Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1634: Battle between Gorefiend Squad

"This group of descendants of rulers are also here?"

Mu Qing was a little surprised, he continued to check the memory of this supreme.

Because the opponent's soul was broken and gradually dissipating, the memory that Mu Qing could see was also fragmented.

Mu Qing frowned, not much information.

Through all kinds of incomplete memories, I can barely get a general idea of ​​things.

A group of dominating descendants, headed by Zhouqing, Fengling, and Mangu, led a large number of dominating descendants.

This group of people unite, and all the forces entering the sacred tree space must be strong.

The first is the three supreme Nine Heavens, and the power displayed by the three people of the day and the Qing is the master-level scripture Xiaocheng state.

Of course, Zhou Qing is the daughter of the sun ruler, and the other two have entered the dominion hall in the Tianqing universe for a very long time. It is possible that the means are hidden. Maybe the dominance level scriptures have actually been cultivated to the realm of Dacheng. !

Although the Dacheng realm is difficult to reach and it takes a lot of time, these three people meet this condition.

The three of them, Zhou Qing and others, were the Supreme Tianjiao when they were in Tianqing Universe. They have cultivated the dominance-level scriptures for a long time, and it is very likely that they have mastered the master-level scriptures of the Dacheng realm!

At least Tianqing should be mastered, after all, as a daughter dominated by the sun!

This also means that the strength of these three people is equivalent to the blood demon king!

The three people unite, the overall strength can be imagined how powerful, if it weren't for the many supreme heavens of the Chaos Universe to unite to deal with them, they would not be so low-key.

After all, they deeply understand that they are from the Tianqing Universe, and if they really make big moves, they may be besieged by the many supreme Ten Heavens of the Chaos Universe.

Therefore, they hide and choose to keep a low profile.

"Among many universes, Tianqing universe is considered a very powerful place, right?"

Mu Qing touched his chin and whispered in a low voice.

At the beginning, the sacred tree exactly the same as the ancient blood demon tree also appeared in the Tianqing universe.

But the outcome of the sacred tree was very miserable. The blood demons who came to try out in the sacred tree encountered the large group of supreme tenth heavens in the Tianqing universe, and they were not opponents at all.

Eventually, the heart of the sacred tree was taken away, and even the torso of the sacred tree was carved away.

This shows how powerful the overall strength of Tianqing Universe is!

As for the three of them, Tianqing and others, they are three with the fighting power comparable to the royal blood demons. They probably won't be in any danger when they encounter a blood demons squad.

After all, there is only one royal family in a Gorefiend team.

Together, the three of Zhouqing might be able to kill the royal blood demons, and the remaining four double-horned blood demons shouldn't be a concern.

However, the memory picture of this guy in front of Mu Qing is too broken, and most of the picture of the battle has been lost.

"That is?!"

Mu Qing frowned slightly and saw a familiar figure!

In the picture of memory, a white wolf appeared next to Shiuqing, glowing with the dazzling light of the sun, and howling at the sky.

This white wolf touched Zhouqing's long snow-white legs affectionately, with a docile look, but the breath that escaped was quite terrifying, reaching the supreme tenth heaven!

"How is it?!"

Mu Qing's heart was very surprised, and his face turned weird.

He can't read it wrong, this white wolf is not the same one he encountered in the Temple of the Lord of the Suns!

The opponent had been suppressed by the Sun Dominator, and even had an antagonism with the Sun Dominator. In the past, he had competed with the Sun Dominator for the dominion sacred object, but failed.

After so many years of suppression, White Wolf has become more and more resentful towards the sun dominance in his heart.

But... why did this guy appear next to Xiuqing?

Also a gesture of ingratiating courtesy?

The White Wolf did not practice the dominance-level scriptures because it had the opportunity to create the dominion-level scriptures on its own.

However, in the battle, the White Wolf was defeated, and has been suppressed since then, so there is no way to practice other dominance-level scriptures.

Even so, the strength of the White Wolf cannot be underestimated, and it is a strong man of the Supreme Ten Heavens!

Coupled with the power of the body of the fusion dominator, the strength of the white wolf is completely comparable to the royal blood demons.

With the addition of the White Wolf, there are four royal blood demons on the side to dominate the descendants, and they are about to form a small team!

There is no doubt that the loser is definitely the Gorefiend squad.

It's a pity that almost all the battle scenes are gone!

The only thing Mu Qing can be sure of is that that blood demon squad is not so easy to deal with. It really fights and kills some people who dominate the descendants.

The supreme in front of Mu Qing is one of the descendants of the Storm Lord, but the blood is relatively thin and the cultivation base is not very good.

It's good luck not to die right away.

"No useful information."

Withdrawing from the memory of the other party, Mu Qing sighed.


At this time, he whispered and found that there was no heart of blood around him.

This is a huge space. Logically speaking, this huge space will have some blood hearts, but right now, except for a batch of blood worm corpses, there is no trace of blood hearts.

The key point is that he learned from the memory of the man just now that the ruling descendants and the group are not interested in the heart of blood, so they didn't move.

Obviously, they had studied the Heart of Blood, but they could not find anything, so they didn't collect it.

"It seems that the captain of the Gorefiend team is still alive!"

Mu Qing searched in a pile of corpses for a while, and found the corpses of four double-horned gorefiends.

It seemed that this Gorefiend squad was quite miserable. All four players had fallen. They weren't the opponents of Shiuqing and the others.

The captain, the royal blood demon, should have not died, and took away the heart of blood.

Mu Qing knew that the pure royal blood in the heart of blood would no longer have a metamorphic effect on the royal blood demons, but if it was absorbed, it would still be okay to recover from the injury.

The royal blood demon apparently escaped with injuries, and took the heart of blood by the way when he left.

"The four powerful blood demons are comparable to the royal blood demons, but none of them were able to kill a royal blood demons. It seems that the vitality of the blood demons is much stronger than I imagined!"

Mu Qing took a deep breath.

He still has some regrets in his heart.

If Shiuqing and others killed the royal blood demon, then he might be able to take the opportunity to refine the royal blood demon's corpse and obtain a large amount of royal blood.

Afterwards, Mu Qing set his eyes on the corpses of the four double-horned gorefiends.

Mu Qing's eyes lit up. To others, these were just four corpses, but to him, these were royal blood!

But soon, Mu Qing couldn't be happy.

The vitality of these four corpses disappeared, not just because they fell, but died for a while.

Mu Qing refined the corpses of the four double-horned blood demons, and finally pieced them together to condense a drop of royal blood.

With an expression of disgust, Mu Qing still refined this drop of royal blood, and the Cosmic Eucharist once again improved a bit.

Mu Qing had a foreboding that his cosmic Eucharist was about to change!

Only the last drop of royal blood can break through to the power of the stars in the six realms!

Mu Qing cared more about the Starry Sky Book, and quickly checked it, but there was no golden light cluster.

"I still think too much. The previous golden light cluster should have absorbed enough energy before it was condensed and fed back by the starry sky book. Now there is only a drop of royal blood, which is obviously impossible..."

Mu Qing shook his head.

He is now counting on the Starry Sky Book to bring him even more powerful strength.

If you practice step by step, even if you rely on the Temple of Chaos, you don't know how many years it will take to cultivate the master-level scriptures on your body to completion.

But the Starry Sky Book is different. The Starry Sky Book last time seemed to have absorbed enough energy and spit out a golden light cluster, which directly raised Mu Qing's Sun Sutra to the realm of Dacheng.

If there are more, Mu Qing can even raise several other dominance-level scriptures to the realm of Dacheng. Who will be his opponent in the same level by then?

Unfortunately, Star Book is obviously not interested in general energy and is rather picky, as long as the top energy, such as royal blood!

Mu Qing thought for a while, and then informed everyone of the general strength of the group of people who dominated the descendants.

The nirvana supreme and others frowned.

"The powerhouses of Tianqing Universe, I didn't expect them to also come in, and there are even four fighting powers comparable to the royal blood demons."

The Master of Nirvana touched his chin, feeling a little tricky.

He tried his best to fight against the royal blood demons. If he continued to fight for a long time, he would definitely lose.

Compared with the group of people who dominate the descendants, it can be said that they are not opponents at all.

"It's not necessarily a bad thing, the blood demons are very eager to fight, especially looking forward to fighting with the strong, and the descendants of the rulers obviously meet this condition!"

The supreme nirvana slowly spoke.

Mu Tuo also nodded, agreeing with this point of view, and said: "When the time comes, the powerhouses of the blood demons will rush towards the group of people who dominate the descendants. The probability of us being targeted is much smaller! "

Everyone's expressions eased, thinking carefully, the stronger the group of people who dominate the descendants, the better, and it's best to attract all the strong of the blood demons!

Of course, the premise is that they will not meet the descendants of the dominant group in advance.

At present, the Demon Realm and the Holy Realm can be determined to be their opponents in the Black Realm. As for the Devil Realm, there is only one Demon Ancestor who is allied with them. The other Demon Realm powerhouses are now under the command of the Emperor of Heaven and can be regarded as enemies.

Only the descendants of the rulers from Tianqing Universe, whose intentions are unknown, they don't want to meet either.

Mu Qing and his entourage continued to move forward, encountering many powerful forces on the way, but they were basically a group of lone rangers or scattered forces, most of which were destroyed by special blood worms.

A few ran into the Gorefiend squad unfortunately, and all were wiped out.

During the period, Mu Qing and others met the group of people who ruled the descendants.

Zhou Qing recognized Mu Qing, but did not speak. At the same time, Mu Qing also saw the white wolf next to Zhou Qing, and confirmed the identity of the white wolf.

However, Feng Ling and Man Gu shot them without hesitation.

Perhaps in the eyes of this group of people, the people of the Chaos Universe are all enemies!

Faced with four combat powers comparable to royal blood demons, Mu Qing and others decisively used the teleporter to escape.

There are only two teleporters left in everyone's hands!

About five days later, everyone came to a large space again.

There are five blood hearts floating in the air, and they are not the first to arrive.

The space here is broken, and there are two Gorefiend teams fighting in the endless void battlefield! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this (Chapter 1634 Battle between Blood Demon Squads), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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