Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1652: Kill the dust

After discovering that Mu Qing burst into shocking energy fluctuations again, Mie Chen couldn't help cursing Mu Qing in his heart.

It must be Mu Qing outfit!

Pretending to run out of energy twice in a row, the energy is actually too much!

Seeing Mu Qing maintaining the display of the Fire Soul Burial Ground again, Miechen's face was shocked, but he had no time to think about other things.

Because the scarlet skeleton fire soul, the attack position is the eyebrow of the old man of the gods, exactly where he is!

What you see is endless golden flames!

The power of the sun penetrated the entire head of the old man of the gods, and the figure of Miechen fell out, and there were burn marks all over his body.


Accompanied by a click, the ice crystal sphere shattered, the liberation ability of the second stage was forcibly broken, and Miechen spouted blood again, and was backlashed.

Mu Qing controls three thousand super-giant suns, like a meteor shower, toward the suppression of the dust!

The phantom body of the old man was smashed to pieces by the super-giant sun, and those body fragments were also swallowed by the sun's fire.

In fact, the ghost of the old man summoned by Mie Chen was still quite powerful.

After all, its name is the **** of cold soul, which can control the terrible cold air born from the soul.

For the soul-level blow, not everyone can resist it.

However, Mu Qing's Sun Sutra of Consummation Realm just restrained this. He was bathed in the golden sun coat, and the coldness in his soul was firmly suppressed!

The biggest characteristic attack of the **** of cold soul, cold soul, is completely ineffective to Mu Qing, which means that a special attack method has been lost.

If it was someone else, just by being caught a glimpse by the ghost of the gods, cold air would involuntarily spread from the depths of the soul, turning into an ice sculpture, without the need for the deity to act.


Accompanied by Mu Qing's whisper, three thousand super-giant suns crushed Miechen's body and bombarded!

At the same time, the energy in Mu Qing's body was once again exhausted.

Mu Qing immediately used Qi Luck Pearl's last chance, and the invisible ripples appeared on his body, and time went back!

The power of the stars in the six worlds has been restored again!

With a wave of his hand, the three thousand super giant suns dissipated, and the golden sun coat on Mu Qing was gone.

Mu Qing took the initiative to withdraw from the realm of Consummation!

No way, the consumption is too scary, the power level is not dominated, and the required consumption is too huge!

Mu Qing used the last chance to keep himself in full bloom at the moment, just in case.

At the same time, he hadn't forgotten that there were a group of ruler descendants and blood demons around him watching!

At the last moment, keep yourself in full bloom, and you can also fool some people.

Although doing so, Mu Qing used up the three chances of recovery from the Qi Luck Pearl.


With the convergence of the power of the sun and the disappearance of those super giant suns, Mu Qing's figure appeared in front of everyone.

Mu Qing waved his hand and threw Miechen's body into the Scarlet Domination Hall.

Under his deliberate control, Miechen's body was not directly destroyed.

And Mu Qing, holding a fire knife with a smile at the corner of his mouth, looked at other people.

The audience is silent!

The Sun Sutra of the Consummation Realm, the might that erupted can shock everyone, and for a while, he was still immersed in the great momentum created by Mu Qing just now.

Even if now Mu Qing seems to have reduced his aura and retreated from the perfect state, no matter how they look at it, they feel that the energy in Mu Qing's body is full, as if it didn't take much effort to solve Miechen.

At this moment, everyone regards Mu Qing as a strong man comparable to the Supreme Ten Heaven, and even the danger level is higher than that of the White Wolf!

Even the eyes of Mie Quan and others changed, and they felt that Mu Qing's supreme Eight Heavenly Strength on the surface was also disguised.

Only then, Mu Qing fell into a state of suspected weakness many times, as if his energy was exhausted. As a result, Miechen was fooled and eventually died in Mu Qing's hands.

Don't say that Mu Qing is full of energy in his body now, even if Mu Qing looks extremely weak, other people dare not directly attack Mu Qing, for fear that Mu Qing will use that perfect state again.

"Fortunately, these guys should not be able to figure out my details now."

Mu Qing calmly swept everyone with his eyes.

He knew that these guys were bluffed by their disguised strength, and no one would attack him for a while.

The price is that Mu Qing squandered all three chances of instant recovery on the Qi Luck Pearl.

The most important thing is that these guys in front of them don't even know that Mu Qing's starry sky book ability can only be used once in a period of time.

In the eyes of everyone, Mu Qing has become the master reincarnation, and the master-level scriptures of the perfect state have been hidden, which can be urged at any time.

"Everyone, let's see you."

The scene calmed down for a while, then Mu Qing smiled suddenly and said.

Immediately afterwards, a star snake haunting the nebula suddenly appeared and swallowed Mu Qing.

The whole person disappeared!

"No wonder he can enter the realm of non-existence, that's how it is..."

Mie Quan whispered, at this moment, he finally understood something.

Originally thought that Mu Qing has special abilities, but now after Mu Qing’s misleading, he thinks carefully, Mu Qing is a powerful man who dominates reincarnation, possessing a perfect state of the Sun Sutra, then even if there is only the Supreme Eighth Heaven on the surface Realm, it’s not too strange to go in and out of non-existent realms.

After all, it has something to do with dominance, and it seems reasonable to enter the non-existent realm in less than the supreme tenth heaven.

"I'm afraid that guy has other goals, maybe he wants to take the heart of the sacred tree to restore his strength."

Mie Heng also had a big brain and made some guesses.

At the very least, this guess, from their perspective, is undoubtedly quite correct.

Almost sure of Mu Qing's intentions, the royal blood demons looked at each other, and they thought that this alliance would continue to be maintained, even if the group of dominating descendants was eliminated, there would still be Mu Qing, the enemy!

In their eyes, Mu Qing's escape was a manifestation of power preservation. After all, the use of the master-level scriptures of the Consummation Realm would definitely require a huge amount of energy.

"Na Mu Qing obviously doesn't want to intervene. We quickly resolve this group of dominating descendants, and then wait until the heart of the sacred tree, and then join forces to kill Na Mu Qing." The wild female royal blood demon suggested.

The others nodded.

"The heart of the sacred tree must not be lost to foreigners!" Mie Shang said in a deep voice.

If they fail to protect the heart of the sacred tree, causing the heart of the sacred tree to be snatched by foreigners, even if they go back alive, they will be treated with strange eyes by the blood demons. The royal blood demons may have a better position than the double-horned blood demons. Still low.

Although it is a trial, the heart of the **** tree symbolizes the glory of the blood demons, and is the supreme thing that transforms the royal blood demons into the blood demons of the gods!

These things can't be taken away by outsiders, otherwise all the royal blood demons present will have no face to see people.

"What about the reincarnation of the ruler? His strength is only improved by relying on the dominant-level scriptures of the perfect state!" The royal blood demon sneered with a huge fan.

Although they were afraid, they couldn't beat them together.

Judging from the battle between Mu Qing and Miechen, the strength that Mu Qing finally broke out was the tenth heaven of ordinary supreme.

It was better than the white wolf they had dealt with.

Soon, everyone seemed to have forgotten the existence of Mu Qing, and began to attack the Domination Descendants and others.

Dominating the descendants and others are extremely confused by Mu Qing's approach.

Before, when Mu Qing displayed the two great moves of the Sun Sutra of Consummation, they almost all recognized Mu Qing as the reincarnation of the sun dominator.

After all, the dominance level scripture of the Sun Sutra, but only the sun dominates the cultivation to the Consummation Realm, and no one else has reached this realm.

They don't believe in a chaotic universe, and a person who has only cultivated for a short period of time can reach the state of Consummation.

Even reaching the realm of Xiaocheng is considered to be exceptionally talented.

Therefore, in their view, Mu Qing is equivalent to the sun dominates!

Man Gu and Feng Ling were excited. They felt that Mu Qing would help them, and at least the sun-dominated daughter, Xiuqing, was on their side.

Judging from the face of Jiuqing, surely he will make a move too, right? !

Coupled with the White Wolf, they will have the confidence to contend with the royal blood demons by then!

However, Mu Qing decisively left, Mangu and Fengling were confused.

Zhouqing and Bailang frowned, they thought more.

Because both Xiuqing and White Wolf had contacted Mu Qing in the Temple of the Sun Domination, they could be sure that at that time Mu Qing did not know the Sun Sutra and had nothing to do with the Sun Domination.

In other words, Mu Qing should not be a reincarnation, but when the sun was dominating the temple, he was taken away by the sun!

Of course, they also believe that Mu Qing is the ruler of the sun, after all, the Sun Sutra of Consummation can't be faked.

Even, the technique of the fire soul burial ground was recorded in the Sun Sutra, and the sun ruler had used it before!

However, Mu Qing left in this way, and Zhou Qing was incomparably astonished.

She is the sun dominates her daughter!

Why didn't Mu Qing, who had been ruled by the sun, didn't come to save himself? As long as he intervened, plus the others, he could contend with the royal blood demons!

Isn't it his own?

Suddenly, Tianqing fell into deep suspicion.


Doesn't exist in the realm.

Mu Qing breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately, there was no major problem!

The mark of the secret enchantment in his mind also resurfaced.

"This thing is incredible, but the royal blood demon should not be able to take out the second one."

Mu Qing looked at the crystal ball in his hand.

It was this thing that blocked the secret enchantment mark in Mu Qing's mind, and even his world snake ability was slightly affected.

As a result, Mu Qing had to fight desperately for time, but killed Miechen.

After re-perceiving the non-existent realm, Mu Qing immediately hid in.

He smashed the crystal ball in one hand. You can't keep this thing!

Now Mu Qing had a sense of security again, at least the imprint of the secret enchantment resurfaced, and he could leave the sacred tree space through the imprint at any time.

At the same time, from Mie Chen's mouth, Mu Qing learned that Ji Mie Zhi Zun and others had already left and were not caught.

"However, there is another guy, be careful!"

Mu Qing's expression quickly became serious.

The fellow Qingtong is the Supreme Ten Heaven, and his strength is far stronger than the White Wolf and the self who uses the Sun Sutra of Consummation Realm.

In the field of nonexistence, the only thing Mu Qing must be careful about is Qingtong!

Mu Qing took out the Scarlet Domination Hall and hid in.

If Qingtong discovers himself, then Scarlet Domination Hall can buy some time, and he can take this opportunity to pass the mark and go back.

Mu Qing did not care about the battle between the royal blood demons and the ruling descendants and others, but entered the Scarlet Domination Hall, intending to refine the body of Miechen! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1652 Killing Dust), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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