Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1789: The Majesty of Higher Sacred Artifacts

Two golden lights occupy the firmament of the third realm, and the clouds are dyed golden and shining.

"So that's it, using some kind of secret method, at the cost of consuming the entire sovereign holy relic, let it turn into a force to protect you."

Shen Mietian's eyes were flat, he glanced at Mu Qing's injury and recovered at an extremely fast speed, and understood Mu Qing's confidence.

But in his opinion, it still doesn't help.

At best, the opponent can only stop him for a while. He doesn't believe that the speed of recovery alone can be dragged on forever.

After all, in the eyes of Shen Mietian, Mu Qing can only be regarded as a character who has just entered the ultimate supreme after all, and it is far from the ultimate supreme of the enchanting level.


Shen Mietian punched again, the heaven and the earth changed color, the vast golden light shrouded, and the kingdom of God was overwhelming, suppressed, and countless gods were worshiping.

He turned into the king of the gods, and his supreme aura was revealed that no one could compare.

At the same time, the ancient mirror of the gods above Shen Mietian's head flashed, and a mysterious light emerged, showing three colors, brushing towards Mu Qing.

The fist of the king of the gods and the ancient mirror of the gods, which represent the divine way cultivation system and the scripture cultivation system, respectively, have reached the level of ultimate supremacy!

Mu Qing felt the tremendous pressure, and the golden fist approached, as if the sky was falling!

The breath of terror filled every inch of the surrounding space, and the pressure enveloped Mu Qing, causing his body to creak and cracks, as if it was about to explode in the next moment.

However, the poisonous cloud above his head flowed down in time with purple-black gas, repairing and healing his wounds at an astonishing speed.

Mu Qing's face was solemn, and he didn't dare to underestimate him. The light of the sun all over his body bloomed and opened a vast starry sky. The Supreme God Sun sat in the center, the suns condensed and the dense fire souls rushed out!

Three thousand big suns surround Mu Qing, and each sun is a burial ground for fire souls, where countless flame spirits born in the sun are buried.

The huge fire souls rushed towards the gods and the heavens.

However, Shen Mietian has almost become the King of Gods, surrounded by a golden kingdom of God, and that punch covers the sky and the earth, as if a heavy golden sky is crushed down!

In the wailing and screaming, a head of fire soul was annihilated, and the king fist was unstoppable, and continued to blast towards Mu Qing's deity.

A look of vigilance appeared in Mu Qing's eyes, and as his thoughts turned, the three thousand suns around him rushed away one after another.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sun was smashed one by one, and the fist that represented the king of gods showed an invincible posture with a force of destruction!

Mu Qing was quite calm, there was no fear in his deep eyes, and Gu Jing was waveless.

He challenged Shen Mietian to bring enough pressure to himself, and if he avoided it, it would have no effect.

Therefore, you must fight head-on with Shenmietian before you can get the intense stimulation brought by the oppression.

Of course, Mu Qing needs to weaken the power and might of God Mietian as much as possible, otherwise he would be killed directly by a single blow, and even if he had the power to dominate the holy thing, he would not be able to protect him.

Three thousand suns shattered one after another, but the power of the fist of the gods gradually decreased.

Mu Qing's face was heavy, he gave a low shout, replaced the knife with his palm, cut out the burning sun blade, and a thin golden thread blasted away in an endless stream.


The huge buzzing sound exploded, and the power of horror was poured out on Mu Qing, the body was split in large areas, and the blood of the sparkling stars was flowing.

In fact, it can't be regarded as blood anymore, because after cultivating the cosmic body, Mu Qing began to transform his body into the structure of the universe.

In fact, his body has no flesh and bones anymore. When he moves his mind, his entire physical body will turn into a starry sky, almost like the universe.

Mu Qing was blown away by tens of thousands of feet to dissolve the terrible power. The injury was not light, and the poisonous cloud above his head immediately swayed purple and black power to heal the wound.

On the other hand, the **** extinguished the sky, the whole body of the **** kingdom was golden inch by inch, and the figures of the gods gathered, there was illusory and sacred, and the magnificent dynasty could be vaguely seen.

Mu Qing didn't have a plan to breathe, the power of the starry sky burst out of his body, and he sacrificed a mysterious snake with wisps of regular power.

He grabbed it, and Shekou swallowed a slender, white blade, lingering in the poisonous mist.

This is a high sacred artifact!

The ultimate supreme can only activate medium sacred artifacts at most, but the enchanting level similar to Shenmietian should be able to activate high sacred artifacts.

And Mu Qing is currently not the ultimate supreme of the enchanting rank, but the energy reserve in his body is much more than that of the masters, so he can barely urge him.

Holding the venomous snake knife, Mu Qing's eyes flashed brightly, and he suddenly turned and cut into the void.

I saw there, a three-color divine light brushed silently, containing weird power, capable of strangling everything!

Mu Qing was most afraid of the ancient mirror of the gods above Shen Mietian's head, so he was always on guard.

His body is already crumbling, and his previous injuries have not fully recovered. Now he is forcibly urging the higher sacred artifacts, which brings a huge load.

But at this moment, the power of the rules on the snake knife is lingering, and the extremely bright snow-white knife light bursts out, as if there is only this light left in the entire world, smashing the world!

The light of the knife swallowed, like a big snow-white snake moving around, biting the three-color light in one bite.


The tri-color light that can strangle everything is shattered by a single blow of the knife light.

Mu Qing held his breath, his eyes were low, and the whole body was gloomy, the shining star lines were intertwined, and the mysterious symbols were mixed up and down.

The power of the starry sky in his body was consumed frantically, and it was cut out with a single blow!

The bright snow-white blade light slid across, and the sky dimmed again. There was only this light in the world.

Shen Mietian's eyes condensed, and the ancient mirrors of the gods on top of his head trembled lightly, and the three-color light gushing out, surrounding his own kingdom of God.

The ancient mirror of the gods, capable of offensive and defensive, accommodates the power of faith of countless gods!

The bright blade light turned into a snow-white serpent, opened its terrifying fangs, gritted its teeth fiercely, and the tri-color light shattered.

In the entanglement of the three-color divine light and the bright blade light, the kingdom of Shenmietian began to tremble, and the magnificent sacred dynasty began to shake. The figure of a famous deity gathered together to worship the king of the gods and gave his strength to resist Knife light.

Immediately afterwards, the divine light skyrocketed, and a huge voice of prayer came from the kingdom of God. Shen Mietian received a lot of power blessings. He reached out his big hand, wrapped the three-color divine light, and crushed the blade of light!

"Higher Sacred Artifacts!"

Shen Mietian's face finally moved.

He looked at Mu Qing and saw that the opponent's body was broken, but with the help of the poison cloud above his head, he quickly recovered, and his breath immediately improved.

What made him even more unexpected was that Mu Qing not only had a high-level sacred artifact, he could barely urge it!

Higher sacred artifacts are things that many masters don't necessarily own, and they are extremely valuable. At the same time, some powerful people who are in and out of the master realm will be very difficult to move.

The ultimate supreme of the evildoer level is very reluctant to urge it, and it will consume all of its power.

There is no doubt that even if Mu Qing can't exert the full power of the higher sacred artifacts, he can still raise his own power to the level of evildoers.

Shen Mietian began to pay attention!

At the same time, his brows were frowning, and a doubt lingered in his heart.

Why does Mu Qing seem to have spare capacity?

Even he himself, forcibly urging the higher sacred artifacts, can at most display a blow, and then it will consume all of his power.

And Mu Qing cut out two knives one after another, and he hadn't collapsed yet, obviously there was still power remaining.

Just thinking about it, Shen Mietian's face suddenly changed, a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and a jet of black poison slowly escaped from the pores on his body!

When? !

Shen Mietian was shocked, his mouth and nose leaked blood, and his body was stiff, so he didn't know when he was poisoned.

When Mu Qing in the distance saw this, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The main power of the poisonous snake knife lies in its poison!

When this poison is activated, it will turn into an invisible poison and invade the opponent's body.

Even if Shen Mietian smashed that blade of light, the invisible poison still invaded unconsciously, causing harm.

At this time, Mu Qing didn't have time to take care of the situation of the poisoned Shen Mietian, he was seriously injured now!

He had to sigh with emotion, the enchanting rank and the ordinary ultimate supreme were completely two worlds.

After fighting against Shen Mietian several times, the opponent didn't have any fart, but he was not injured lightly, and finally relying on the power of the higher saints to hurt Shen Mietian.

Of course, the use of high-level sacred artifacts for strong action also caused a strong load on himself, and his severe injuries were largely due to this.

But Mu Qing was eager to do this, the heavier the injury, the stronger the sense of oppression, the more stimulation he received!

As long as it is not killed all at once, it can be recovered by the power of dominating the sacred object.

The poisonous cloud above his head always enveloped Mu Qing, continuously providing strength.

One thing that surprised Mu Qing was that while the poisonous cloud power recovered his injury, it also allocated a small part of the power to restore his starry sky power.

Mu Qing has the power of the eight realms of the starry sky. It is vast and boundless. Forcibly urging the higher holy artifacts to consume most of it at once, but within a few breaths of time, relying on his own terrifying recovery speed and the power to dominate the holy artifacts, they all recovered come!

This gave Mu Qing no worries.

"The gods worship!"

Shen Mietian had already suppressed the invisible poison in his body at this time, and a golden light of debut appeared in his eyes, and he suddenly punched.

Shenxia was overwhelming, and the many gods in the kingdom of gods began to worship, and the power of faith like a tide converged on Shen Mietian.

He smashed the sky with a fist, reversed the cycle of reincarnation, and the ghosts of many gods appeared!

Mu Qing turned into the Supreme God Sun, the Sun Sutra urged to the extreme, while holding a poisonous snake knife, cut out a bright white knife light.

With the power of dominating the holy relic as a backing, Mu Qing can unscrupulously urge this high-level holy artifact to attack.

The violent energy exploded like stars, brilliant rays of light burst out, illuminating the entire third realm.

There was an extra scar on Shen Mietian's fist, bleeding from it! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1789 The Prestige of Higher Sacred Artifacts), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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