Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1734: Fight against three blood demons

"This... Brother Mu, there are a total of three second-tier supreme and tenth heavenly powerhouses on the opposite side. Are you sure you really want to attack them?"

An Shaomu hesitated and looked at Mu Qing beside him.

More than half a month has passed, the size of the second world is beyond their imagination, and many good things have been encountered along the way, most of them are the first-level treasures, and they have also obtained some second-level treasures.

The two were assigned separately, and most of them were shot by Mu Qing, and most of them were taken by Mu Qing.

The second-level treasure was naturally absorbed by Mu Qing to the starry sky book, which strengthened the fire of the starry sky. The remaining first-level treasure, the starry sky book did not look good, and did not have much effect on Mu Qing himself. Waiting for someone to use.

Today, it was the first time they met people from other forces. In the distance, there were a group of powerful blood demons.

At this time, the group of blood demons had already slaughtered a fish clan relic, and they were recuperating and scraping their benefits inside.

There are many relics of mermaid tribes like this in the second realm. It seems that the entire second realm is the world of merman tribes.

But the mermaid relics that Mu Qing and the two had encountered before were all low in strength, mostly from the first-order supreme tenth heaven, and at most there was only one second-order supreme tenth heaven sitting in town.

The relics of the Mermaid tribe I encountered right now were considered to be the larger ones, similar to the ones when I first encountered Erhun.

"Three second-tier supreme tenth heavens are only, I can handle it, you go and take everything away, the rest are the blood demon races of the first-order supreme tenth heaven, can't stop you."

Mu Qing said lightly.

He had already explored the relics of the mermaid clan in the distance, and there were only three second-tier supreme and tenth-tier blood demon clan, he was able to deal with it with his strength, it was not a problem.

The remaining blood demons have only the first-order supreme tenth heaven, and they can't stop An Shaomu who is the second-order supreme tenth heaven.

After this period of time, An Shaomu's injuries have basically recovered, mainly with the help of Mu Qing. The high-quality life force cultivated by the Eternal Life Sutra is quite effective in dealing with the injuries caused by the Death Sutra.

"That's good." Seeing that Mu Qing was so confident, An Shaomu stopped saying anything.

It's just that he was a little strange. He felt that Mu Qing was too obsessed with the second-level supreme treasures, and he would almost certainly seize them when he met them.

Isn't the three powerful ratio faster than anyone else?

An Shaomu was puzzled. The second-level supreme treasure and the dominance of the remnant soul are indeed good things. They are a kind of chance, but they can also be obtained in the King of Life.

He didn't understand why Mu Qing had to take time to fight for these.

After all, in An Shaomu's view, with Mu Qing's strength, as long as he moves faster, he can win the top ten!

Even if it doesn't work, the top 20 is definitely okay.

"I'll take the shot first." Mu Qing transmitted to An Shaomu.

Mu Qing strode out, narrowed the distance in the blink of an eye, and rushed into the remains of the mermaid tribe.

Inside, there were corpses of mermaid tribes everywhere, blood flowing into rivers, replaced by a group of blood demons, three second-order supreme tenth heaven, ten first-order supreme tenth heaven.

Unlike Mu Qing's eyes on the second-level treasure, the blood demons are eager to fight. On the contrary, they have no interest in these treasures. After all, their improvement is purely by blood, and there are not many things that can improve their blood. Most of the treasures are useless. of.

Therefore, the Gorefiend tribe also picked up a few treasures in their pockets.


Mu Qing appeared high in the sky in the blink of an eye, the sun meridian and evil nerves were unfolded at the same time, and the fire of the sun and fierce fire poured down.


The three second-tier supreme and tenth-tier blood demon gods immediately noticed something was wrong, and uttered an angry roar.

They were about to attack Mu Qing, but the three of them were enveloped in golden and blue flames, and the terrifying temperature coupled with Li Huo's special attack that could harm the soul made them restrained.

At close range, Mu Qing discovered that the three blood demon **** races had suffered serious injuries.

"With the tenacious vitality of the blood demon clan, they have all suffered such injuries. It seems that the strength of the mermaid clan originally here is not simple."

Mu Qing was stunned, no wonder these blood demons stayed here to heal their wounds.

In fact, Mu Qing's speed is relatively slow, and the fast-moving powerhouses have basically entered the central area of ​​the second world, and Mu Qing has delayed a lot of time because of the fact that he would fight for the second-level treasure. Because of this, I can hardly meet a few people.

The three blood demon **** races in front of them should have been injured for a while, but their injuries were obviously a bit tricky, and they had not fully recovered.

"In that case, I'm not welcome."

Mu Qing gave a chuckle, waved his hand, controlled the fire of the sun and the fire, trapping the three blood demons together.

Listening to the movement outside, An Shaomu had already started, Mu Qing originally planned to stop the three blood demon gods, and waited until An Shaomu took away the good things, before he got out.

Only seeing these three blood demon tribes have been wounded, Mu Qing suddenly changed his mind, perhaps he could kill them, and the pure blood of the blood demon tribe could also be absorbed by the Star Book.

Even if the harvest is not as much as the second-level Arcana, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is meat. Mu Qing doesn't mind spending more time to kill the blood demon.

"Suffer to death!"

Seeing Mu Qing's figure, the three Gorefiend God races suddenly furious.

A mere second-tier supreme tenth heaven, dare to attack the three of them?

Are they really bullying when they are hurt?

The three of them rushed towards Mu Qing in three directions, one by one, the power belonging to the blood demon **** clan erupted, breaking through the encirclement of the sun's fire and fierce fire.


Mu Qing looked at the three Blood Demon God Races in surprise.

He remembered that the methods of the blood demon kings were different, basically determined by their talents and abilities, and they were born with a companion weapon.

At the same time, the blood demon clan also has a liberation and a second liberation ability class.

But these three blood demon **** races had an ancient rune flashing in their chests, but they didn't see their weapons, and there was no so-called ability to liberate.

Although it is strange, the strength of these three blood demon **** races is beyond doubt. The ancient runes on their chests are somewhat different, exuding terrible energy fluctuations.

That ancient rune was almost the same as the rune derived from the remnant of Haimodong that Mu Qing had seen earlier.


A blood demon **** clan is extremely fast, and their clan’s **** step blessing came to Mu Qing’s head in the blink of an eye. The runes on his chest flashed, and the divine light was shining, and a thunder sword appeared in his hand, slashing towards Mu Qing Down.


The thunder was endless, as if a giant beast was roaring.

Mu Qing snorted coldly, without fear, he grabbed it with a big hand, and the endless fire of the sun gathered in the palm of his palm, forming a fire knife, and it was a slash at this person!

His silver hour gun shattered the last time he fought with Urhun and Tianma Babies, but the power of the sun was enough to cope with the current situation.


The golden flames intertwined with the thunder, and the thick thunder and lightning exploded with a crackle, and the lightning shook the surroundings.

Under the confrontation, the blood demon **** race took a few steps back, but Mu Qing was fine. On both sides of his side, the chaotic light bloomed, spears and shields emerged, and rushed to the other two blood demon **** races.

Relying solely on Chaos Spear and Chaos Shield obviously cannot cope with the other two Gorefiend God Races, but Mu Qing only needs to drag these two people for a while.

He stepped out in one step, and the violent thunder power fell, completely ignoring that the strength of the cosmic body was manifested at this moment.

At the same time, Mu Qing's majestic vitality burned, and he raised his finger to the blood demon **** clan in front of him.


A huge finger entangled by a life ancestor dragon smashed down, and the unparalleled pressure surged like a river, the sword of thunder shattered, and this finger fell directly on the ancient rune on the opponent's chest, accompanied by a scream , This person was disintegrated by the power of thunder and lightning, dense cracks appeared in the body, and a lot of vitality passed.

It was not injured, but was deprived of vitality by a force in the dark!


Mu Qing's eyes were cold, and the power of the vast starry sky in his body burst out, and another finger fell, hitting the opponent's chest again.


This person's chest was completely pierced by a finger, and the ancient rune burst out a large amount of thunder in an instant, but everything was useless. The longevity finger crushed this ancient rune with the power to destroy it and exploded it on the spot.

In the blink of an eye, a blood demon **** clan fell!

In fact, even if they are not injured, they are not Mu Qing's opponents.

The fellow practitioner Mu Qing had several master-level scriptures, plus the supreme scripture of the Eternal Life Sutra, completely crushing the same level, not to mention that the three blood demon gods themselves had suffered serious injuries, and it was naturally easier to deal with them.

In the distance, An Shaomu also kept an eye on Mu Qing's movement.

Although I have seen Mu Qing make several shots along the way, at this moment, An Shaomu was shocked to discover how abnormal Mu Qing's strength was.

The blood demon **** clan of the second-order supreme tenth heaven was beheaded in a short time!


The other two Gorefiend God races rushed to Mu Qing's side and saw one of their companions fall, their eyes cracking.

And Mu Qing's movements were faster. At this moment, he performed three master-level scriptures at the same time. The three powers of the Sun, Chaos and Evil Nerve were urged to the extreme!

In fact, even Mu Qing can’t integrate the powers of the three dominating scriptures, but the cosmic Eucharist he cultivated is strong and tough enough to forcibly use the power of the three dominating scriptures, even the three powers. Without fusion, the power is much more than usual.

The golden and blue fire surrounds the whole body, and at the same time the light of chaos blooms, and the three powers burst together!

His body burst out with a dazzling divine light, punched in the air, and burst out with boundless force, blasting a blood demon protoss to cough up blood, and flew out.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Qing's eyes rushed out of the bright glow and looked directly at another blood demon clan.


Mu Qing yelled, raised his hand and pointed, the long life fingers that penetrated the sky, accompanied by a burst of dragons, crushed down from the top of the blood demon **** clan in front of him.


The blood demon clan roared, the ancient rune on his chest was shining with cold light at an astonishing speed, and ice-blue power rushed out to protect himself.

He stared with big eyes and looked unbelievable. He couldn't accept that his companion was blown away by Mu Qing with a punch!

It is a pity that the power of this blood demon clan is not enough to fight the longevity finger.


The longevity finger was crushed from the top of the head, the ice-blue light shattered every inch, and the blood demon **** clan was forced into the depths of the seabed abruptly. The head was shattered, the whole body was split, and a lot of blood burst out.

The key is that every time they face the Finger of Longevity, they will invisibly swallow the vitality of the blood demon gods and weaken their state. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1734 Fighting against the three blood demons), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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