Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1403: The only way to escape

Throughout the night, Mu Qing was relying on the power of the Avenue of Stars to restore energy in the body.

Until the sky gradually brightened, Mu Qing let out a long breath, and finally recovered almost.

This shows how terrifying the consumption in this Underworld Demon Realm is.

Mu Qing usually uses the destiny form, because the destiny form is based on the power of air transport, so the consumption is not so large, but once the power of the starry sky demon **** is blessed, this is a real consumption of energy in the body.

It took Mu Qing a full night to make up for the lost energy.

During the day, the violent invisible demon spirit calmed down, and the tingling sensation disappeared.

The two continued to advance in the sandy desert, trying to find the King of Chaos and the Supreme Slaughter.

But still nothing.

For the next three days, Mu Qing and the Red Demon had been moving in the sandy desert. There were quite a few demon tribes they encountered along the way, but they never encountered such a particularly powerful demon tribe as before.

In three days, the monster beasts encountered can have about a dozen groups, which is quite high.

Of course, the strength of these monster races is at most in the realm of Extreme Great Emperors, they are not Mu Qing's opponents at all, and they are extremely easy to deal with.

"This is a bit troublesome. The Underworld Demon Realm doesn't know how big it is. After looking for it for so long, the figures of the Primordial King and Slaughter Supreme still haven't been seen."

Mu Qing frowned.

The King of Primal Chaos is okay. What he is worried about now is the Supreme Slaughter. The opponent's strength is only the Supreme Second Heaven. Once he encounters a powerful monster in it, he may not be able to resist it.

"The place we have explored during this period of time, when used as the outside world, is equivalent to the area of ​​a planet. It is very likely that your two friends are in the monster sea."

The Red Demon couldn't help but speak.

Earlier, the Red Demon and Mu Qing said that compared with the sandy desert, the Demon Sea is even more terrifying, and the Demon Sea Beast inside is much stronger.

The Red Demon had been in contact with the Monster Sea, but within a few days he immediately fled back to the sandy desert. Compared with the two, the sandy desert was safer.

"The environment of the monster sea is even worse. In addition to the invisible monster energy, the sea water of the monster sea is corrosive. It is not the indigenous monster clan of the monster sea. It cannot withstand the corrosive force at all. An empty shell!"

The Red Demon explained that if Mu Qing's two friends were to fall into the Monster Sea, it would probably be dead in all likelihood.

"Look again."

Mu Qing sighed.

Can't give up hope.

The Red Demon shrugged, but he didn't care so much, because he himself needed to make a large-scale movement, otherwise he would be more likely to encounter the demon clan.

Before it got dark, the two came to a certain residence of the Red Demon again.

After these three days, Mu Qing also really saw how many places the Red Demon lived in. Each place was different and relatively safe.

Mu Qing had just moved forward, but the Scarlet Demon's body suddenly stopped, his face changed, and he quickly shouted: "Be careful! Get out of the way!"

Hearing the words of the Red Demon, Mu Qing's reaction was also extremely fast, the pale golden flames erupted, and he dodged directly aside.


In the sand, a huge centipede rushed out, the whole body was green and it was more than ten meters long, and it made a piercing roar.

Mu Qing's eyes condensed, the immortal dragon hovered in his hand, and a palm fell!

The green oily carapace on this desert centipede is like a armor, which looks very hard, but its strength is only about half the supreme level. It is not Mu Qing's opponent at all, and it is directly smashed by Mu Qing's palm.


The body of the desert centipede burst into pieces, and the immortal dragon smashed down, leaving only a few pieces on the ground.

"It's dangerous. I didn't expect this desert centipede to hide on the sand, completely hiding its breath."

The Red Demon looked at the desert centipede that had been smashed on the ground and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he felt something wrong. After all, it was his residence, and he was still very familiar with it.

The red demon habitually uses the red banner he carries around to refine the desert centipede into a pure demon spirit.

Afterwards, the two entered the settlement.

"How come there is only one desert centipede?" Mu Qing was a little curious.

According to the Red Demon, all the demon races here are gathered together in small groups, but at the moment there is only one desert centipede, lying alone here in ambush.

"I don't know this. Of course, it is normal for the monster clan with some special cases in the Underworld Demon Realm. By the way! Be careful, the blood of the desert centipede is very poisonous, don't touch it."

The red demon said quickly, lest Mu Qing would encounter the desert centipede again and be splashed with blood.

Seeing the Red Demon thoroughly refining the desert centipede, Mu Qing sighed.

"This kind of desert centipede has a cruel character and no intelligence, but it is extremely powerful."

"All the monster races in the Underworld Demon Realm, placed outside, are completely a terrifying army of monster races!"

Mu Qing took a deep breath, the strength of the monster clan was even more terrifying than he had imagined.

If the Demon Race can really control all the Demon Races in the Underworld Emperor Demon Realm, then the strength of the Demon Realm might be superior to that of the Demon Realm!

After all, the monsters here are in the realm of the extreme emperor, and Mu Qing, the monster of the supreme combat power, has seen a lot.

In the past, I am afraid that no one will believe it when I say it in such a place!

"In the past few days, the power of luck has improved a bit."

Mu Qing touched his chin, intending to continue to refine the violent invisible demon energy after the sky was completely dark.

Without knowing what the reason was, Mu Qing wanted to refine the invisible demon energy, he had to wait until the night time, that is, when the invisible demon energy was violent.

It is difficult for Mu Qing to catch the usual invisible evil spirit, let alone refining.

After sitting cross-legged, Mu Qing fell into contemplation.

There is no way to escape!

Mu Qing didn't want to cultivate to the Supreme Eighth Heaven before forcibly rushing out.

Even if he really rushed out, facing the supreme powerhouse like Yaoyan Supreme, he would not be an opponent.

The only way that can be thought of at present is that sword light of Jianxin Supreme!

That is the favor that Jianxin Supreme promised, and Mu Qing has always kept it with him.

Although they are in the Nether Emperor Demon Realm, they are, after all, the supreme tenth heaven and other supreme powerhouse things, and the master of the Nether Emperor Demon Realm, the Nether Emperor Demon, is only the supreme Nine Heavens.

This Underworld Demon Realm could not stop the sword light of Jianxin Supreme.

But Mu Qing did not choose to use it immediately.

Mu Qing is completely unaware of the external situation.

Don't be intercepted by the Demon Flame Supreme as soon as Jianxin Supreme arrives, then they will not be able to escape for a while.

Mu Qing's idea was to find the King of Chaos and the Supreme Slaughter, and then take the opportunity to crush the sword light of the Supreme Jianxin and let them flee with them. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this reading (the only way to escape in Chapter 1403), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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