StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 276 Antiga Independence Day

After finishing the communication with Swann, Augustus hurried to the UNN broadcasting building in Ansadar City, preparing to announce to all Antiga that the revolutionary army had arrived.

He passed through an already dilapidated garden and several swaying hover vehicles. Cranes and busy T-280 space engineering vehicles were cleaning up the wreckage of collapsed buildings and tanks everywhere along the way.

Groups of revolutionary soldiers are riding the public floating buses in Ansadar City to rush to the city's four defense lines, because the Gamu swarm outside the city has begun to launch tentative attacks from all directions, with the purpose of finding Expose the weaknesses of human defenses.

Even residents in the city center began to go out of their homes, either cleaning up the garbage at their doorsteps, or discreetly exchanging information about the incident with their neighbors. People are talking a lot, speculating whether this is a sign of the fall of the Terran Federation or whether it is a flash in the pan.

When Augustus walked to the UNN building, the door of the building with bullet marks on the wall had already been replaced by a revolutionary army sentry.

Compared to the hundreds-meter-high sky tower in Tarsonis, Antiga's branch broadcast building is just a low, ordinary skyscraper with an irregular pointed vault.

This is a reinforced concrete and glass curtain wall building built in accordance with pragmatism. It is very different from the sky tower style that the founding family pursues gorgeous decoration, grand momentum and unconventional style, because the shareholders and investors behind the UNN Universe News Network do not want them to spend their money. In the art of pomp and display.

Augustus led dozens of revolutionary troops wearing crimson power armor into the empty hall from the gate on the first floor guarded by soldiers. Only a few UNN employees with work IDs came out of the elevator in the lobby from time to time, holding piles of paper files in their hands.

These files are all from the original press releases printed by Antiga journalists, and they are parts that have not been added or deleted by the headquarters. The manuscript describes in detail how the Terran Federation's troops dealt with those mobs who dared to rebel, executing the leaders and sending the rest to Cha Sara or New Folsom Prison.

Even so, the writers of these manuscripts could not describe the rivers of blood and carnage with words. On Antiga Prime, where rebellions break out almost every year, there are many such things.

Just as Augustus raised his head and glanced at the valuable Bangar leopard sofa in the hall, Kerrigan walked up to him.

"The Marshal's Command has received the latest report that the ground forces of Nova Squadron and Delta Squadron have landed on a high ground sixty miles outside Ansadar and established a base." Kerrigan said: "... Start clearing out the Zerg near the landing site. However, the Federation army is obviously coming towards us, and I guess they are trying to retake the city of Ansadar."

"I think they don't just want to take back Ansadar, a city that will fall sooner or later. Without us, the people here may not survive much." Tychus, who was following Augustus, raised his eyebrows when he heard this. A wrinkle.

"The insect swarm is approaching, and the Federation still wants to deal with us first," said Renault.

"There are also multiple swarms of Nydus Worms outside Ansadar City. I think the Garmu Swarm will attack us soon." Kerrigan continued to report.

"We are under attack from both sides." Renault shook his head: "There are two groups of people anxious to kill us at the same time."

"They are seeking death." Tychus snorted.

"It is not easy to deal with the Zerg and the Federation at the same time. It is best to deal with one of them first and then concentrate on dealing with the other." He said.

"Sarah, can you contact the Federation's naval squadron?" Augustus asked.

"You can try. The Terran Federation's Nova Squadron has contacted us." Kerrigan said as she took out a portable projector from her backpack and tried to connect to the Nova Squadron's landing force communication channel.

A minute later, the ground force commander of Nova Squadron agreed to the connection request, and the other party's screen quickly switched to the fleet commander, Colonel Jackson Holler.

"I am Colonel Holler." The other party had a common military-style haircut and a serious expression: "Have you thought about it and are you ready to surrender?"

"No, I will never surrender to tyranny," said Augustus.

"I just make a suggestion to you: Maybe we should cooperate to eliminate the zerg on Antiga first, and then resolve the conflicts between us. What do you think of this proposal?" he said.

".I'm sorry, I have no right to cooperate with the rebels. Even if I risk going to court-martial to fight against the Zerg with you, Delta Squadron will not agree." Colonel Holler said.

"The order I received is to eliminate the rebels on Antiga Prime and bring back Augustus Mengsk and his followers...or their heads."

"Excluding the part of rescuing Antiga?" Augustus laughed off what Holler just said. The marshals and generals in the entire Tyran Federation are looking forward to getting Augustus's head, which is currently the greatest merit and the highest symbol of honor.

"The Federation will not abandon Antiga Prime, but that is not my mission." The colonel said.

"Clever words, the usual way for the Commonwealth to shirk responsibility," Augustus said.

"Since you are not here to surrender, there is no need for us to continue talking." After hearing what Augustus said, Holler still maintained his serious expression, but the communication was interrupted immediately. : "Your resistance is meaningless and is just a waste of our time to rescue other planets."


"Where is the broadcast room here?" Augustus asked Sarah Kerrigan beside him, determined to give up the idea of ​​temporarily cooperating with the Tyranid Federation to fight against the Zerg.

"In the basement, the first two floors are the lobby and employee mall." Kerrigan replied.

"How many people are willing to stay and work for us?" Augustus nodded and walked towards the opening elevator door.

A UNN reporter who was walking out of the door walked out of dozens of revolutionary soldiers wearing tall power armor without changing his expression. He seemed to be used to this kind of scene.

"Except for some Anticans, most of the people who work here are from Tarsonis, but they don't hate us very much," Kerrigan said.

"After all, the top managers who can escape have already escaped. The remaining people can only work for us if they want to escape Antiga. This is what most people here think. Only a relatively small number of people think that we will do it for Antiga." Tiga brings change.”

"I originally thought they were moved by our revolutionary spirit, didn't you?" Tychus laughed disdainfully.

"Not everyone desires freedom as much as you do, Tychus," Raynor said.

When Augustus, wearing thick power armor, entered the elevator, Kerrigan and Tychus Raynaud followed closely behind. However, this elevator could not accommodate other armored soldiers for a while, so Tychus and Harnak soon had a dispute over who should go first in the elevator.

The two of them managed to squeeze in, hugging each other face to face, before the elevator sounded its alarm.

"Can you take off your damn fire bat armor before going in, or are you reluctant to part with this rotten turtle shell?" Tychus said dissatisfied.

"This sentence is more suitable for you. The piece of rotten fat on your belly takes up at least half of the area here." Hanak countered.

"What do you think about my beautiful baby abs?" Tychus' eyebrows almost knitted together. "Even the girls from Tarsonis and Korhal love them!"

"To hell with you, Tychus, they just like your money," Harnak said sarcastically.

"You fart," Tychus said angrily.

Although the training of the war has made Harnack more calm, he is still a thorn in the side. After all, there is a rumor in the revolutionary army that Harnack got into a fight over Augustus' butt when he first entered the boot camp. Interesting facts. Tychus is another ruthless character. His unique values ​​make him a bad bastard.

As Tychus and Harnak quarreled, Augustus couldn't help but think of Harnak and Josephine quarreling in boot camp, which made him feel sad.

When the elevator door reopened, all the lights in the underground broadcast room were on, and dozens of broadcast room staff stopped their work at the same time to look at Augustus.

"Continue working, gentlemen." Augustus said to them: "Maybe you still have doubts about what you are doing now, but many years later someone will tell you that you were doing it at that time. To do great things."

"This guy just likes to say these beautiful words. Guess who he learned it from?" Tychus, standing behind Augustus, whispered to Renault next to him.

"Be careful to let Augustus hear it. He has always been very vindictive. Last time Hank mentioned the matter of him wearing a skirt, we punished him to carry the Book of Fortitude (a book said to be written by an ancient king in the Earth Age). , about war, diplomacy and art, it is a must-read for the descendants of the Mengsk family)." Renault said: "I have read that book, and the person who wrote it must be a wise king."

"My evaluation is that it is not as good as a fashion magazine with naked women." Tykes said: "This must be a nightmare for Harnak, after all, he gets a headache when he sees the words."

"Do you have any photos of our marshal as a child?" he asked.

"That is top secret, Tychus." Renault said: "Augustus definitely doesn't want everyone to know about this. He will be the Prime Minister of the Republic in the future."

"Come on, how can there be such a prime minister? If you read books like The Prince when you were a child, you won't be like this when you grow up." Tychus quickly shut up because he noticed that Kerrigan was staring at he. This meant that his nonsense was likely to reach Augustus' ears in the dead of night one night.

With Augustus's character, he would not give Tychus small shoes to wear, but Tychus would always pay a small price, such as being prohibited from going in and out of bars to drink and flirt with girls. For Augustus himself was not as magnanimous as he appeared to be, but no one had ever had the misfortune to offend him.

"That damn little girl won Augustus's favor solely because of her beauty - she was just a servile maid." After Kerrigan turned around, Tychus said to Raynor again.

"You are actually jealous of a woman. Damn it, you are a boss, but your ass is not as good as that girl's." Renault poked Hanak who was staring at a screen and thinking about something.

"Shut up, Tychus, and say less."

"Hank, what are you doing?"

"I'm hungry."

"What are you chattering about?" Augustus finally couldn't help it: "Shut up."

Tychus spread his hands and looked at each other with Renault. The three of them immediately became as quiet as chickens.

"We are talking" Renault said a few words, but his voice was obviously getting lower and lower, until finally it was as low as a mosquito and disappeared.

Kerrigan clapped her hands, and the staff continued working.

After Augustus nodded to Kerrigan, Kerrigan took out a disk for storing files from his backpack and inserted it into the interface of the broadcast room's main control computer.

Immediately afterwards, multiple pictures were displayed on the multiple control screens in the broadcast room. When several staff members set up cameras next to Augustus, Augustus' resolute face under the power armor matte mask immediately appeared on the studio screen.

"Ansadar's signal tower can still work normally. If the signal towers in other cities have not been destroyed, then we can still broadcast to the world even after the communication satellites have been destroyed by the zerg." Kerry Gan said.

"It's time to start." She entered the password on the console: "If everything goes well, all the industrial cities and towns in Antiga will be able to hear what you say."

"Can it be transmitted to other planets?" Augustus asked.

"Yes, but the Federation will obviously not allow those planets to broadcast these images, but the signal may be received by caravans and private organizations," Kerrigan said.

"Very good." He was fully prepared before the camera turned on Augustus.

"People of Antiga, I am Augustus Mengsk, leader of the Korhal Revolutionary Army." Augustus's head appeared on the largest screen.

"We all know that the Sara galaxy has been destroyed by zerg. It is precisely because the alien experiments of the Tyranid Federation there attracted those monsters, and we have absolute evidence to prove this."

As Augustus was talking, a number of archival data related to the alien experiments carried out by the Tyranid Federation in the Sara system were displayed on multiple screens, including many of their secrets in Cha Sara Prison. Records of executions of revolutionaries and political prisoners.

"Now, alien threats are coming one after another, and they are coming to destroy all humans. We must unite to defend our homeland." Augustus said: "The revolutionary army will always stand with the people of Antiga. .”

“Tracing the history of Antiga’s resistance to federal tyranny, I learned a truth, that is, once all the people who are not afraid of power are united under the same flag, those rulers who blindly demand and blindly oppress can no longer be the same as in the past. The same greed that exploits his people."

"When a government cannot fulfill the promises it made when it was founded and becomes corrupt and degenerate, then we should overthrow it and re-establish law and order," he said.

"Today, I want to announce to the world that Antiga Prime has escaped from the control of the Tyranid Federation and has become a free country. One day, Antiga's name will shine everywhere."

After Augustus finished speaking, the broadcast room immediately burst into endless applause, but this time Kerrigan was not the only one. But it's hard to tell clearly how many of those applauding are truly convinced and how many are just flattering.

"I believe we will receive good news soon. Getting the support of the Antigonians will make our work on this planet twice the result with half the effort. But before that, we still need to deal with the zerg and federal troops on Antigon first. .”

"How exciting - today Antiga is in your hands," Tychus said.

"Now we are the only one who wants this miserable place in Antiga. The Federation is eager to kick this place away immediately."

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