposed to be the original second place's Jianxin Mark.

But by the way, Jian Xinhen also went to attack the realm of dominance.

The original Tianjiao ranked first and second were temporarily retired, and logically speaking, the third place should be topped by Yueyin.

However, considering that Mu Qing and other ultimate supreme appeared in the new generation this time, he simply vacated the position of the first place and rewarded it with the high sacred artifacts, letting many Tianjiao fight for it.

As long as it is the ultimate supreme, regardless of the original ranking, you can directly grab the first place. If no one fights again for a period of time, the first ownership is settled!

At this time, Mu Qing and others saw a figure from the light curtain.

In the picture, above the Sky Blue Palace, a misty figure came slowly, and everyone present, including the many forces gathered under the Sky Blue Palace and members of the royal court, looked up.

There was no way to see the appearance clearly, only the dense sword air could be seen vertically and horizontally, like a lotus blossoming open, the figure wearing a qingyi, walking slowly.

At this moment, an idea emerged in everyone's mind.

The magic body is powerful, Qinglian Sword Immortal is here!

I saw the cyan figure surpassing everyone, slowly protruding out the slender palm, an illusory ancient sword emerged, then turned into a sword light and rushed out, falling into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a space was opened up, and there was another level of space, where the mountains and rivers were picturesque, the heavens and the earth evolving, the rivers rushing, and endless life.

In the blink of an eye, a small world was opened up!

This is the mighty power of the Great Lord, the power of the Law Bodies who has clearly understood the principles of the Fa!

Even if everyone is outside, they can see the scene in that small world, which is conducive to others to observe the battle.

At the same time, Qinglian Sword Immortal snapped his fingers, and the illusory ancient sword flew away and fell into that small world.

The illusory ancient sword sits in it, with invisible fluctuations covering all.

"That is Master's End of the World Sword, a super sacred tool belonging to the fourth-level supreme treasure, possessing supreme magic."

"If the Tianya Sword sits in that small world, the aftermath of your battles will be affected by the Tianya Sword. Every inch of land and things that cannot be touched in the small world will be wiped out."

An Shaomu introduced to everyone.

Tianya Sword guards the small world and protects everything in it from being destroyed by any force!

Soon, Qinglian Sword Immortal turned and left, and the appearance of his magic body power was already the greatest face for the Tianjiao ranking.

A white-haired old man walked out of the Azure Palace. He was the elder of the Azure Palace. With a smile on his face, he said loudly: "Tianjiao ranking is open! As long as the Tianjiao ranking is famous, you can challenge it!"

As soon as the voice fell, he waved his hand and took out a list of clear lights, branded in the sky, so that everyone could see it.

The battle that is starting now is between the eleventh and the hundredth place, most of which are competitions between the second-order supreme, and the victor occupies a higher number of places.

For this level of battle, Mu Qing and others in the secret space didn't pay much attention.

Wu Sheng did not give up any opportunity, lobbying Tianzang and Mu Qing and others, in order to draw them into the gates of heaven.

It was An Shaomu, he was watching the battle in that small world.

Mu Qing glanced, and found that two figures were fighting. There was an acquaintance who was exactly Shi Yan!

Some unexpected glances at An Shaomu, it seems that the relationship between the two is not simple.

Soon, the battle below ended, Shi Yan won and ranked sixteenth on the list of Tianjiao.

Shi Yan's strength itself is not ordinary, he is regarded as a master and sister-like figure in the gate of time and space, and he has been tempered in the ratio of three powers.

If An Shaomu didn't get the chance of the Heavenly King's heart, his strength would be about the same as Shi Yan.

The competition of the Tianjiao List lasted for a day and then ended, and the focus of everyone's attention was on the top ten competitions of the Tianjiao List, but it was clear that the Azure Palace put it on the finale.

Next is An Shaomu's teacher apprenticeship and the ceremony for the last personal disciple to become the elder of the Azure Palace.

The figure of Qinglian Sword Immortal reappeared, making many members of the royal court excited. After all, this is a rare opportunity to be able to see the powerful figure of the Law Body!

After all, in the entire royal court, there are only ten powerful dharmakayas, and eleven if you count the hidden Crane Palm Sect.

An Shaomu bid farewell to everyone and left the secret space to participate in the apprenticeship ceremony.

At this time, Wu Sheng was curious about everyone's progress and asked.

"I'm already trying to break through the realm of dominance. Although the power to dominate the sacred object is consumed to condense the Eucharist, after the Giant Spirit King accepted me as a disciple, he gave me a more suitable dominating sacred object."

A smile appeared on Tianzang's face. After he became a personal disciple of the Giant Spirit King, he was treated fairly well.

"I guess it won't take too long before I can reach the realm of dominance!" Tianzang smiled.

Other ultimate sires joined the super powers, and they did not receive this kind of treatment. After all, there are many members of the super powers, and the personal disciple of the Giant Spirit King is only Tianzang.

Not only are there one-to-one teaching and guidance, but only Tianzang can enjoy the various benefits.

Wu Sheng and others all looked at Tianzang more enviously. Although they were all working towards the realm of dominance, it would take a long time.

However, the ultimate supreme will definitely be able to break through to the realm of dominance in the future, and in the process of reaching the ultimate supreme, it actually broke through most of the barriers of the dominance realm.

After that, it only takes time to accumulate.

Wu Sheng also sighed that after Tianzang was accepted as a direct disciple by the Giant Spirit King, his life would be much better than them.

Immediately afterwards, everyone exchanged information about the understanding and structure of the dominant scriptures.

The few present here are all ultimate supreme. After the three-strength ratio ended, they all began to try to break through the realm of dominance, accumulate themselves and create scriptures.

Everyone is a Tianjiao-level figure, and after some exchanges, a lot of benefits have been gained.

What made Mu Qing even more surprised was that among the few people present, only his own self-created Yuanshi Huanyu Sutra reached the realm of Dacheng, but it was not as good as Yueyin in terms of understanding of dominating scriptures.

Yueyin is obviously still in a state of accumulation, and the scriptures he cultivates are still the Great Dominant-level scriptures of the Moon Spirit Palace, not a self-created scripture.

As a result, Yue Yin's level of understanding was higher than Mu Qing's, and he talked about it, giving everyone a sense of openness.

Mu Qing has also benefited a lot, and even he has a hunch at this moment that as long as he is willing, he can break through to the realm of dominance with the Yuanshi Huanyu Jing of the Dacheng realm!

However, he believes that his Yuanshi Huanyu Sutra is not perfect enough, or even just a preliminary form, and intends to make a breakthrough with a more complete Yuanshi Huanyu Sutra.

After most of the day passed, An Shaomu's apprenticeship ceremony and the ceremony of the last Qinglian Sword Fairy disciple's promotion to elder ended, and An Shaomu returned to this independent space.

Outside, an elder in the Tianqing Temple announced that the competition for the top of the Tianjiao list was open, and any ultimate supreme could stand up. As long as no one challenges him, he can get the first prize, a high sacred artifact!

For the first time, Wu Sheng rushed out, smiled and stepped into that small world, located under the Tianya Sword.

The Heaven Gate he created has just begun. If he could obtain this high-level sacred artifact, it would naturally be the best.

Soon, a figure stepped forward and entered the small world, hanging in the air opposite Wu Sheng.

"Then Zhang Zhen of Leixiao Palace!"

"It is rumored that he once went out to experience chance encounters, and obtained a cluster of supreme tribulations, which fits himself and possesses the strength of the ultimate supreme!"

"Now I have created my own scriptures and are on the road of breaking through the dominance!"

Soon someone recognized the identity of the challenger, who came from the Thunder Palace, who was also a super power, and was named Zhang Zhen.

Zhang Zhen has a prominent reputation in the royal court. Recently, because he is busy breaking through the realm of dominance, he has rarely appeared.

Nowadays, appearing in order to compete for the first place in the ranking of Tianjiao, I am afraid that it is not entirely for the high-level sacred artifacts, but for the increase of accumulation through battle, and as soon as possible to attack the realm of dominance!

For the ultimate supreme, breaking through to the realm of dominance is a sure thing.

The only difference is time.

The ultimate supreme Tianjiao, even if he doesn't do anything, he keeps practicing in retreat, and one day he will break through to the master.

However, if you can continue to accumulate yourself, you can greatly advance this point in time.

You can accumulate yourself in battle, and you can also observe other people's scriptures!

Even the treasures with corresponding attributes can increase their accumulation and speed up the progress of perfecting the scriptures.

Zhang Zhen was suave, dressed in a luxurious purple shirt, with a thunder mark engraved on his brow and a pair of **** thunder wings on his back.

"Lei Xiao Palace, Zhang Zhen!"

Zhang Zhen faintly smiled, clasping his fists in his hands, and the **** thunder wings behind him flicked, revealing one after another thunder world.

"Zhutianmen, Wu Sheng!"

Wu Sheng laughed, strode out, and endless fluctuations of space emerged.

The power of the terrifying space gathered between his hands, forming a dark crack, like an invisible huge mouth from the abyss, swallowing all the light.

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