Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1432: Useless Star Book


Mu Qing looked at this list and was deeply shocked.

There are almost everything in it, a lot of miscellaneous things.

Of course, there are still few things that are useful to Mu Qing.

Naturally, the more things like the top **** stone ore veins, the better, but Mu Qing's current Qi luck points are not enough.

What he cares most about is these two.

Restore state instantly!

I don't know how the leader of the black world did it, even this and other means can do it, and it can be achieved only by relying on luck beads.

The most important point is that there are no restrictions on this, which means that powerful people like the Supreme Nine Heavens can rely on this Qi Luck Pearl to restore their state!

It can be recovered three times!

"For this alone, the Qi Luck Pearl can already be regarded as a hole card!"

Mu Qing took a deep breath. In the face of crisis, it is definitely a life-saving method.

Afterwards, Mu Qing looked at Xingkongshu.

This star book is classified as supreme magical power, but the price has reached 100 luck points!

You know, other supreme magical powers are basically the price of 10 or 20 points, only this starry sky book requires 100 points of luck, it is difficult to not let people pay attention.

After all, 100 points of luck, but you need to kill a supreme power to get it, which is quite expensive.

The description of this starry sky book is also more interesting.

Star Book: You can practice by proficient in the power of stars and stars, and write a book of stars with your own power, which can contain the universe and even become another multi-universe.

Mu Qing frowned slightly. The description of this starry sky book even involves the multiverse. Is it really so powerful?

It's just a magical power, and even the multiverse has been pulled out.

"Try another one?"

Mu Qing hesitated, listening to the description, it seemed that this starry sky book was quite powerful, but he was afraid that these points on his body would be wasted.

Finally, after thinking about it, Mu Qing decided to exchange it. He took a bit of space, and the 100 points on the Qi Luck Pearl were instantly cleared, and then turned into a white light, defeating the list.

Others may be confused when using it for the first time, and don’t know what to do, but Mu Qing is also a veteran of using the power of Qi Yun. He can see at a glance that this Qi Yun point himself is a small part of the strength of Qi Yun. Come.

You only need to stimulate this bit of luck a little bit, and that's it.

Subsequently, a book emerged from the Qi Luck Pearl and fell into Mu Qing's hands.

The book is shining with stars, and the cover is a deep starry sky, you can't help but sink in after a few glances.

Mu Qing weighed the Starry Sky Book in his hand, almost weightless, and when he opened the first page, a mysterious force swept through his body, seeming to bind the Starry Sky Book to him.

He looked at the first page of the starry sky book, which was completely dark, like a dead universe.

"What does this starry sky book mean?"

Mu Qing frowned slightly, and did not understand what the starry sky book meant.

"Forget it, study it slowly later."

With a move of mind, this starry sky book was picked up between his eyebrows, just below the singularity of the starry sky.

"You also bought that weird supreme magical power?"

At this moment, Oga came to Mu Qing's side, somewhat surprised.

"Do you know this Starry Sky Book?" Mu Qing asked curiously. Oga and others joined the Black World earlier than him, and perhaps they know more about this Starry Sky Book.

Oga sighed and said, "Waste!"

"The starry sky book is so expensive on that list, and it naturally attracts everyone's attention, but there are descriptions on it. You must be proficient in the stars or the power of the stars to cultivate, so we didn't exchange it."

"But in fact, some strong people who are good at the power of stars have also purchased it, and it turns out that this starry sky book is not as powerful as imagined. It can barely be regarded as an ordinary supreme magic power..."

After thinking about it, Oga pointed to the astrological supreme not far away, and whispered: "That guy is new, just like you. During the last mission, he desperately killed an injured supreme, and then he exchanged it directly. After reading this starry sky book, you can ask him questions about this starry sky book."

Lei Yuan was also aside, and sneered after hearing the words, "80% of this starry sky book was made by the leader of the black world to cheat people. The price is so expensive, but the power is quite ordinary."

"If it is really powerful, the horoscope would have been used in the battle just now."

"Huh!" The astrologer's face sank when he heard the comments from the crowd.

His heart is also tickling with hatred.

After all, it didn't take long for me to join the Black World, I got 100 luck points the first time I performed the mission, which was actually pretty good luck.

However, he happened to see a supreme magical power on the list called Xingkong Shu, whose price was five times or even ten times higher than the average supreme magical power!

Subconsciously, astrologers believe that this magical power is absolutely incomparably powerful.

He even felt that he was the Son of Destiny!

He broke through the supreme as soon as he joined the black world, and later he was lucky and killed the injured supreme.

With 100 luck points, it happens to be able to buy the Star Book!

Take a look at the exaggerated description of the Starry Sky Book, and it can even evolve into a multiverse later!

Decisively, the horoscope spent the 100 points of luck, and he happened to be a master of the power of the stars.

As a result, the starry sky book that had been pondered for a long time, except for the power to smash the opponent in a brutal way, no other special place was found.


Mu Qing was also a little embarrassed, so it seemed that this starry sky book was really useless.

He seems to be pitted!

"Don't worry about so much, Brother Mu, I think you are good at strength. Why don't we go out together and kill the three guys in that space channel!"

Oga patted Mu Qing on the shoulder. He shrank to about five meters, but he was still huge.

"Count me in."

Lei Yuan carried the Lei Zhu and was eager to try. Both he and Oga were strong in the Supreme Triple Heaven. They only gained some points, which was not enough to satisfy him.

"Go ahead, I won't get mixed up."

The sword demon and the sword demon spoke in unison, and the two of them looked at Mu Qing, the newly joined member, slightly curiously, and then turned and disappeared into the black mist.

Mu Qing hesitated and said, "Is it possible to expose the identity of the three supreme guards who guard the space channel?

"What are you afraid of, let alone, as long as we go out alive, we are already revealing our identity!"

Oga shook his head, and he whispered: "So many people have died, but the two of us are still alive. Do you think the Three Realms really will not doubt us?"

Lei Yuan said in a deep voice from the side: "Don't worry, in fact, the leader of the black world also wants to use this opportunity to be exposed in front of the three planes, so that all the worlds in the universe know that we are such a power, not to mention that we still have the old sword, and the other three planes. It will only fear us even more."

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