Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1626: Another Gorefiend Team

"what happened……"

The battle on Mu Qing's side ended too suddenly, making the Purple Dragon Demon King extremely shocked, and he couldn't figure out what had happened.

The corners of the nirvana supreme's mouth were slightly raised, combined with the previous Mu Qing's killing of the Double Horned Gorefiend, he knew what had happened right now.

Time paused!

Not many people know about the existence of the Destiny Sutra. Although the Supreme Nirvana has not practiced, he has realized it, and even learned the power of the Destiny Sutra from Mingxuan's mouth.

Consume the power of luck and borrow the power of time!

This is the Destiny Sutra!

Faced with the sudden situation now, the Supreme Nirvana immediately knew what had happened.

Long before Mu Qing killed the Double Horned Gorefiend, he guessed whether Mu Qing had cultivated the Destiny Sutra to the realm of Dacheng, and the time was suspended.

Right now, he is basically determined.

"Unexpectedly, he also cultivated evil nerves! Where did he get it from?"

The Purple Dragon Demon King didn't know what method Mu Qing used to kill the strong monster clan after sacrificing his life in seconds, and what he cared more about now was that Mu Qing had actually cultivated evil nerves!

Moreover, from the phantom of the evil **** behind Mu Qing, he found that Mu Qing should have cultivated the evil nerves to the Xiaocheng realm, because the destruction of the evil spirit was not any of the three evil gods.

The strong monsters, the evil nerves of everyone's cultivation, are all the power obtained from the three evil gods, namely the sword of flesh and blood, the evil eye giant, and the master of the previous two, the scarlet king!

Therefore, their Cthulhu phantom is also one of these three, unless it is relying on oneself to cultivate the evil nerves to the Xiaocheng realm, will they give birth to their own Cthulhu.

Unfortunately, that would require a lot of time, and at the same time cultivating evil nerves is not so good, because you have to face the evil spirits all the time, and if you are not careful, your reason will fall into endless madness.

On the contrary, the three evil spirits directly impart the power of their evil nerves. Not only can they gain the evil nerves of the Xiaocheng realm and even the Dacheng realm in a short time, their own reason will not be affected too much!

After all, there is only one copy of the Starry Sky Book, which belongs to Mu Qing.

Others practice evil nerves, but they have to take huge risks!

At this moment, the Purple Dragon Demon King had already retreated.

He didn't know what exactly Mu Qing used, and in the blink of an eye he killed one of his supreme Eighth Layers subordinates.

Although the Purple Dragon Demon King still had some hole cards in his body, he didn't want to use it at this time.

After all, his task is to capture the heart of the ancient tree!

It is not yet known what happened to the ancient blood demon tree, but the one thing that the Purple Dragon Demon King can be sure of is that no news can be passed out now, and the supreme tenth heaven powerhouse cannot enter.

Because according to the original plan, Yaoyan Supreme will immediately enter the ancient blood demon tree afterwards, they have prepared a lot, and plan to use those methods when finally seizing the heart of the ancient tree.

Their understanding of the Gorefiend Ancient Tree was much better than that of the people in the Chaos Universe.

And the most valuable is the heart of the ancient tree. As long as the heart of the ancient tree is captured, they can sacrifice to the Scarlet King to restore their strength!

However, they didn't know that this so-called ancient blood demon tree was actually just a seed of the ancient blood demon tree itself, and its real name was the sacred tree.

"Everyone! Retreat!"

The Purple Dragon Demon King hatedly glanced at the Nirvana Supreme, when he saw the smile in the opponent's eyes, he realized that the opponent was really confident, not stiff.

He didn't expect that Mu Qing's strength was so strong that he would instantly kill the supreme Eighth Heaven who had increased his strength in the blink of an eye.

And he had a retreat from the bottom of his heart, and he didn't want to keep entangled, otherwise his plan would be broken!

The Purple Dragon Demon King had already seen Mu Qing take action against other monster races. Those Supreme Five Heavens and Six Heavens Monster Race Supreme were not Mu Qing's opponents at all.

With a flash of chaotic light, you can instantly kill a Monster Race Supreme!

The Purple Dragon Demon King gritted his teeth, knowing that the supreme monsters he brought are all precious sacrifice materials!

Mu Qing can no longer be killed unscrupulously!

Just when the Purple Dragon Demon King was going to stop Mu Qing and cover the other people to retreat, a voice of abuse suddenly came from not far away.

"Oh? I didn't expect it to be quite lively here! They were all hit into the endless void."

A group of silhouettes emerged, breaking through the air towards everyone, a total of five silhouettes exuding a violent aura.

Mu Qing and the others looked at each other and guessed the identity of those people.

Gorefiend family!

But it shouldn't be the Mieheng first team they had encountered before, because that team of five people, one of the two-horned Gorefiend was killed by Mu Qing, and it had become a four-person team.

So, now it's another team!

"You leave first, and I will look for you later!"

When Mu Qing saw this Gorefiend team, his eyes narrowed, and he immediately spoke to the Nirvana Supreme.

He had already refined some blood hearts, he could clearly feel that in the blood demon squad in front of him, there were two breaths of royal blood!

The strongest breath is naturally the head of the triangle blood demon, who has transformed from an ugly tauren into an unruly human form, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes look back and forth at everyone.

The triangle blood demon is the royal family among the blood demons, and naturally the royal blood is the strongest.

Among the four double-horned blood demons around him, the royal bloodline on one of them is second only to the triangular blood demons!

"The other three double-horned gorefiends, if the royal bloodline escaping from their bodies is not there, it is estimated that at most one or two blood hearts have been refined!"

"And that double-horned blood demon has a very rich royal atmosphere. I am afraid that it has refined eight or even nine blood hearts, and it will soon become a royal family!"

Mu Qing half-squinted his eyes.

The heart of blood is derived from a drop of pure royal blood, and according to Mu Qing’s speculation, it is possible to refine ten drops of pure royal blood, which is the heart of blood, to make a double-horned blood demon Transformed into a royal family.

Mu Qing asked the nirvana and others to leave first, so naturally he didn't want to let go of this opportunity.

If he can kill the two-horned blood demon with the strongest royal aura, after refining its corpse, even if there is no way to extract eight drops or nine drops of pure royal blood, at least four or five drops can still be extracted. of!

Once he succeeds, he will not be far from the power of the six realms starry sky!

What's more, refining the blood of the royal family also has certain benefits for the Starry Sky Book.

Mu Qing has already activated the ability of Xingkong Shu. He is in the realm of the Great Destiny Sutra at this moment. If he doesn't take this opportunity to try it, the ability of Xingkong Shu will disappear soon.

Anyway, he has a mark on his body, he can return to the space of the secret enchantment at any time, and at the same time he has three instant recovery states of Qi Luck Orb, it is worth a try!


Mu Qing made up his mind, and then immediately felt that there was no realm, and now he can't enter there instantly.

At the same time, a lot of the heart of blood has been refined before, and the ability of the star book can be maintained for a long time.

In addition to using a one-second pause before, Mu Qing was instantly evacuated from the power of the starry sky. Now there is still the power of the starry sky left to squander and he has plenty of energy!

He looked at his goal without a trace, that double-horned gorefiend!

It can be seen that the triangle blood demon headed by him admires this subordinate very much, so most of the blood heart he obtained was thrown to the double horned blood demon for refining.

The three-headed and double-horned gorefiend next to him was obviously not taken for granted.

But as long as he didn't break through to the royal clan, before he became the triangle blood demon, the strength of the double-horned blood demon was still the same, even if it was improved, it would not be as strong!

Although, if Mu Qing could obtain the corpse of the blood triangle, he would probably extract more royal blood, but none of the people present might be the opponent of the blood triangle of the royal family.

After all, the royal family in the blood demons is equivalent to the supreme Nine Heavens who cultivated the master-level scriptures to the realm of Dacheng.

Unless the Supreme Tenth Heaven makes a move, other people are not opponents at all!

However, in this sacred tree space, which supreme Nine Heavens, dominates the realm of the scriptures?

The evil nerves of the Purple Dragon Demon King are forcibly endowed with only the Xiaocheng realm. Although the Nirvana Supreme has not practiced the dominance-level scriptures, he is armed with countless artifacts, and all kinds of artifacts are unexpected in battle. The realm dominates the combat power of the scriptures.

In addition, I am afraid that even the Supreme Nine Heavens of Xiaocheng realm can't be found!

After all, in the Chaos Universe, Dominant-level scriptures are not so easy to find.

At present, the blood demons of the royal family are basically difficult to defeat, so even if Mu Qing is greedy for the royal blood in the opponent's body, he has no intention of making a move.

Shooting is looking for death!

Ji Mie Zhi looked at Mu Qing and nodded. He knew what Mu Qing must be thinking.

And after he was sure that Mu Qing could do the time halt in his heart, the Supreme Nirvana was more assured of Mu Qing's safety.

Once encountered something difficult to deal with, pause for a while, and then leave the inner space of the sacred tree through the imprint transmission, even if the blood demon king clan is strong, there is no way to leave Mu Qing.

"Okay, let's go first."

Supreme Nirvana glanced at the four people behind him, and they were more or less injured, but not too serious.

Those strong monsters, even if they sacrificed their lives to gain power, their true strength was much worse than the Double Horned Gorefiend, at least they couldn't crush Ponton, Gai Linxuan and others.

The nirvana supreme took out the teleporter, pressed the button, and a cloud of azure blue mist enveloped everyone and disappeared in place.

"Captain! Those guys disappeared!"

A double-horned blood demon's face changed suddenly, and he hurriedly shouted.


The royal triangle blood demon's face sank, his gaze was like a knife, and he looked towards the place where the supreme nirvana and others were originally located.

It disappeared under their noses!

"The enchantment has not been damaged in any way. They used some means to escape without triggering the enchantment!"

Next to him, the double-horned blood demon with the strongest royal aura on his body quickly said.

They had already laid down the barrier in secret, and even the Supreme Nine Heavens would take a long time to crack it.

But I didn't expect to miss it now and let people escape part of it!

"It seems that the people in this universe are not as fragile as imagined!"

"Listen to the rest! My name is Miequan! Next, your only way out is to kill us. If you can't do it, you will never be able to escape the enchantment we set!"

The royal blood demon named Miequan shouted with a cold face.

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