Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1699: Tyrannical emperor

The holy world, above the sea of ​​silence.

Mu Qing looked at the Emperor of Heaven and the sun dominating, his face solemn.

The changes in the situation make it difficult for everyone to accept for a while.

Regardless of their opponents, only the Sun Lord and the Emperor of Heaven.

On their side, Mu Qing, the Supreme Nirvana, the Evil God, the Supreme Jianxin, there are a total of four Supreme Ten Heavens.

But these four supreme ten heavens, it is estimated that they are not necessarily the opponents of the emperor alone!

"Wait, there is no need to care too much about the life of the evil god, help me create opportunities!"

Mu Qing calmly transmitted the voice to the Supreme Nirvana and the Supreme Jianxin.

Although the evil gods were also included in their group, Mu Qing did not consider the evil gods personally.

The evil **** dies when he dies, and it doesn't matter to any of them.

The most important thing at the moment is to create a chance for Mu Qing, and then use the ruled dagger against the emperor!

The regular dagger given by the King of Life to Mu Qing can burst out with the full blow of the dominator, as long as it hits the emperor, it will not die and will be seriously injured.

This kind of treasure, Mu Qing did not have the idea of ​​being a family heirloom. His current enemy is the Emperor of Heaven, and it is worthwhile to kill the Emperor of Heaven.

What's more, they are already facing the God of Heaven now, and Mu Qing doesn't think they still have a chance to escape now.

"Sure enough, Mingxuan will send you to die."

Seeing Mu Qing and Ji Mie Zhi Zun appeared, a smile appeared on the face of the Emperor.

His smile was cold and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

The Emperor of Heaven is quite clear that there must be some opportunities and secrets in Mu Qing, but in his eyes, the biggest opponent is Mingxuan.

Until now, he hadn't looked at Mu Qing in his eyes, even now Mu Qing had already possessed the supreme tenth heaven combat power.

But since I met, then the Emperor of Heaven would not keep his hands.

"You go and kill the evil god, I'll deal with these three guys!" The Emperor said lightly.

The Sun Ruler glanced at the Emperor in surprise.

He thought that the Emperor of Heaven would take the initiative to kill the evil gods and seize the Holy Spirit universe crystallization, but he didn't expect that the other party would instead give him this matter.

"Then don't blame me." The Lord of the Sun was ecstatic in his heart. On the surface, he obeyed the arrangement of the emperor. In fact, he secretly planned to kill the evil gods and then directly **** the Holy Spirit universe crystals and slip away!

Their so-called cooperation is only temporary, and each has a ghost.

The Lord of the Sun is also very aware of the idea of ​​the Emperor of Heaven. The other party definitely wants to monopolize the crystallization of the Holy Spirit universe, and even the Ruler of Scarlet is a little more credible than the Emperor of Heaven.

"Hand over your things obediently, I can still let you go."

The sun ruler appeared before the evil **** and sneered.

The evil **** is only the zero-level supreme tenth heaven, and is not seen by the sun at all.

To put it harder, the evil gods are the guys from the small universe. They just have some special methods, and their talent potential is not high. This Holy Spirit universe has been in his hands for so long, and he has not yet been able to create a master-level scripture. Just this point, In the eyes of the sun ruler and the emperor, it is no different from waste.

"Hmph, the things are in my hands, come and get them if you have the ability!" The evil expression was stern.

He naturally knew that he was definitely not the opponent of the Sun Domination. At this moment, he looked hideous and looked like he was going to fight the Sun Dominator. In fact, he was thinking of a way to see if he could escape.

Of course the evil **** knew that Mu Qing and others didn't really help him, it was just that they were temporarily on the same front because they were fighting against a common enemy.

At the same time, the Supreme Master of Jianxin smoothly expelled the fire of the sun in his body and came back to Mu Qing and the Supreme Silence, ready to fight.

"Create opportunities for Mu Qing." The Supreme Silence screamed, and when he raised his hands, pieces of dazzling artifacts emerged.

There are various artifacts such as pagodas, mountains, rivers, etc., as well as swords, guns and sticks, all of which are tenth-class artifacts!

Nirvana Supreme took out dozens of tenth-class artifacts at once. These were all the artifacts he had desperately refined during this period of time.

The sword heart is supreme next to him, and the endless sword energy in his palm gathers into a divine sword.

His understanding of kendo seems to have taken a new level, the overwhelming sword glow is integrated, and the dazzling sword in his hand is the combination of all his powers!

"This guy, it's not easy to deal with!"

Jian Xin Zhizun's expression was heavy, and the Heavenly Emperor in front of him hadn't made any movements yet, but the imperial aura that crushed him over made them feel a sense of suffocation.

Both are Supreme Ten Heavens, but at this moment, they can feel very intuitively that the two sides are not on the same level at all.

The Emperor of Heaven ignored everything, he glanced contemptuously at the Supreme Nirvana and the Supreme Jianxin, his five fingers slowly pressed down.


In an instant, the surrounding space cracked, cracks spread, and completely collapsed.

It was just a starting gesture that caused the surrounding space to collapse, even the endless void shattered, and the force of the liquid space flowed out.

The battlefield has come directly to the realm of non-existence!

The big hand of the sky shrouded towards Mu Qing, and five-clawed golden dragons hovered in the palm, shattering everything.

"Quiet Sea! Get up!"

Suddenly, the nirvana supreme roared, and in an instant a piece of the sea rushed from a distance, and the waves rolled up to a million feet and hit the big hand in the sky.

The terrifying emperor's might overwhelmed the three of them!

And the Nirvana Sea, which had just gotten back from the Supreme Netherworld, was shattered by the big handprint exuding the emperor's might, and five-clawed golden dragons rushed out of his palm, tearing everything apart.

Jianxin Supreme's face suddenly changed, and the divine sword in his hand emitted a dazzling light. In an instant, the entire space seemed to have only this light left, and a sword came out!

But under that big handprint, the five-clawed golden dragon hovered, vomiting a fiery dragon's breath, destroying the sword.

Mu Qing also shot at the same moment. He held a fire knife in his left hand and a silver hour gun in his right.

The crescent-like flame slashed past, and at the same time the silver hour spear pierced through, turning into a long silver river that impacted on the big handprint.

It's a pity that the big handprint only trembled a few times, and with a destructive posture, it hit Mu Qing and the other three!


Even the power of the liquid space in the non-existent field exploded, and the three of Mu Qing vomited blood one after another, suffered various injuries, and flew out.

Mu Qing was surrounded by wisps of chaotic light. This was because his shield of chaos was shattered.

He looked at the Emperor, his face still expressionless, but a sneer appeared in his eyes.

The strength gap between the two sides is still too big!

The emperor stepped on the void without moving his footsteps, but the emperor's might emanating from him became more and more terrifying.

Strands of golden Shen Xi surrounded him, and the five-clawed golden dragons roared, turning into the emperor's throne.

The Emperor of Heaven sat on the throne of the emperor, looking at Mu Qing and the others with a smile.


He spit out a word, and then, the golden emperor light bloomed, and a five-clawed golden dragon appeared invisibly, turned into a dragon knife, and slashed towards Mu Qing.

The fire knife in Mu Qing's hand rolled up the solar storm, and also slashed towards the dragon knife, but the dragon knife was like a broken bamboo, cutting away all the sun's fire.

Seeing that the Dragon Sabre was about to cut off Mu Qing's head, the Chaos Spear followed Mu Qing's thoughts at the critical moment, piercing the Dragon Sabre from a strange angle in the void.


The dragon knife was stabbed through a gap, and under the golden light burst, the spear of chaos was broken into chaotic light and disappeared in mid-air.

The fire knife in Mu Qing's hand was cut again, and the fire of the sun turned into a crescent, and at the same time a cloud of flames vacated in his palm, which was blue!

This group of faint blue flames seemed to be alive, and even just as soon as they were condensed by Mu Qing, they let out a roar.

A terrible temperature came from the palm of his hand, and Mu Qing quickly threw the faint blue flame towards the dragon knife.

This faint blue flame is a method that Mu Qing obtained after raising the evil nerve to the realm of Dacheng, called the Lihuo Curse!

But most of the methods in the evil nerves are related to the soul, and this calendar fire curse is also the same, like a living flame creature, and extremely cruel, if it is not directly thrown out by Mu Qing, I am afraid it will attack his own soul!

That group of dark blue flames instantly turned into an overwhelming sea of ​​fire. It was constantly changing, sometimes it was a flying dragon, sometimes it was a four-armed giant ape, and finally it turned into a blue flame phoenix.

The dragon knife slashed down and cut the faint blue flame phoenix into two at once, but soon the flame phoenix condensed again, and the faint blue flame invaded it.

This dragon knife trembled lightly, and quickly transformed into a five-clawed golden dragon, and fought against the blue flame phoenix. In the end, it was stronger. The blue flame engulfed the five-clawed golden dragon, as if Also swallowed its power and took it for himself.


Lihuo Phoenix rushed towards the Emperor of Heaven with a more powerful posture.

However, the throne under the emperor's body erupted with a burst of bright golden light, rushing towards the surroundings, and the fiery phoenix was directly annihilated in the golden light.

"Very good method, this seems to be the evil nerve dominated by Scarlet."

The Emperor of Heaven looked at Mu Qing with interest and slowly said.

He didn't expect that Mu Qing even possessed the evil nerves dominated by Scarlet, and even reached the realm of Dacheng.

This is undoubtedly interesting to the emperor, because his idea is to create two dominating scriptures of his own.

When he was still in the supreme, the Emperor of Heaven wanted double avenues, and now he wanted to create two dominating scriptures. He seemed to have a soft spot for the number two.

"I changed my mind. I will take you away. Maybe I can get some good things from you." The Emperor's eyes brightened.

He stood up, the emperor throne turned into five-clawed golden dragons around him, and turned into an imperial robe for blessing.

The emperor slapped it with a palm, the momentum was like a ****, the golden divine light filled this space, demonstrating his endless majesty.

The Supreme Nirvana deeply understood that to create a chance for Mu Qing, Mu Qing's body was aimed at the Emperor of Heaven, so he snorted and controlled his dozens of tenth-class artifacts, all blasting towards the Emperor of Heaven.

At the same time, Jianxin Zhizun raised the divine sword in his hand, and the vast sword energy gathered together, cut off with a sword, and pointed directly at the center of the eye of the Emperor!

But at this moment, the body of the emperor was divided into three, and the emperor in the middle was still wearing his imperial robe, condensing his palm prints to suppress Mu Qing.

The avatars of the Heavenly Emperors on the other two sides threw their punches one after another. The emperor was overwhelmed by the world, and a vision of the emperor appeared.

The two of them were hit by a terrifying force, their bodies shattered and flew away, all of them were hit hard! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1699 The Overbearing Emperor), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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