Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1642: Advanced World Snake Ability!

There is no realm.

The snake in the starry sky hovered around his body, spitting out two figures.

It is Mu Qing and Lei Punishment.

Lei Chai was surprised to see Mu Qing, but his mouth was sealed by Qing Tong, and he couldn't speak, and he couldn't even communicate with the spirit and the voice of the soul.

Mu Qing quickly took out the Scarlet Domination Hall, then threw Thunder Punishment into it, and then he also entered it.

The Scarlet Domination Hall quickly shrank into particles.

Mu Qing's series of operations were only in a flash!

He knew very well that the non-existent realm was not safe, so after arriving here, he squeezed Thunder Punishment and himself into the Scarlet Domination Hall.

You know, there are already cracks in the endless void, and Qing Tong is almost about to break the endless void as the aftermath of the battle.

Mu Qing was able to bring Thunder Punishment to the non-existent realm so quickly, and it was also because Qing Tong's battle broke the endless void that he used the Star Snake to smoothly take the Thunder Punishment away.

If it is normal, let alone enter the non-existent realm so quickly, it will be difficult for individuals.

Once Qingtong finds something wrong, he will definitely rush into the field of non-existence.

Mu Qing can only hope that Scarlet Domination Hall can withstand Qingtong's attack.

Although it was the Domination Hall created by Scarlet Dominator, Mu Qing didn't know what to do in his heart.

After arriving at the Scarlet Domination Hall, Mu Qing did not go to see Lei Punishment, and the opponent was thrown into a small independent space by him.

But he came to the main hall area with a serious face.

With the strength that Qingtong had shown before, it was a breeze for the opponent to solve the Gorefiend squad!

Suddenly, he took the Thunder Punishment away. Even if it had the hidden aura of the Ancient God Realm, Qing Tong would definitely notice it. After all, Thunder Punishment was taken away by Mu Qing directly.

There is no doubt that Qingtong will eliminate the royal blood demons and come to the realm of nonexistence!

Mu Qing has always regarded as a non-existent field of life-saving means. There are no restrictions on the Qingtong of the Supreme Tenth Heaven. The other party can come and leave if he wants.

Mu Qing also didn't think that after the Scarlet Domination Hall was reduced to particles, it could be hidden from Qingtong.

Naturally everyone is happy to be able to conceal it, but if it can't be concealed, then Mu Qing will face such a supreme powerhouse!

At this time, Mu Qing set his goal on the ability of the world snake!

There is only one golden light group shortly before, so he has collected five golden light groups!

After the promotion of World Snake ability, Mu Qing has no shortage of other things. He only wants to advance and he can freely shuttle in the field of non-existence!

Only in that way can you escape for your life in the hands of the Supreme Tenth Heavenly Powerhouse.

Under Mu Qing's control, a broken corpse emerged, it was the two-horned Gorefiend!

Although it was a bit damaged, at least it still contained some royal blood.

Mu Qing knew that time was pressing, and immediately began refining!

at the same time.

There is no realm.

With a moo, a huge blue bull smashed the gap between the endless void and the non-existent realm, and a huge void came out. Qingtong was sitting on top of the blue bull's head. On that immature face, endless killing appeared. meaning.

The royal blood demon and the remaining double-horned blood demon were naturally solved by him directly.

There is no resistance at all!

Earlier, Qingtong had just played with the royal blood demons a little bit. After all, he only had some understanding of the blood demons, and he hadn't really played against each other.

However, he didn't even notice that there was also Mu Qing who was hiding his breath at the time, and when he didn't react, he directly punished Lei away!

This is definitely his carelessness!

I thought that the situation was already in his own hands, so he didn't pay attention to the situation of Thunder Punishment at all, which caused Mu Qing to take Thunder Punishment away directly.

The Thunder Punishment is Qing Tong's mortal, and he plans to control the Thunder Punishment later and use his life to take the heart of the sacred tree.

Now that Lei Ping was taken away, Qing Tong was extremely angry. He knew very well that there was no realm where Mu Qing went, so he broke the gap and broke in.

Qingtong's gaze swept around, and soon he locked a small particle.

"This is?! Domination Hall?!"

Qingtong's expression had some changes, and he looked at the particle in disbelief.

Under his perception, the particles escaped with a trace of special aura.

Even he could recognize that this is a dominion hall!

"Tianqing Universe, Scarlet, Storm, Sun, and Wilderness, the four main halls, now only one sun dominates hall has appeared, I did not expect that today, I will be able to see the scarlet dominate hall!"

Qingtong's face was full of surprise.

He was quite astonished, because the Demon Realm had attacked the Ancient Immortal Realm earlier, and at that time, he had already noticed that the powerhouses in the Demon Realm had cultivated evil nerves.

Therefore, in Qingtong's view, the Scarlet Domination Hall fell into the Demon Realm. That's why the strong men of the Demon Race have cultivated evil nerves.

It just seems that the situation is not like that now.

"That person is definitely not a monster. If I am not mistaken, is that person Mu Qing?"

Qing Tong said lightly.

He would never read it wrong. The person who took the thunder punishment was not a monster, and he was familiar with them. At the same time, he was able to take the risk of offending himself, the supreme tenth heavenly powerhouse, and save thunder punishment. It's green!

"Unexpectedly, the Scarlet Domination Hall will also fall into your hands, but this Scarlet Domination Hall has experienced cosmic catastrophes, and there is not much power left, and it can't stop me!"

Qingtong sneered a few times and didn't care.

He reached out with his big hand, and the blue light soared, surging like a tide, covering the Scarlet Domination Hall.

But after the cyan light exploded, the non-existent realm was in turmoil, but the particles stood still.


Qingtong snorted coldly, pinching the magic formula in both hands, piercing through cyan light holes, transforming into various symbols, evolving into swords, spears, swords and halberds in mid-air, attacking the scarlet ruler hall that turned into particles.

He is quite confident, because the power of Scarlet Domination Hall does not exist in ten, so give him some time to completely crack it!

The huge green bull under Qingtong's feet also hit the Scarlet Domination Hall with its horns from time to time. It was obvious that the Scarlet Domination Hall turned into a particle, but the horns could hit accurately.

Scarlet Domination Hall had already begun to tremble lightly!

Just as Mu Qing guessed, the Scarlet Domination Hall was able to hide the Supreme Nine Heavens and defend against the attacks of the Supreme Nine Heavens, but in the face of the Supreme Ten Heavens, it was still helpless!

It was only a matter of time before Qingtong broke the defense of Scarlet Domination Hall.

The entire Scarlet Dominion Hall was trembling.

Mu Qing kept calm, he had already refined the two-horned gorefiend.

What surprised him was that this double-horned gorefiend gave five drops of royal blood in one breath!

In Mu Qing's hands, there were three blood hearts collected earlier, and they were also refined.

All the royal blood was absorbed by the Star Book, and immediately after that, a wave of power was fed back to him.

Mu Qing didn't care about this. After reaching the power of the six starry sky, it was extremely difficult for his cosmic body to improve. The feedback of this energy, the improvement was unnecessary.

What Mu Qing cares most about is the golden light group!

Sure enough, after absorbing the blood of the royal family, a golden light cluster condensed in the starry sky book and fell on the cover of the starry sky book.

On the cover, the starry sky is shining, showing the vast universe, among which five golden spots are shining.

Mu Qing hurriedly controlled the starry sky book to turn to the second page in response to his excitement.

Five golden light spots emerged, turned into golden light balls, and slammed into them fiercely.

The dazzling golden light blooms, when the five golden light clusters are injected into the second page!


A huge roar exploded in Mu Qing's ears, and immediately afterwards, countless messages appeared in Mu Qing's mind. Behind him, a giant snake appeared, the body stretched for an unknown length, interspersed in various spatial levels.

At this moment, Mu Qing only felt that his head was about to explode, and at the same time a special force spread in his body.

The scene of the giant snake disappeared, and behind Mu Qing was a starry sky gate.

The starry sky gate twists and turns into a starry sky snake, entwining Mu Qing!

With layers of golden brilliance shrouded, Mu Qing only felt that his understanding and perception of space became more profound, and the whole person was a little more elegant.

Even, he could feel the innumerable small spaces in the Scarlet Domination Hall, as well as the outside world, the power of the space that does not exist in the domain!

The power of the liquid space was originally an obstacle for Mu Qing, and it took a lot of effort to walk a step inside.

But now it's different. Mu Qing only feels the power of the surrounding space is getting close to him, and he is like a real world snake, born with the ability to travel through all spaces.

The golden brilliance gradually dissipated from Mu Qing's body.

And Mu Qing opened his eyes, and the breath of the whole person became more mysterious and profound!

The ability of the world snake has been improved!

Mu Qing opened the Starry Sky Book again, only to see that there was no shadow of the Starry Sky Gate on the second page.

He knew that the Star Gate had completely integrated with the ability of the World Snake, and it was only now that Mu Qing finally truly controlled the natural ability of the World Snake.

On the second page of the starry sky book, a huge starry sky snake appears, shrouded in nebula, and now and then.

But Mu Qing knows that this is not the limit!

When he was perceiving, a message appeared in his mind.

The snake in the starry sky requires 10,000 golden light groups to advance!

Mu Qing couldn't help taking a breath.

This is simply unimaginable!

He is now able to completely control the world's snakes, but there is no doubt that this ability has not reached its peak.

And the world snake ability is advanced again, but it needs a full 10,000 golden light groups!

This made Mu Qing extremely surprised, the span was too big, the last stage of improvement, only five golden light groups!

For a long time, there is no way to improve the world's snake ability.

Mu Qing retracted the Star Sky Book, and then let out a long sigh.

He still didn't go to see Lei Punishment, now the most important thing is to escape from Qingtong!

Although the other party is the Supreme Tenth Heaven, now, Mu Qing has a trace of confidence!

You know, in the sacred tree space, even the Supreme Tenth Heaven cannot carry out large-scale shuttle and movement.

Otherwise, Qingtong would have torn open the space long ago and moved to the location of the heart of the sacred tree.

The entire space of the sacred tree is limited, and it is not possible to move in long distances. This is the rule established by the ancient tree of the blood demon.

Unless there is a realm of dominance, there is no way to break this rule!

Even Qingtong is the same!

Obviously, Mu Qing, who has the ability of the world snake, is outside the rules. After all, the ability of the world snake can reach the plane space of a long river of time!

However, Mu Qing still needs a little bit of time.

Therefore, when he walked out of the Scarlet Domination Hall, he decisively used the time pause! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 1642 Advanced World Snake Ability!) reading record, and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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