Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1813: Behind the Cthulhu

Mu Qing looked at the silver seed in front of him in surprise. He couldn't imagine that Wu Xuanji, who was far away at the gate of time and space, passed the secret method seeds imprinted with the sealing method almost in an instant!

You know, the magic of his use of the door rune and the power of communicating the vast space of the heavenly wheels also takes a certain amount of time to shuttle from the gate of time and space to the chaotic universe.

The face of these methods, can only say one thing, worthy of the power of the law body, the power who dominates the realm!

Distance does not seem to be a problem for this type of powerhouse.

If it weren't for Wu Xuanji to search for clues to the origin world, he would have descended into the chaotic universe in the blink of an eye, bringing him and Mingxuan to the gate of time and space!

"This is the secret seed of the sealing method. It is not difficult to practice. It mainly depends on the understanding of time." Mu Qing handed the silver-white seed to Mingxuan and explained.

Some precious magical powers and secret methods in the King of Life are presented in the form of magical power seeds and secret methods seeds, mainly for convenience and to accelerate understanding. Of course, the situation of private transmission can also be avoided to the first degree.

For example, after the magical power seeds and secret method seeds condensed by the power of the law body are given to the disciples or members of the sect, it is useless even if some outsiders try to seize them by some soul-searching methods.

Mingxuan collected the seeds of the sealing method between his eyebrows, then looked at Mu Qing, and said: "When I seal the power of curse, I will work together to deal with the emperor. Before that, I still don't stun the snake."

Mu Qing nodded, he had the same idea, and he just waited directly next to Mingxuan, and the news of his return was only known to the Supreme Nirvana and the Supreme Jianxin, and the Emperor of Heaven must have not noticed it!

Anyway, Mingxuan's understanding of time is much deeper than him, and it is estimated that it will not take much time to complete the sealing method and restore combat effectiveness.

In the process of cultivating the sealing method, Mu Qing immersed his mind into a dominance-level scripture. After all, the stone of the mountain can be used to attack jade. If he wants to create a dominion-level scripture, he has to do more accumulation. .

The most familiar nature is the Sun Sutra. After raising it to the perfect state through the Star Book, Mu Qing's understanding and perception of the Sun Sutra is no less than that of the sun.

The other party's Sun Sutra is centered on itself, evolving into a supreme **** sun, absorbing the power of yang to strong, forming an illusory big sun universe.

The birth of each dominating scripture will correspond to the formation of an illusory universe. The founder has the supreme power in his illusory universe. Everyone who practices his scriptures will actually be affected by the illusion universe.

If an enemy cultivates his own dominance-level scripture, then a single thought can make the opponent's perception and understanding collapse, and his cultivation base will fall.

Therefore, when choosing the scriptures for cultivation among the Kings of Life, they will always choose scriptures from their elders or forces, or scriptures whose founders have fallen.

Some dominating scriptures of unknown origin cannot be understood, otherwise everything will be exposed to the founder's eyes.

Mu Qing is an exception. Although he practices the Sun Sutra, he has a star book to help cover him. Normally, the sun dominates and he can't perceive Mu Qing's existence at all.

Even at the last moment, when he was about to break through to Consummation, Mu Qing's consciousness entered the illusory universe, with the number of Hengsha, facing the will of the sun, but still with the help of the power of the star book, forcibly promoted to Perfect state.

To do this, it all depends on the extraordinaryness of Star Book!

"My master-level scriptures may directly correspond to the stars in the sky, with vastness as the mainstay, and gradually outline a starry universe." Mu Qing touched his chin.

He referred to various scriptures along the way. Of course, he paid more attention to studying the Eternal Life Sutra, which is the most advanced scripture. It is correct to use the Eternal Life Sutra as a reference standard.

Suddenly, Mu Qing's gaze fell on the evil nerves. He suddenly remembered that every time he summoned the Evil God phantom, it was a frontal destructive aspect. In fact, his own Evil God phantom had two sides, the back side. Always blurry and can't see clearly.

Now Mu Qing is already standing outside the door of the dominance realm, his strength is no longer low, his vision is extraordinary, even if he intends to study it.

He urged the evil nerves and summoned the phantom of the evil **** that belonged to him. The hideous face appeared behind him, letting out an aura of destruction.

Mu Qing's eyes were deep and gloomy, containing endless starry sky, and looked behind the evil **** phantom.

This time, the blurred face gradually became clear, and he saw a familiar face, exactly the same as himself!

"It's me? No!" Mu Qing's eyes condensed, and he immediately reacted, "It's the pale devil!"

Why does the pale demon **** appear on the back of the evil **** phantom?

Moreover, compared with the frontal destructive aspect, the pale demon **** on the back looks flat, even with a hint of compassion, and the breath that escapes carries a special power. It is the breath of restoration and healing of all things, and the power of resurrection!

Mu Qing's heart trembled. Looking back at this time, the evil spirits condensed from the evil spirits were modeled on themselves, and his path of destruction corresponds to the positive evil spirits of destruction.

And because of the connection between him and the pale demon god, the part of the pale demon god's power became the back side of the evil **** phantom.

After learning about the Laotian Emperor and the Pale Demon God from Mingxuan, Mu Qing understood at this time that the Supreme Avenue of the Pale Demon God was the Avenue of Creation and opposed his own Avenue of Destruction.

Now, the pale demon **** uses the improved reincarnation secret method, abandons all power and reincarnates again, then the power and potential of the creation avenue will naturally be transferred to Mu Qing.

"It's no wonder that the back of the Cthulhu phantom was always fuzzy before, because at that time this part of the power belonged to the pale demon god, but now that the pale demon is reincarnated, this part of the power appears on the back of the evil **** phantom?"

Mu Qing looked at the Evil God phantom in front of him, and he could feel that the power of creation contained on the back of the Evil God was full of vitality.

This power is a bit similar to the vitality born in the Eternal Life Sutra, and even in Mu Qing's sight, there is an amazing life energy hidden on the back of the Cthulhu phantom.

"It seems that the evil nerve needs to be raised to the perfect state." Mu Qing thought, so he acted immediately, using the ability of the Star Book to directly promote the evil nerve!

With Mu Qing's current strength, he was able to fully grasp the scriptural power of the Consummation Realm.

And the phantom of the evil **** in front of him was condensed at an extremely fast speed. On both sides, there were two extreme powers, exuding the aura of destruction and creation.

The frontal destruction is extremely cruel, maddening, and desiring to destroy everything and all sentient beings.

The Genesis on the back is compassionate and compassionate, exuding a soft white light, and it contains a lot of vitality.

Suddenly, Mu Qing reached out, the power of the surging starry sky gathered, and the dazzling star lines intertwined, forming a big hand into the back of the double-faced evil god.

The destructive aspect on the front comes from his own power, but what about the back? The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this reading (behind the Cthulhu in Chapter 1813), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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