Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1411: The sword rang

As soon as Mu Qing encountered an island, he thought that there would be various powerful Monster Sea Monster Races on it, but who knows, watching the movement on it, Mu Qing found that the King of Chaos and the Supreme Slaughter were all on it!

He was happy in his heart, and he didn't need to continue to look for the two of them now. He didn't expect that the two of them happened to be together.

However, Mu Qing also noticed that something was wrong between the two of them, and immediately rushed forward to help.

But like the sandy desert, Mu Qing just flew into the sky, and a terrifying storm suddenly enveloped him. In an instant, Mu Qing's side flashed and thundered, and the rain fell torrentially.


An immense demon power directly acted on Mu Qing's body, coughing up blood on the spot like a heavy blow to his chest.

This intensity was much stronger than that on the sandy desert. When Mu Qing dropped to a certain height, the violent storms around him disappeared instantly.

This is something like an illusion that has always existed in this Underworld Demon Realm. After reaching a certain height, no matter what creature it is, it will be judged to want to escape here, trigger the illusion, and eventually be beaten back.

Even if Mu Qing is now in Tier 4 destiny form, he still can't resist this force.

"Mu Qing?"

At this time, the King of Chaos and Supreme Slaughter who were fighting with a group of monsters on the island saw Mu Qing, and his expressions were instantly happy.

Mu Qing stabilized his figure and looked over there.

The situation of King Chaos was fine, but he was breathing heavily, and it was obvious that he was over-consuming.

The situation of Killing Supreme is a bit bad.

After all, Slaughter Supreme only has the strength of Supreme Double Heaven, and with the suppression here, it is estimated that at most the power of Supreme One Heaven can be used.

The strength of the Supreme One Heaven, even if it is placed on the sandy desert side, it needs to be cautious, not to mention this dangerous sea of ​​monsters.

Slaughter Supreme was severely injured, holding a killing sword, and could only assist the Chaos King on the side, and most of the battles still depended on the Chaos King.

And their enemy is a group of murlocs with wings, fish heads and human bodies, each holding a crystal clear spear.

Regardless of their weird looks, they are actually quite terrifying in strength, basically ranging from the Supreme Second Heaven to Supreme Fifth Heaven.

Although there is only one flying murloc of the Supreme Five Heavens, the combination of these forces makes it very difficult for the Chaos King to deal with it. After all, under this harsh environment, even the Chaos King, the Chaos creature, cannot bear the invisible. The encroachment of evil spirits.

Mu Qing could tell at a glance that the power in the Primordial King's body had been over-consumed.


The flying murloc of the Supreme Five Heavens, holding a crystal spear, stirred with blue wings on his back, directly rushed to the Supreme Killing behind the King of Primal Chaos.

Obviously, this flying murloc wanted to kill the weak Slaughter Supreme first, and then slowly dragged the Chaos King to death.

"Damn it!"

The King of Primal Chaos roared and fisted two flying murlocs, but soon a group of other flying murlocs rushed in again, entangled him, and couldn't free his hands to help the Supreme Slaughter.

At this moment, Mu Qing came to the Slaughter Supreme in a flash, waved and displayed nothing, an invisible barrier stood in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, Hei Gong and Yin-Yang turn extinction were displayed at the same time!

Mu Qing used all his strength directly, because he knew that his opponent was a powerful monster sea monster clan with the Supreme Five Heavens, not the monster clan that he usually encountered.

The flying murloc with Supreme Five Heavenly strength directly penetrated Mu Qing's emptiness with a crystal spear in his hand, and the invisible barrier snapped to pieces.

Afterwards, the Black Palace shrouded it, and the terrifying black hole force strangled it in all directions.

The magical power of Mu Qing's Black Palace is a magical power that completely hits. There is no situation of being avoided in the past. Even the powerhouse of the Supreme Nine Heavens will be locked by the Black Palace.

Of course, the powerhouse of the Supreme Nine Heavens can also ignore the Black Palace and easily crush it.

You don't even need the Supreme Nine Heavens, the flying murloc of the Supreme Five Heavens directly pierced the Black Palace with a spear.

But waiting for the other party is the 100,000 real dragons of Yin and Yang!

After reaching the fourth-order destiny form, Mu Qing's yin and yang transformation power was once again increased, and the number of yin and yang true dragon feet condensed reached one hundred thousand!

This number is absolutely terrifying, and the dense yin and yang true dragons stared at the flying murlocs, and then swarmed them.

The terrifying power of Yin and Yang strangled, even the flying murloc of the Supreme Five Heavens, when faced with this scene, he couldn't help but be taken aback.


The flying murloc made a weird sound. He threw out the crystal spear in his hand fiercely, rolled up the water of the monster sea, and suddenly condensed into a monster sea dragon that reached the sky and the earth, and rushed towards the real dragon of Yin and Yang around him.

And its body, coming towards Mu Qing again, the terrifying demon power attached to the fist, and the blue wings behind it even burst into flames, blasting towards Mu Qing at an astonishing speed.

Mu Qing's eyelids twitched, this speed was too fast, even if he was in the fourth-order destiny form, he almost didn't react.

He immediately burst into golden flames, and at the same time wrapped a layer of starry sky phantom, after blessing the power of the starry sky demon god, the power of destruction condensed into a dragon, and the same punch blasted!


Destroying Dragon Fist and Flying Fishman are fighting together, but now Mu Qing may be able to deal with the Supreme Triple Heaven and even the Fourth Heaven, but it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the Supreme Five Heaven.


A terrifying demon power slapped Mu Qing, blasting him into the air, forcibly smashing a mountain on an island, and falling into the distant demon sea.

Of course, the flying murloc also suffered a certain amount of trauma, and his entire arm was directly bombed!

The main one is the destructiveness deliberately destructive.

Although the demon power is powerful, Mu Qing's power of destruction and power of resurrection is not a joke, one destroys everything, the other restores everything.

"Mu Qing!"

King Primal Chaos saw Mu Qing being blasted into the Monster Sea, he felt very anxious. After staying in the Monster Sea for a while, he naturally knew what kind of danger he would encounter when he fell into the Monster Sea.

Soon, a golden light soared into the sky, and Mu Qing was wrapped in golden arrogance, with blond hair and silver eyes, rushing out of the monster sea.

Mu Qing panted, and in the short time he fell into the monster sea, the power in his body was eroded by one third!

If it is slower, I am afraid that his whole person will be digested by this monster sea!

Such an endless sea of ​​monsters is completely a terrifying mouth of people!

Mu Qing was fast, and immediately returned to the sky above the island with a solemn expression, facing the flying murloc.

"Sorry, I'm dragging you down."

Killing Supreme is very sorry.

"It's okay, everything is over."

Mu Qing shook his head and whispered.

Now that the two have been found, there is no need to delay any longer.

Mu Qing opened his palm, and there was a sharp sword light on it, tearing away all the breath.

In the next moment, Mu Qing tried his best to crush it!

In an instant, the sword light spread all over the world, and a sword rang through the entire monster sea! Starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Domination txt download address: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of next time To read, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1411 Sword rang), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support ! (

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