Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1451: The Three Brothers of the Devil

"I'll go find King Chaos with you and them."

Lei Ping said in a deep voice.

His sudden arrival made Mu Qing feel a little surprised.

"Regarding the King of Primal Chaos, we have already told the Supreme Master of Lei Punishment."

Xinrui transmitted the sound to Mu Qing, who told the ancient immortal world about this, but he didn't expect Lei Chau Zhizun to come so quickly.

"it is good."

Mu Qing nodded, one more person has more power, not to mention the strength of Thunder Punishment is very strong, originally has the strength of the Supreme Five Heavens, now when encountering Thunder Punishment again, Mu Qing has discovered the opponent's cultivation level. Has reached the Supreme Sixth Heaven.

This strength is at the same level as the Chaos King.

Mu Qing and the King of Primal Chaos left the starry sky world and came outside.

"We act separately, so that the efficiency of finding the Chaos King and Killing Supreme can be slightly higher."

Mu Qing whispered.

Lei Xian nodded his head with a solemn expression. In fact, he also knew that the two disappearances of the Primordial Chaos King and Slaughter Supreme were mostly related to the Three Realms.

"I'm going to the Demon Realm, you go to the Demon Realm, try not to reveal your identity as much as possible, if you encounter a threat, retreat decisively."

Lei Chai said in a deep voice, this action is mainly to find people, or to figure out the situation, to see if we can find the traces of the King of Chaos and the Supreme Slaughter.

Anyway, it's not going to fight, even if Mu Qing and Lei Chai enter the two worlds of demons, there will be no accidents.

After all, they are the supreme, as long as they are not the supreme powerhouses like the demon flame supreme and the demon ancestor, they can easily escape when encountering other troubles.

Lei Ping made a click and turned into a thunder and disappeared in place.

At the same time, Mu Qing also moved in the direction of the Demon Realm.

He entered the fourth-order destiny form, and the golden flames from his body disappeared completely.

After that, Mu Qing wore a black robe and a hood to cover up his appearance, and then entered the Demon Realm in a flash.

As soon as he entered the demon world, a gloomy aura rushed over his face. Every planet in the demon world was filled with demon energy, and the color tone was dominated by dark colors.

Mu Qing couldn't help frowning in this depressing environment.

"How long has passed since this demon world has been completely changed."

Mu Qing couldn't help sighing from the bottom of his heart that the environment in this world had been completely transformed into something suitable for demonic cultivators to survive.

Perhaps this is the influence of the Supreme Ten Heavenly Powerhouse.

In a short time, it is enough to change the environment of the whole world.

If Mu Qing practices magic skills now, he can climb up in a short period of time and directly reach the realm of Consummation.

Mu Qing's location was in the northern part of the Demon Realm. He found a planet Moro and settled down temporarily.

The races here are similar to humans, but their living habits are extremely savage, drinking hair and blood, and living a life like a barbarian.

On the planet Moro, most of them are villages, and there are few cities.

Mu Qing randomly found a village, directly killed the village chief, and then entangled in the depths of the village.

Moonlight appeared in his eyes, and he displayed the magical powers he hadn't used for a long time, the Moon God Dreamland.

At this moment, more than a hundred people in this village are all in a dream. In their eyes, Mu Qing is the original village head.

And within three days, Mu Qing also got news from these villagers, it turned out that this Mora star had an extraordinary origin.

When this star just descended, Mu Qing had sensed that there was no supreme powerhouse, but there were many supreme great emperors, and he even sensed a lot of semi-sovereigns.

Regardless of the many villages here, in fact every villager is a magic repair!

Only in this village occupied by Mu Qing, the weakest villager's magic repair strength has also reached the realm of the gods.

Mu Qing was originally curious about why there are so many strong men on this planet.

According to the villagers, Mono Supreme was born on this planet of Moro.

"Those adults, when will they come back?"

Mu Qing called a villager in the realm of the Great Emperor, his eyes flashed with moonlight, and asked.

The emperor Moxiu's expression was a bit sluggish. After a while, he responded to Mu Qing, saying, "Master Mono seems to have fallen. There has been news in those royal cities and some people are wanted."

"And Master Moxu hasn't come back for a long time, maybe he will return after a while, and Master Moro, who came back before and left after dealing with some things."

Mu Qing quietly heard it, and then waved his hand to let the magic repair villager leave.

From his mouth, Mu Qing learned that the planet Moro was named after a supreme Moro.

This Moro Supreme and Mono Supreme also has a third brother named Mo Xu Supreme.

The three demon brothers are all supreme, and one is stronger than the other.

Mono Supreme, but still the weakest among them, but also has the Supreme Triple Heaven.

The remaining two people, the second brother Moxu Supreme, are already the Supreme Four Heavens.

The eldest brother Moro Supreme is the Supreme Five Heaven.

Mu Qing frowned. He didn't expect that he picked a remote planet casually, so he chose the hometown of the three demon brothers.

And he was still a little bit more puzzled, the speed of the Demon Realm and the Demon Realm's development was a bit too fast.

These demons are all supreme. Could it be that they were cultivated after the return of the demon ancestor?

But Mu Qing thought for a while, and felt something was wrong.

No matter how powerful the Supreme Tenth Heaven is, it is impossible to directly help people break through the Supreme, right?

After all, the self-destruction is one's own business, and there is no way to help as strong as the devil's ancestor.

Could it be the old power of the original demon ancestor who had been hiding before?

Mu Qing thought about it, and it seemed that there was only one possibility. After the return of the Demon Ancestor, these hidden Demon Cultivators returned one after another.

"The three supreme brothers of the Demon Realm will return to this home every once in a while. The Supreme Mono has already fallen. Don’t worry about it. The Supreme Moro has already come back, which means that the one who may come back recently is this Moro. Virtual supreme..."

Mu Qing stroked his chin, thinking.

According to the description from the villagers of Moxiu, the three supreme brothers came back separately, as always.

The Supreme Moro has already returned and left, so the next one to return will only be the Supreme Quadruple Moxu.

"The Supreme Four Heaven... Even if I was discovered, I wouldn't panic."

Mu Qing groaned, even if he couldn't directly kill the Supreme Four Heavens, he still had the confidence to escape successfully.

Although he has broken through to the Supreme Triple Heaven, his strength has not been significantly improved.

Contend with the Supreme Five Heavens at most, but can't fight for long.

And fighting with the Supreme Quadruple Heaven is very easy, but there is no way to kill, unless relying on war of attrition.

It's a pity that this is the devil world. If Mu Qing resorts to war of attrition, he will seek his own death, so once he is discovered, it is better to escape early.

"Village chief, news came from Tianluo Wangcheng, saying that the village chief and the ten strongest demons of each village should go to the Wangcheng to prepare to welcome the Supreme Master of Moxu."

At this time, a demonic villager controlled by the Moon God Dream ran over and informed Mu Qing of the news. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this reading (Chapter 1451 Three Brothers of the Devil), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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