Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1810: Heart of the universe

Mo Shan smiled, and then his mind moved, a portal appeared, and Mu Qing walked in.

On the other side of the door, the world is full of emerald green, mountains and clear waters, bushes and jungles, and in the center is a huge palace.

This seems to be a space specially created by Mo Shan for living.

"After becoming an elder, Wuzhang Church has specially opened up a world for the elders to live in, which is considered a kind of welfare and has many benefits."

"Of course, in order to sharpen myself, I did not let Master Wu personally open up the world, but created it myself, but the strength is not enough. The size of this world is less than half the size of other parents, and it has not been able to give birth to birth."

Mo Shan introduced with a smile.

Mu Qing nodded thoughtfully. He cultivated the Eternal Life Sutra and was most sensitive to vital forces. Naturally, he felt that this small world had no creatures, let alone beasts, not even bugs.

What made him more puzzled was that there was no life tree demon here, but he didn't care, maybe Mo Shan didn't like to let the life tree demon serve his daily life.

Immediately, Mu Qing's gaze condensed in one direction. On the top of a mountain, there was a high tower, which could be thousands of meters high, and the violent spatial fluctuations shrouded it, swallowing all the surrounding light.

Just visual inspection, I am afraid it is more than seven kilometers!

Now Mu Qing has a good understanding of the realm of dominance, not to mention that he has experienced the battle of the three formidables. He is quite clear that the 7,000-meter white tower is the holy tower of Mo Shan!

The holy tower can only be built on the basis of the core of the rules after experiencing nine times of cosmic catastrophes and becoming the ruler of the nine catastrophes.

This shows that Mo Shan is already the ruler of the Nine Tribulations and has reached the peak of the dominance state. After building the holy tower, he should be comprehending the laws of the universe and advancing towards the great dominance state.

Moreover, just looking at the holy tower, it is much more magnificent than that of Sea King!

Mo Shan didn’t care. He saw Mu Qing looking at his holy tower, and explained: “The super-power’s elder’s house can basically only be the ruler of the Nine Tribulations, and the head of the elder’s house is a half-step Dharma body. The incorporeal body has been condensed."

"Incorporeal?" Mu Qing was taken aback.

"With the understanding of the power of the law, the holy tower is built higher and higher. When it reaches the 10,000-meter holy tower, it is the time when the power of the law is completely captured. Then, the power generated by the shattering of the holy tower will be used to grasp the multiverse One of the laws of the world, integrate into oneself."

"The complete integration of the law with the physical body is the true power of the law body, knowing the principles of all things, but in the process of law fusion, there are many dangers and a long time, and only an illusory shadow of the law body can be formed."

"Therefore, above the Nine Tribulations Lord, there is an extra half-step Dharma Body realm, that is, the shattering of the holy tower, capturing the power of a law, and condensing the incorporeal power."

"When the virtual body jumps into the body and transforms into reality, that is the real power of the Law Bodies."

Mo Shan seemed to be in a pretty good mood, and told Mu Qing some realm information.

"No matter, these are still far away from you, or to get back to business, what do you want to appraise? This is my small world, which will not be known to outsiders." Mo Shan remembered the purpose of bringing Mu Qing over.

Mu Qing took out four things, wrapped them with the power of the stars, and suspended them in mid-air.

He didn't conceal anything, and said straightforwardly: "Elder Mo, this is the treasure I got from the three-strength ratio. It comes from the treasure house of Aquaman, but he doesn't know the specific effect."

"Aquaman? I remember that was a master of the Nine Tribulations." Mo Shan nodded, not too surprised.

He first set his eyes on the three bottles of pills.

Mo Shan stretched out his hand, first grabbed a bottle of pill, and after unplugging the stopper, a thunder light burst out from the mouth of the white as jade bottle.

The thunder light swallowed and quickly evolved into a thunder pond. In the middle of the thunder pond, there was a mysterious willow tree with purple-gold patterns swaying, rooting in the thunder pond, absorbing the power of thunder and lightning.

"This is the Thunder Pill of Zijin Town!" Mo Shan is worthy of being the pinnacle powerhouse of the Nine Tribulations. After looking at the vision, he said the name of this bottle of pill.

He introduced: "After you break through to the realm of dominance, you need to face nine catastrophes. The initial five-element catastrophe can basically be resisted by yourself, but the subsequent cosmic catastrophe will be difficult and you need a certain amount of auxiliary treasure."

"There are many third-level treasures that can be used to resist catastrophes, and this Zijin Town Thunder Pill is one of them, corresponding to the thunder catastrophe of the seventh calamity."

"In the realm of dominance, there are two main ways to fight catastrophe. One is to rely on powerful sacred artifacts to resist, but most of the sacred artifacts will be worn out or destroyed, and the other is all kinds of divine pills and elixir."

Considering that Mu Qing is not still in charge of the realm, he said a few more words.

Afterwards, Mo Shan sealed the white jade bottle of Leidan in Zijin Town and returned it to Mu Qing, and the detective fetched a bottle of pill next to it.

This bottle of pill, the mouth of the bottle was dark and deep, and the hole appeared, as if to swallow all the light.

"Crossing Essence Heaven Pill, corresponding to the light calamity of the eighth calamity." Mo Shan recognized it at a glance, re-sealed it, and returned it to Mu Qing.

Afterwards, he fetched the last bottle of pill. This time the mouth of the bottle burst out with immense light, and the extremely bright light waves rolled up.

"Daylight Promise Pill, which corresponds to the dark catastrophe of the ninth catastrophe."

Mo Shan still confided the message of the bottle of pill immediately, and then smiled at Mu Qing slightly, saying: "When I was facing the dark catastrophe, I also used this Daylight Promise Pill, but I spent a lot of good things in exchange for it. Here, you are lucky this time."

This also means that Mu Qing will break through to the realm of dominance in the future. When facing the seventh, eighth, and ninth catastrophes, he doesn’t need other preparations and can directly swallow the **** pill in these three bottles of medicine. Promotion!

Mu Qing showed joy on his face, put away three bottles of pill, and then with a trace of doubt on his face, he asked, "What about this stone?"

The last treasure is an irregularly shaped stone, black in color, extremely hard, with an inexplicable suction force, as if to swallow everything.

Since it can be placed in the treasure house by the sea king, alongside a group of holy artifacts and divine pills, it must be a good thing to reach the third-level treasure.


Mo Shan showed a look of surprise, his brow furrowed slightly, and he took the irregular black stone and looked at it carefully.

After a while, he showed a look of surprise, and said, "I didn't expect that Sea King still has such a collection. This should be the heart of the universe!"

"It is rumored that the universe is in a period of exhaustion, and when it is going to be destroyed, a rare material will be born. If it is matched with some auxiliary materials, I am afraid that it will be able to refine the top sacred artifact!"

Mo Shan smiled at Mu Qing and said: "You are really lucky, you know that it is difficult for most masters to get a top sacred artifact, even I spent a lot of effort to gather enough materials, and then paid the price. Ask someone to refine a top sacred artifact."

Mu Qing opened his mouth slightly, also showing a look of surprise.

Unexpectedly, this inconspicuous stone is so big, it is the main ingredient for refining top sacred artifacts! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Collection\" below to record this (Chapter 1810 Heart of the Universe) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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