StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 222: The 1st Shanhaiguan Great War (3)

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One and a half hours passed quickly, and now the two sides are close to a distance of 5 million kilometers.

This distance is already very close to the firepower range of both sides, and the war is about to start!

In the flagship of the Babawi empire, Babarot stood up from his seat.

"Allow all fleets to be prepared. When the distance reaches 4 million kilometers, they will immediately fire and attack the opponent's fixed defensive platform first!"

"Yes, Commander Barbarot!"

Barbarot’s logic is very clear. At this distance, everyone’s hit rate is very low. After all, they are all Tier 4 civilized warships. Range coverage shooting does not cause much damage. However, a concentrated fire attack of more than 4 million kilometers is still considered. Well, it would be great if the hit rate could reach 1%.

But attacking the opponent's fixed defense platform is completely different. Those things will not evade. Even at a distance of 4 million kilometers, it can easily achieve a 100% hit rate, unless someone makes a mistake!

Therefore, Barbarot plans to clear all the opponent's defensive platforms at a distance of 2 to 4 million kilometers, and then start encircling and suppressing enemy ships after entering 2 million kilometers.

But he didn't know that this idea of ​​his was exactly what Lin Fan wanted to see. After all, as long as the commander of the Babawi Empire was not too stupid, he would not ignore the defensive platform at a range of 4 million kilometers and specifically attack the Federation. fleet.

At this moment, Babarot was stepping into Lin Fan's calculations step by step, without realizing it.

"Commander Barbarot, has entered the firing range!"

"Start attacking immediately!"

"Yes, Commander Barbarot!"

Immediately, the two parties, as agreed upon, once again started the firepower delivery between each other!

However, at a distance of 4 million kilometers, this effect is not very good. With every wave of the Federation’s attack, if you have good luck, you can kill 5 or 6 Hundred Bawi empire warships. When the luck is bad, you can only kill 1. 2 hundred.

The Babawi Empire’s battleship hit rate is indeed surprisingly high. After all, they are attacking fixed defensive platforms, which are simply non-moving targets.

However, although it is a target, it is not so easy to kill. After all, this target also comes with the Federation's third-generation energy shield. Unless more than 20 Babawi warships are hit with the main gun at the same time, it is really not It can be destroyed in one wave!

When the Babawi Empire attacked the defense platform of the Federation, the defense platform was also attacking the battleship of the Babawi Empire!

Currently in the Star Defense Network, there are approximately 2 million defensive platforms that can attack the Babawi Empire. Although from an individual perspective, the firepower of the defensive platforms is not as strong as that of a killer whale-class battleship, but there are 2 million defensive platforms. Putting it all together, the platform is equivalent to the firepower of at least 600,000-700,000 killer whale-class battleships, which is definitely not bad.

"The time is almost up, let all fleets and defensive platforms be changed to coverage shooting, and the firepower is concentrated on the left side of the opponent!"

Looking at the tactical video, Lin Fan decisively issued an order for a large blue target that was constantly approaching.

"Yes, Commander!"

At the same moment, the flagship of the Babawi empire.

Barbarot is frowning. Just now he keenly discovered that the opponent's attack mode has changed. It is no longer the focused fire attack used in the fourth-level civilization war, but it seems to be a range coverage shooting?

What is the opposing commander thinking? Such an attack does not constitute a threat to the Tier 4 civilized warship at all!

"Commander Barbarot, there are a large number of objects approaching at high speed on the left, and their speed is infinitely close to the speed of light!"

"What? Order the fleet to evade urgently!"

Barbarot was shocked. A large number of objects rushed at an infinitely close speed of light. Is this a joke?

Even the Babawi Empire cannot accelerate an object to such a speed now!

"It's too late, the left fleet will encounter him in ten seconds!"

"damn it!"

Ten seconds is too short, no matter what choice Barbarot makes, it will not be realized within ten years.

It can be said that everything is unavoidable.

The next moment, a large number of physical projectiles directly slammed into the left array of the Babawi Empire. For a while, a burst of red light appeared in the entire left array, which could be seen even if it was far away.

This is the battleship in the array on the left. When the energy shield is hit hard, because there are too many battleships hit at the same time, hundreds of thousands of battleships flicker crazily at the same time with the red energy shield. Only when you are one body, you can see from a distance as if the entire space is glowing red.

After a wave of collisions, the Babawi Empire lost 30,000 warships on the left side, and the integrity of the remaining warship shields was damaged to varying degrees!

"not good!"

Inside the bridge, Barbarot suddenly stood up and said, at the moment just now he suddenly reacted, why the other party suddenly switched to shooting with range coverage, and it is now his army's Array on the left!

This is not good. The shield integrity of the battleships in the array on the left has been damaged to varying degrees, and the integrity of some serious ones is even less than 10%.

The purpose of the opponent's coverage shooting this round is clearly to make up the gun! ! !

However, there is no time for Barbarot to think about it. A wave of firepower projected by more than 900,000 warships and nearly 2 million defensive platforms has reached the left array of the Babawi Empire.

A large number of battleships of the Babawi Empire were destroyed, and the entire left-hand array lost nearly 20,000 warships. In addition to the battleships that were directly destroyed by the rail artillery group, the total loss has exceeded 5 in just over ten seconds. Million, it is simply appalling.

Originally, such an attack could only damage at most 20-30% of the shield integrity of the battleship, and could not pose a fatal threat!

And when you arrive in the next attack, these warships with damaged shields will have recharged a lot.

After all, although the range coverage shooting has improved the hit rate, it is difficult to get the enemy's warship to shoot more than three at the same time, and it is impossible to effectively destroy the enemy ship.

But what is the situation now? Let's grab a lot of shields below 50%!

Therefore, the scope of this wave covers shooting. What is it not to fill the gun?

"Did you figure out what it is?"

Barbarot was angry at this moment, and shouted directly at the adjutant!

"Commander Barbarot, according to our scan, it was a physical projectile of a rail gun! Since the target is too small, and the target itself is a pure entity without an energy source, it was not discovered until less than 3 million kilometers away !"

"How can it be!"

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