Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1620: Panic

The internal space of the Gorefiend Ancient Tree.

In a blood channel.

Groups of blue mist vortexes emerged, and the figures of Mu Qing and others fell down one after another.


Mu Qing and others lay on the ground, gasping for breath, and Pontons coughed up blood.

Everyone was seriously injured. On the contrary, Mu Qing was okay. Although his injury was not light, it was more because of his weakness after using the Starry Sky Book ability.

"Where is the big snake..."

After a while, Mu Qing got better, he slowly stood up and looked at everyone.

A big snake was found missing.

Although Da Snake is a supreme Tianjiao and very talented, but his realm cultivation is much lower than Mu Qing, and he was severely injured by the double-horned blood demon in one face.

"Don't worry, I have already sensed that the seal of the secret barrier has disappeared, and the big snake has been sent back to the secret barrier through the mark."

The Supreme Nirvana explained.

He stood up and handed everyone some divine pills that contained majestic vitality.

"Fortunately, the universe has recently been promoted to a mature stage. There are many treasures of heaven and earth, and many healing gods have been refined."

There are not many divine pills that can effectively restore the supreme, but after the universe has reached the maturity stage, there are many more precious heavenly materials and earth treasures, and many divine pills have been refined in the core of the black world.

Mu Qing took a few divine pills and swallowed them. After refining, he really felt that his weak state had eased a lot.

Everyone was injured very seriously, and in the battle just now, except for Mu Qing and Nirvana, the others all used the instant recovery state in the Qi Luck Pearl.

This also meant that when they faced the Double Horned Gorefiend, they were all caught in a dying crisis, and they had to use only three opportunities to recover instantly.

You know, the instant recovery state is the time to use the power of a long river of time to directly return the body's state to its heyday.

After that, it was hit hard again!

If it weren’t for Nirvana Suddenly seized the opportunity to give the transmitter to everyone, I’m afraid they could only consider using the ability to instantly recover their state once again or send away through the imprint of the secret enchantment.

"Those guys, what the **** is it..."

Xian Muran's face was pale, her dress was already infested with blood, and she couldn't help but ask at this moment.

"Not sure."

Ji Mie Zhi Zun shook his head, he also felt very puzzled.

According to the memory picture given to him by Mingxuan, the blood demon should be a creature created by the blood demon ancient tree. Although powerful, it is at most the strength of the Supreme Nine Heavens.

In the Tianqing Universe, the powerhouses of the Supreme Tenth Heaven enter inside the ancient blood demon tree, and those blood demon have no threat at all!

Why has the blood demons they encountered now become so powerful?

Even, judging from the words of those blood demons, it seems to come from other universes!

"There is bad news, the Supreme Tenth Heavenly Powerhouse has been stopped outside." With the Qi Luck Pearl in his hand, the Supreme Nirvana can still communicate with Mingxuan.

But he got the news that Jianxin Supreme and Leader Mingxuan were unable to enter the Old Blood Demon Tree!

"There is no doubt that something we don't know has happened in this ancient blood demon tree."

"If you want to control the plan of the Gorefiend Ancient Tree, I'm afraid it will become much harder!"

The Supreme Nirvana frowned.

I thought I was going to face the demon world, the demon world, the holy world and others, but I didn't expect the blood demons to suddenly appear.

"That guy, the strength should be comparable to the Supreme Tenth Heaven." The Silence Supreme said solemnly.

It was very difficult for him to fight the Supreme Nine Heavens Triangle Blood Demon!

You know, the Supreme Nirvana carries a lot of nine-class artifacts, plus an offensive tenth-class artifact.

But he found that he was not an opponent of the Blood Triangle at all!

This is just five blood demons!

It has already made them so embarrassed. Except for Mu Qing who killed a double-horned gorefiend, the others were almost in desperation.

"I think I should be able to get some news about that group of blood demons."

Mu Qing spoke suddenly, attracting everyone's attention.

He has a heart of blood in his hand, obtained before the battle.

Mu Qing threw the heart of blood to the supreme nirvana.

Afterwards, he ran his evil nerves, and a phantom of the evil **** appeared behind him, and a cold, evil, and cruel aura escaped, causing everyone to tremble.

The Supreme Nirvana threw the heart of blood into the heart container, which completely aroused the power of the heart of blood, ensuring that they would not be attacked by blood worms, and then looked at Mu Qing.

"This is... quite a weird master-level scripture!"

Gai Linxuan and Mu Tuo glanced at each other, and they immediately judged that this was a dominating scripture inspired by Mu Qing.

I saw the evil **** of destruction behind Mu Qing opened his mouth, slowly spit out a shadow.

It was an illusory shadow, but it shocked everyone!

"This is..." Xian Muran's eyes widened.

This illusory shadow is surprisingly a double-horned blood demon!

The double-horned blood demon killed by Mu Qing.

"Patient mind!"

Mu Qing's eyes flashed with scarlet light, and his eyes fell on the soul of the horned gorefiend.

Cthulhu has the ability to devour souls, which Mu Qing did not expect.

And Mu Qing also discovered that when he uses the Cthulhu to kill more opponents, more and more souls will be devoured, and the Cthulhu's power will become stronger!

At the same time, what Mu Qing is now displaying is an ability of evil nerves!

The evil nerves of the Xiaocheng realm have two special supernatural powers.

Imperius curse and dementia!

The Imperius curse is to control the opponent's soul, so that the opponent is completely under his own control. Of course, the Imperius curse can be broken away. Although the probability is small, the success rate and stability still depend on the cultivator's ability.

The second mind-trapping mind can quietly peer into the thoughts of the other party and the memories in the other party's mind.

Generally speaking, most of the methods of searching memory will cause serious sequelae to the target.

But the mind-trapping mind is different. It is a means of peering into memory and mind silently, and will not cause any impact on the goal.

Even the target can't find that he has been prying into the memory!

When Mu Qing saw this contemplative mind, he was taken aback, but he immediately reacted, this contemplative mind is very in line with the evil nerves and can help the evil **** to confuse others more easily.

Now, when Mu Qing shows up, he is not deep in the practice of Shen Shen Chu Min.

When he first saw this mind-trapping mind, Mu Qing naturally went to practice. After all, when he was fighting, he always maintained the ability of mind-trapping mind, wouldn't he be omniscient and omnipotent?

However, Mu Qing gave up later, because he found that this mind-trapping thought was difficult to use against people of the same level and stronger than himself.

Unless the opponent is extremely weak!

Most of Mu Qing's opponents were equal to or more powerful than him. In this case, using the mind of the gods during the battle would not only distract him, but also had no effect.

However, the current situation is suitable for the use of sanctuary.

After all, there is only one soul left in this pair of horned blood demons!

Mu Qing quietly used the mind of capturing the mind, and at the same time, a picture of memory appeared in his mind.


Endless fighting!

In addition to fighting or fighting!

This double-horned blood demon has been bathed in blood since its birth, fighting and fighting with all kinds of weird races.

His name is Kui!

Kui fought within the clan and killed in the outside world. It was a very huge battlefield, with strong men from various universes. According to memory, this battlefield was created by the great supreme tree.

And Kui himself stood out in that **** battlefield and was selected by Mie Heng to form a five-man team. In addition to Kui, there were three double-horned gorefiends, and his strength was comparable!

The captain's name is Mie Heng, the royal family of the blood demons!

This royal family was not born, but was promoted through constant fighting and fighting.

Among them, the blood heart obtained in every cosmic trial will also enhance the bloodline power of the Gorefiend family.

When the bloodline reaches a certain degree of richness, a horn will grow on the forehead of the Double-horned Gorefiend and become a royal family!

At that time, not only the strength will be greatly improved, but even the status will also become extremely high.

And the royal family will also have the qualifications to conduct cosmic trials at any time.

Ordinary two-horned gorefiends can only go to the **** battlefield to fight. Only when they are favored by the royal family and form a team of five, can they enter the universe for trial.

Mu Qing felt that Kui was very eager to become a royal family and was given a surname through the seduction of the gods. In his subconscious mind, he hoped that one day he would be called Kui by the people of the family and possess the glory of the royal family!

It's a pity that Kui was killed by Mu Qing, this dream is obviously not finished!

Continuing to look at the memory screen, Mu Qing also discovered that the royal family is not the culmination of the blood demons.

It seems that there is a more noble status, but Yikui's status is obviously inaccessible.

The only news I get is that you will be given the name of Mie when you become a royal family, and if you go further in the royal family, you will be crowned with the word "God" and be named "Shen Mie"!

Immediately afterwards, one memory after another appeared in Mu Qing's mind.

After a long time.

Mu Qing let out a long breath, he finally digested all of Kui's memories!

There was a trace of shock in his eyes, and it was obvious that the news he had received was very startling.

"How is it?" Seeing that Mu Qing seemed to be over, the Supreme Master of Jilin asked quickly.

Mu Qing glanced at the people, and then said: "Do you still remember those two pictures, respectively, the two universes appeared in the ancient blood demon tree, but the ending is completely different."

The evil **** of destruction behind him opened his mouth, swallowed the soul of the two-horned gorefiend again, and then disappeared.

Hearing this, the supreme nirvana nodded solemnly.

"The first picture is Tianqing Universe, where the ancient blood demon tree created many blood worms and blood demon, but it is still not the opponent of many supreme ten heavens. In the end, the heart of the ancient tree was shattered and many strong people benefited. ."

"But in the second screen, the blood demon ancient tree swallowed everything and took up a starry sky. After the siege of many powerful men, the blood demon ancient tree swallowed and absorbed the entire starry sky. At the same time, The Gorefiend ancient tree has grown tremendously, and finally uses the entire universe as a nutrient to absorb cleanly!"

Mu Qing spoke slowly, repeating the two pictures that everyone had seen.

The next moment, Mu Qing's face condensed, and he said solemnly: "And the news I got from the memory of this two-horned blood demon, that second picture is the history of the birth of the real blood demon ancient tree!" The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Domination txt download address: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1620), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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