Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1693: Crimson Dominator's Imperius Curse

"How can it be?!"

"Demon Peng Supreme, they have fallen!"

The countless strong monsters were shocked, and they couldn't believe that the three most powerful people besides the monsters in this action could not survive for a moment in Mu Qing's hands!

They once again looked at the location of Yaoyan Supreme.

But the reality makes many Yaozu very disappointed.

In their eyes, the Demon Flame Supreme was like a big fool, constantly bombarding the air, and the space in front of him was shattered, and his energy had already blasted into the non-existent realm.

The Demon Flame Supreme was trapped by the Confusion Array of the Nirvana Supreme. Except for the one that was destroyed at the beginning, there are now nine Confusion Arrays that surround the Demon Flame Supreme!

At this time, Yaoyan Supreme had fallen into a more mad state, it seemed that the influence of evil nerves on him, the effect of the confusion array was particularly obvious.

Ordinary supreme tenth heaven, even ordinary zero-order supreme tenth heaven, it is unlikely to be trapped for so long.

"There are still three confusion formations left, and they won't last long!"

The nirvana supreme said to Mu Qing.

Six of the remaining nine confusion formations have been scrapped. Anyhow, Yaoyan Supreme is a Tier One Supreme, and Nirvana Supreme must be fully activated to trap Yaoyan Supreme.

Hearing this, Mu Qing didn't care about the remaining Yaozu powerhouses, and immediately turned around and came to the side of Yaoyan Supreme.

On the monster clan's side, the three strongest Supremes had already been killed by him, and the rest was nothing to worry about. The King of Chaos, Thunder Punishment and others could completely solve them.

The question now is how to solve the demon flame supreme in front of you, and even consider killing it!

"Suffer to death!"

The demon's supreme eyes were splitting. From his perspective, he was attacking Mu Qing, displaying the palm of the demon by himself, and the demon spirit was overwhelming, and he blasted towards "Mu Qing."

But every time, "Mu Qing" would avoid it at a weird speed, and with a smile on his face, he mocked and ridiculed him.

Yao Yan Zhizun was irritated, and became more and more angry.

In fact, the "Mu Qing" he saw was just an illusion, and the greatest ability of the Array of Confusion lies in the power of confusion, which affects the subconscious of Yaoyan Supreme.

In other words, Yao Yan Zhizun himself didn't even know that everything he faced was an illusion!

At this moment, the real Mu Qing had already come behind Yaoyan Supreme, without leaving his hands, he directly took out the Silver Hour Spear.

The power of the vast starry sky swept all around, poured into the silver hour gun.


At this moment, the demon flame supreme could not prevent it at all, the silver time gun with terrifying power, the power that erupted was beyond the scope of the demon flame supreme can bear, and it was forcibly penetrated through his chest!

Mu Qing's eyes flashed fiercely, as he condensed with a fire knife in his other hand, Fen Zhan directly pressed against the back of Yaoyan Supreme!

The huge sun crescent was severely chopped down, and the terrifying sun's power spread, burning the surrounding space.


The severe pain caused Yao Yan Zhizun to see the real situation. With a hideous face, he looked at the silver spear on his chest in disbelief, and then turned his head to look at Mu Qing.

"Die to me!"

The Demon Yan Supreme went crazy, the scarlet light on his body flickered, and slippery tentacles grew behind him. He transformed into a body, and the nine-headed dragon had become a terrible monster.

The scales all turned red, the scarlet brilliance bloomed, and the evil aura swept all around.

"Damn it! Can't sustain it!"

The Supreme Silence screamed, his hands were sealed, and the blue veins on his forehead violently, but in the end he was still shaken by a force.

I saw the three imperceptible confusion formations around Yaoyan Supreme burst into pieces, bursting out with the last light, and then dimmed.

The Supreme Nirvana did not expect that after being stimulated, the Supreme Demon Flame would directly break free from the shackles of the confusion array.

Even the Array of Confusion has become like a one-time tenth-class artifact, just to fight against the Demon Flame Supreme, it has directly lost ten!

From this it can be seen that after gaining the evil nerves, even if it was once the weakest Supreme Tenth Heaven, the strength of the Yaoyan Supreme cannot be underestimated.

"Mu Qing!"

Yaoyan Supreme roared, his eyes locked on the figure in front of him. There was still a blood hole in his chest, which was penetrated by Mu Qing's silver hour gun.

After being no longer affected by the confusion array, Yaoyan Supreme became agile, with amazing speed, such a huge body, but almost came to Mu Qing in the blink of an eye. The endless demon fire accompanied his dragon claws. Mu Qing slapped away.

But Mu Qing didn't panic and didn't show any fear.

The speed of Yaoyan Zhizun is nothing at all!

You know, when he faced the blood demon clan, every blood demon clan was born with a kind of pace called **** step, and that speed was terrifyingly fast!

The corner of Mu Qing's mouth curled slightly, and then the snake of the starry sky swallowed him and headed to the non-existent realm in no time.

After all, this is the Starry Sky Realm. The battle between Mu Qing and Yaoyan Supreme is enough to destroy the nearby galaxies. Therefore, it is better for him to put the battlefield in the non-existent realm.

Of course, if Yaoyan Supreme is unwilling to follow, Mu Qing also has other ways to directly bring it into Scarlet Domination Hall.

"Where to run!"

At this time, the demon flame supreme, because of the influence of the confusion array just now, hates Mu Qing very deeply, because in the illusion of the confusion array, every time his attack is not easily avoided by Mu Qing, after the completion of the illusion, Mu Qing also had a mocking expression.

This suddenly broke the Yaoyan Supreme's psychological defense, he would rather give up everything at this time, and kill Mu Qing!

After sensing Mu Qing's disappearance, his two dragon heads gnawed at the space in front of him, and with a strong pull, the space was torn apart.

The huge nine-headed dragon body also followed Mu Qing and rushed into the non-existent realm.

However, the Demon Flame Supreme had just entered the field of nonexistence, ripples appeared in the void, and a chaotic light penetrated through it.

According to Mu Qing's wishes, the Chaos Spear attacked the middle dragon head of the Yaoyan Supreme from a tricky angle!

In the body of the nine-headed dragon of Yaoyan Supreme, the nine dragon heads are obviously dominated by the red dragon head in the middle, and the other dragon heads do not have individual consciousness.

However, Yaoyan Supreme was obviously guarding against Mu Qing's attack, and a cyan head protruding from the side, biting the Chaos Spear with one mouthful.

At the same time, crimson light burst out from the cyan dragon head, and after a lot of effort, it failed to smash the Chaos Spear. After a while, the Chaos Spear automatically fleeed away in a ray of Chaos Light.

The demon flame supreme is now using the power of evil nerves, and the demon energy has subsided, and the scarlet light enveloped the whole body.

This actually made Yaoyan Supreme look even more weird and evil.

His tail is no longer a dragon's tail, but a slippery tentacles, and even smooth tentacles grow out of his back, which makes his scalp numb when he looks at it.

Mu Qing knew that Yaoyan Supreme had cultivated evil nerves, so he was more deified than evil!

If it's the evil nerve of self-cultivation, then the evil **** that you cultivated will gradually transform into that evil god.

The Demon Flame Supreme is obviously the evil nerve endowed by the Scarlet Ruler, so the direction of the evil **** transformed by the Demon Flame Supreme is the appearance of the Scarlet Ruler.

Named the Scarlet King, it is characterized by countless smooth tentacles!

Scarlet light beams came through, and they were vomiting from the head of Yaoyan Supreme, but Mu Qing felt that the other party's sanity was slightly affected in this state, and even his head was not very good.

Mu Qing dodged a few casually, and then completely avoided.

Immediately afterwards, a snake from the starry sky was wrapped around him, and it instantly appeared behind Yaoyan Supreme, and the silver hour gun in his hand pierced through!

Putting the battlefield in a non-existent field, Mu Qing's advantage will be more obvious.

Probably only the second-order supreme tenth heaven can move smoothly under the power of the liquid space of the non-existent domain.

The other zero-level supreme tenth heaven and the first-order supreme tenth heaven will be affected more or less.

And Mu Qing’s attack did not work. The countless slippery tentacles behind the Demon Flame Supreme, as if they had self-consciousness, took the initiative to entangle the Silver Time Spear, and even shed a terrible force, resisting Silver Time. All the power of the gun.

"look at me!"

A burst of chattering came to Mu Qing's ear, and saw a dragon head of Yaoyan Supreme suddenly turned his head and opened his mouth towards Mu Qing. The whole head exploded just after the sound was made.

A large amount of blood spattered out, and then densely dense tentacles of slippery tentacles emerged from the exploded dragon head.

The blood mist that spread out, condensed into a figure.

Scarlet dominates!

It was a rather strange figure, unable to see the specific appearance, but a pair of scarlet eyes were particularly conspicuous, looking at Mu Qing.

At the same time, Mu Qing, who heard this babble, obeyed the other party's words horribly, raised his head and looked at the Scarlet Dominator's gaze.

"not good!"

Almost instantly, Mu Qing had a numb scalp and secretly said a terrible cry!

You should know that the methods in the evil nerves are born to bewitch the soul and memory, especially when it is convenient to modify the memory or even the soul, and is very good at it!

Sure enough, an inexplicable force poured directly into Mu Qing's mind.

At this moment, Mu Qing only felt that his memory was being flipped through!

"Get out!"

Mu Qing roared in his heart.

He himself has cultivated the evil nerves of the Xiaocheng realm, and he knows very well that this is the ability to contemplate the mind, and he can peep into the other party's thoughts and even memory pictures!

Mu Qing tried to close his brain, but at this moment, strands of silvery white mist floated and enveloped his soul.


The Imperius Curse cast by the Scarlet Dominator from the air had an effect on Mu Qing!

Mu Qing's pupils suddenly shrank. Of course he knew the fate of the Imperius Curse, he would become the puppet of Scarlet Domination, and even took the initiative to reveal all the secrets!

Just at this time!

In Mu Qing's soul, a translucent tortoise shell emerged, blocking the silvery white mist! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Collection\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1693 The Imperium of the Scarlet Lord), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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