StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 78: Kabat Empire

   Cecil star system, outside the entrance of the Way of Stars in the direction of Witt, there are densely arranged fleets of phalanx.

   Basically every phalanx has at least 100,000 warships, but the most conspicuous one is one of the small phalanx, in which there are only 10,000 warships.

   You must not underestimate these ten thousand battleships, which are all made up of battlecruisers and battleships!

   In addition, the entire ship is equipped with energy shields, and its combat effectiveness is definitely comparable to an ordinary fleet of 100,000 battleships.

   This is where Faris's confidence in attacking the Werther star system again, and was named the Trapped Fleet!

   "The whole fleet is set off as planned!"

   With an order from Faris, the trapped fleet first entered the way of the stars, and then fleet after fleet followed one after another!

   In the end, it took more than 6 hours to send all the 2 million fleet into the way of stars.

   "Faris, it should be stable this time, right?"

   "Leader Hamid, please rest assured, this time I am ninety-nine percent sure that I will win the Witt star system, and will not pay much loss!"



The distance between the Witt star system and the Cecil star system is very close, only 1.2 light years.

   It takes more than 4 months to arrive through the Way of Stars, which is quite a short journey compared to the third-level civilization.

   At this time, Kabat's 2 million army was about to arrive at Witte, but Witte's defenders did not realize that the crisis was coming.

  On the line of defense of the Star Way, the number of regular defenders is 100,000, and other warships are docked in the surrounding fortresses. After all, you can't keep the more than 1 million fleets in the highest state of combat readiness for decades, right?

  Furthermore, the way of the stars is not big. Basically, 50,000 warships can pass every ten minutes is the limit. After these warships come out, they will face the line of defense composed of 100,000 warships.

   And, when your follow-up fleet comes out, the other fleets of the defending army have also arrived.

   Therefore, deploying too many troops on the Star Road Defense Line does not make much sense.

  Even if you deploy, there are not so many positions to fire at you. After all, the passage of the Star Way is so large that it can accommodate hundreds of warships to pass through at the same time each time, and 100,000 warships have already piled up defensive positions.

   Kabat more than 30 years ago, the two attacks here were stopped because of too many casualties!

According to post-war calculations, the battle loss ratio of the two sides reached a terrifying 1:12. It can be seen that the defensive side of the Star Way is more dominant, and the Star Way between Witt and Cecil is particularly narrow, which further enhances the advantage of the defender. The expanded.

   Just as the Ochs Empire Garrison was ushering in a boring new day, the sirens suddenly sounded through all the warships and Star Harbor in the entire galaxy.

   The Kabat Empire has begun its offensive again after thirty-two years!

   A large number of warships began to sail out of the path of the stars. To the surprise of Commander Oakes on the line of defense, these vanguard warships turned out to be battleships and battlecruisers.

   In response, the commander on the Ochs Empire line of defense was frowning.

   Could it be said that Kabat puts the capital ships together as the vanguard, and wants to quickly break through the line of defense?

   But the opposing commander should not be so stupid, even if the battleships are concentrated together, the number of faces is far greater than you, and you have to kneel for cross fire in multiple directions!

  Although he always felt a little weird, but he didn't have time to think about it, and immediately ordered the battleship to start firing!

   On the other side, more than 5,000 warships that had just sailed out of the way of the stars immediately formed an assault formation while firing at the defenders on the defensive line.

   More than 5,000 battleships and battlecruisers gathered together and fired at the same time. This density of firepower is simply numbing!

   You must know that although there are more than 10,000 battleships and battlecruisers in the 100,000 battleships of the Defender of Oaks, they are scattered throughout the fleet.

   After the first wave of attacks between the two sides converged, more than 1,000 warships were immediately destroyed on the Ochs Empire defense line, and more than 1,000 more were injured!

  The caliber of the gunfire of battleships and battlecruisers is not comparable to that of **** patrols. When hit by the guns of their main ships, they will either explode or be disabled!

   On the other hand, when the Kabat Empire was on the side of the fleet, it was completely unharmed. A transparent blue energy shield was lit on each battleship. The commander of the Ochs Empire narrowed his eyes and immediately realized that it was not good.

After all, in the first round of the attack, the commander of the Ochs Empire could not set fire, so no warship was set on fire by a large number of battleships at the same time. At most, it was hit with 2 or 3 main guns. The others were all secondary guns. The artillery fire of non-main ship types, such as frigates, destroyers, and cruisers.

   After two rounds of shelling, the commander of the Ochs Empire realized that the opponent was indeed an energy shield and ordered all warships to start a concentrated fire attack.

   However, at this time, all the 10,000 warships of the Kabat Empire's trapped fleet have been assembled, and the warships that have suffered multiple main guns have also moved into the array, and the entire fleet has begun a full-speed assault toward the defense line!

  At the same time, the ordinary fleet of the Kabat Empire in the back also began to move out of the way of stars...

   Although the commander of the Ochs Empire quickly made the right decision to start a concentrated fire attack, he still could not stop the advance of the trapped fleet.

   eventually destroyed about 500 warships, and slammed one of them into his own line of defense.

   This crash was over, and the defense line turned into a melee, but it was uncomfortable for the Ochs Empire.

   When the enemy and our warships are mixed together, it is impossible to use the cluster to cover and shoot, and the main gun is not easy to use, and can only use the secondary gun to attack.

   and get into the fleet? He just let go of the fight, anyway, even if he accidentally attacks his own person, he still has a shield, and one shot of the main gun can't kill anyone!

   How can this battle be fought? The commander of the Ochs Empire is now very depressed. This is a crush on equipment, and he has nothing to do.

   He wanted the fleet to retreat, but he couldn't retreat. The battleships in Star Harbor were coming over, and it would take a few minutes.

   Furthermore, the second line of defense is not fully prepared, at least half an hour.

   How do I retire this myself? If you retreat, it is very likely that the entire front will begin to collapse!

   The commander of the Oaks Empire had no choice but to continue the melee with a casualty ratio of 1 to 30.

It was not a problem to insist on this for another half an hour, but the problem is that the follow-up ordinary fleet of the Kabat Empire has already exited the passage for about 50,000 and joined the offensive ranks, and it is still driving out continuously. Way of the Stars.

   After waiting for a large number of follow-up fleets to pounce on, how can I persist for half an hour?

   Things that made him panic the next moment appeared, Kabat's fleet did not entangle him much.

   After handing over the first line of defense to the subsequent fleet, he passed directly through the first line of defense! Towards the second line of defense, the assembled Oaks Empire fleet rushed!

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