Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1670: New referrer

Immortal mountain.

Qingtong took a deep breath, with complex emotions all over his face.

He looked at Mu Qing, the emotions in his heart could not be calmed down.

"How come there is such a thing?"

There was a bit of bitterness at the corner of Qingtong's mouth.

For a while, his mind even went down.

I thought I had successfully completed the task, and I could take the protoss blood demon back to receive the reward.

As a result, unexpectedly, a message came from the King of Life, asking him to come to Chaos Universe to help evaluate a newcomer.

Because Qingtong happened to be near the Chaos Universe, and this task could still get some benefits, after all, it was just taking people to conduct an assessment, and it didn't take much time.

Just take a few people and get a lot of good things, and Qingtong is naturally willing to take on this task.

At that time, Qing Tong was quite puzzled that there were other people from the royal court of life in the chaotic universe.

It's just that, generally speaking, the person who discovers the talent is the recommender. Unless there is something that cannot get away, the identity of the recommender will be used as a task to let others step up.

Qingtong was curious, and basically gave him a half of the reward, and didn't know who it was.

Even when contacting the other party through the five-pointed crystal, Qing Tong still felt that the other party's voice was a bit familiar.

Until now, Qingtong completely saw each other, and his entire face fell apart.

"Why this guy!"

Mu Qing was surprised, and Qing Tong was even more surprised.

Qingtong finally understood why he felt that voice was a little familiar. It turned out that this was Mu Qing's voice!

Originally, Qing Tong had also seen Mu Qing's strength, with the Supreme Eighth Heaven having such a method, he thought it could be pulled into the royal court of life.

As a result, Qingtong later discovered that Mu Qing was in control of the power of time, and was so frightened that he didn't dare to touch it, let alone pull into the Palace of Life.

"Who is it?!"

Qingtong had the idea of ​​scolding his mother in his heart.

He suddenly understood that it must have happened to other people in the Royal Court of Life who had just arrived in the Chaos Universe, and unexpectedly discovered Mu Qing's talent, so he planned to pull Mu Qing into the Court of Life.

As a result, because something was delayed, the referrer was posted to the King of Life as a task, and others were asked to help. Half the benefits were divided!

This is something that should have been for nothing!

But after seeing Mu Qing, Qingtong had no such idea.

If you let him know who wants to pull this Mu Qing into the royal court of life, he will definitely make a decisive move and give the other two big mouths!

Can anyone who is trying to master the power of time be accessible?

Anyone who touches the power of time is dead!


Mu Qing looked at Qingtong with embarrassment.

The expression on the face kept changing, and he didn't know what he was thinking. The atmosphere became weird for a while, and no one spoke.

Qingtong glanced at Mu Qing deeply.

He understands a truth, hesitates and loses.

As a result, he decisively burst out the power of his whole body, and the terrifying blue light raged out, directly crushing the surrounding space!

As Mu Qing was approaching the enemy, he immediately used the ability of the Star Book to raise the Destiny Sutra to the realm of Dacheng, ready to display the time suspension at any time.

As a result, what is unexpected is...

Qing Tong's figure flashed, disappeared from Mu Qing, turned into a touch of green light that is almost impossible to catch, and plunged into the dominating road.

He actually left!

Mu Qing was full of doubts, he even thought Qingtong was going to attack him.

But this actually made Mu Qing feel even more confused. Why did Qingtong see him as if he saw a wild beast?

This is very unreasonable.

Including the same in the sacred tree space previously.

Except that Qing Tong used real power to deal with Mu Qing at the beginning, when he met Qing Tong later, the other party deliberately avoided Mu Qing.

Mu Qing wondered, is there something in his body that makes Qingtong fear?

Or, the other party thought that he was the master of the reincarnation, so he fled?

Mu Qing really couldn't understand.

After a while, only Mu Qing was left on the spot, and he scratched his head.

"So... what should I do if I join the assessment of the King of Life?"


Astral world.

It has been more than half a month since I returned from Immortal Mountain.

Mu Qing had planned to go for the assessment of joining the King of Life, but he did not expect Qingtong as the referrer to run away.

For a while, Mu Qing didn't understand what to do.

He returned to the star realm and practiced in the Chaos Temple.

Unfortunately, at this level, Mu Qing only relied on the benefits of cultivation, which is really too little.

Regarding the cosmic Eucharist, even the slightest improvement is not visible!

And the entire chaotic universe fell into tranquility once again, and the Great Supreme Ten Heavens returned to their own realm, and there was no major action.

But Mu Qing knows that this is just superficial tranquility.

In the current starry sky world, undercurrents are surging, and the situation is too chaotic.

The Demon Realm has completely become the nest of Scarlet Domination, and the Sun Dominator robbed Xiuqing's body and disappeared.

The two former masters alone are a huge threat.

Although the two masters are likely to confront each other first.

The Demon Realm is still ruled by the Emperor of Heaven. Although the Demon Realm today does not have much supremacy, of course, the Emperor himself doesn't seem to care too much.

The demon ancestor hides in the dark, and has a lot of contact with Mingxuan!

The evil **** still returned to the Sea of ​​Silence in the Holy Realm, studying the Holy Spirit universe in his hand.

This surface tranquility is mainly caused by fate!

The giants are secretly using various methods to improve their strength.

Because Fatexuan scared other people before.

It's not that Mingxuan's strength surpasses everyone, but Mu Qing disguised as a blood demon clan and cooperated with Mingxuan.

In the eyes of other people, Mingxuan's performance is a teaming up with other races from outside the universe.

Suddenly, everyone including the Emperor of Heaven became jealous of the Black Realm.

They all believed that the blood demon race and the black world had united.

"Are the people on the ancient immortal world arranged?" Mu Qing asked the King of Primal Chaos.

"It's arranged, with Thunder Punishment taking the lead, and the many powerful people in the ancient immortal realm have basically joined our starry sky realm without any objection." The King of Chaos responded.

Regarding the matter of the ancient immortal world, Mu Qing asked Lei Chai and King Chaos to deal with it.

The leader of the ancient immortal world, Laojun, has actually been murdered by Qingtong secretly!

Of course, this was nothing but revenge for Qingtong's return. Afterwards, Qingtong pretended to be an old gentleman for a while.

Now that everyone in the ancient immortal realm who sensed that the old man had fallen, followed in the footsteps of Lei Punishment, they joined the starry sky realm.

Mu Qing naturally accepted all orders, which is a very good force.

The many powerful people in the ancient immortal world are also managed by Thunder Punishment, but these people also have to swallow the star seed to avoid traitors.

As for the fall of Laojun, Mu Qing couldn't help them get revenge, and Mu Qing himself was definitely not an opponent.

A few months have passed since the outside world.

Mu Qing stayed in the Chaos Temple and practiced.


Mu Qing was holding a silver hour gun and frowned slightly, feeling puzzled.

The outside world has passed so long, but more than a hundred years have passed in this chaos temple!

Mu Qing is also a hardworking person, borrowing the abilities of the Star Book every day to forcibly upgrade the Destiny Jing to the realm of Dacheng, and then go to store the silver hour spear.

After a full 100 years, Mu Qingcai finally raised the Destiny Sutra in the Yinshi Gun to the realm of Dacheng!

This is simply higher than the realm of his ontology!

If it weren't for the ability of the Star Book, it would be almost impossible to do it.

At the same time, Mu Qing felt that the power of the Silver Hour Gun had increased several times, and the connection with him became even closer.

Of course, Mu Qing was even more able to perceive that the Silver Hour Spear had reached its limit, and the Destiny of the Dacheng Realm had reached the end of the Silver Hour Spear and could no longer be improved.

In fact, it is already a miracle that a divine tool can independently possess the master-level scriptures of the Dacheng realm.

However, what surprised Mu Qing was that the silver hour gun did not grasp the power of time suspension.

According to his original idea, the Destiny Chronicle in the Silver Time Gun has reached the realm of Dacheng, and it should be able to trigger the time pause voluntarily!

After all, both he and Mingxuan can only display the time pause after reaching the realm of the destiny sutra.

However, this silver hour gun could not do it.

I saw the silver time gun in Mu Qing's hands, blooming with a silvery white light, and a mysterious breath lingering.

One by one ancient runes are imprinted on it, containing the power of terror!

This is the ability acquired by the Destiny in the Silver Time Spear after reaching Dacheng, the realm of the ancient gods!

The realm of the ancient gods made the silver hour gun more powerful.

"Perhaps because of the limitations of the artifact?"

Mu Qing shook his head and put away the silver hour gun.

He didn't think too much, after all, it was unprecedented for a divine tool to have a dominance level scripture.

Unable to grasp the time pause, maybe the power of time is too high, and the tenth-class artifact cannot be touched.


Just when Mu Qing was about to continue to comprehend the dominating scriptures, a message was passed to him.

It was passed from the emerald green pentagonal crystal!

"I am your referrer. It took several months because of the long-distance space shuttle. Now I am close to the Chaos Universe, and I will come about three days later.

At that time, I will take you to the assessment of the Royal Court of Life. "

An unfamiliar voice came over.

A surprised look appeared on Mu Qing's face.

He thought that after Qingtong left, the road to join the King of Life was broken, and he still had some regrets at that time.

Unexpectedly, there was no news for a few months because the other party had to travel a long distance in space, and it was only in the last few days that it could be close to the chaotic universe!

"The voice I haven't heard before is not Qingtong, but is it a different person?"

Mu Qing was a little curious.

In the beginning, Qingtong left directly, and he thought he was left unattended.

And this time, the agreed location is still Immortal Mountain!

It seems that these people can perceive the passage of the universe.

According to the agreement, Mu Qing came to Immortal Mountain again three days later.

He felt a powerful breath coming, even far more terrifying than Qingtong!

A strand of Shen Xi lingered, it was a golden figure, slowly breaking through the air and coming to Mu Qing.

With blond hair and black eyes, he buckled his back, holding a leading crutches, and with a kind smile, he looked at Mu Qing.

This is a blond old man.

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