Star Wars Civilization

Chapter 808: The Secret Method of Flattening the Labyrinth

The light cooled, and the Holy Spirit boy appeared above the fortress with the Moon Blade on his back. He gently took the Moon Blade from his back, held it in his hand, and flicked it. The Moon Blade flew out, and the snake chain danced, controlling the moon. The wheel knife slashed vertically and horizontally, emitting streaks of clear light. The deadly light swept across the fortress. Immediately, the huge city wall was cut off, and the bodies of the blood crystal spirits were torn apart. Screams and blood flew in all directions.

The commander, the strongest blood-glow crystal spirit, was only hit a little by Qinghui, and his limbs were broken, and he died screaming. The rest of the soldiers looked pale with fear. The timid ones ran away in panic, while the bold ones raised their guns and shot at Shen Zheng in the air.

But even heavy artillery could not harm Shen Zheng who was protected by the holy demon armor, let alone these firearms?

The Holy Spirit boy smiled and flew into the fortress. When the Blood Crystal Spirits saw this boy who was about the same size as themselves, they didn't look down upon him at all. Thinking of the way he was wielding the Moon Wheel Knife just now, the blood-glow crystal spirits were frightened. They retreated screaming and kept shooting.

It should be admitted that the power of those weapons is not bad, at least the power of the first-order galaxy lord. But this kind of power is not enough for a top-notch, god-like figure among the King of Star Sea. [

In such a fear-filled retreat, the Blood Glow Crystal Spirit trampled many people to death, but still managed to escape like a flying dog. Shen Zheng did not intend to kill them all, but flew to the next fortress with the Holy Spirit Boy.

In this way, he walked around the four fortresses, spent some time, accepted some artillery fire, and the crisis in the entire Earth Crystal Spirit Kingdom was relieved. Those blood-glow crystal spirits ran away crying and howling in front of the Holy Spirit boy, abandoning their armor.

After this battle, Shen Zheng thoroughly understood these crystal spirits. They have the same lifespan and strength as normal people in the Source World. Although the crystals in their bodies contain some kind of power, not every crystal spirit can use it, and it seems that even if it can be used, it cannot be used in battle.

This made Shen Zheng curious, and couldn't help but wonder why the creator of Hanfeng Realm created such a group of weak beings? And what exactly does the power in their bodies do?

So far, he has only seen the earth elves use that kind of power when "cutting trees" - in groups of three, they put their palms on the trunk of the tree to break down the big tree into the required crystal blocks.

Could it be that all this power can only be used in production and life? Shen Zheng was very curious.

At this time, everyone in the Earth Crystal Spirit Kingdom was at a loss. The fortresses of the four besieged countries suddenly collapsed, and the powerful enemies escaped completely. Except for the peripheral defense forces who knew that a tall outsider was responsible for all this, the people and soldiers inside were completely I don’t know the reason, but there was a lot of discussion for a while.

In the four fortresses, in addition to the Blood Glow Crystal Spirits, there are also a large number of prisoners of war imprisoned. The characteristics of the body are all the crystal spirits of the earth. Shen Zheng scanned carefully with his mind, for fear of missing one. At the same time, he invited the earth crystal spirits who were resting in the secret realm of water and fire to help him open the prison and rescue these earth crystal spirits.

Seeing that the Blood Light Crystal Spirits were repelled, and outsiders actually rescued themselves together with their compatriots, the Earth Crystal Spirits were so excited that they hugged their compatriots and shed tears.

"Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart!" Yun Qi once again knelt down to Shen Zheng excitedly when he saw all his compatriots being released, and was helped up by Shen Zheng.

"Please come with me to see our King." Yun Qi requested. "I'm going to the city gate right now to get the soldiers guarding the city..."

Before he could finish speaking, Shen Zheng had wrapped him up in a ball of space power and held him beside him, taking him flying towards the Earth Crystal City.

"That's the palace right there?" Shen Zheng asked, pointing to a group of extremely majestic buildings.

"No, no." Yun Qi enjoyed the joy of flying into the sky, but did not forget to wave his hand. "That's the temple, a place where rituals and ceremonies to worship gods are held. The king's palace is on the other side." As he said that, he also pointed to a group of buildings that were not very grand. Shen Zheng felt that it was not the same as other places in the entire city. Not much difference.

"Interesting." He couldn't help but smile, and flew there with the clouds.

On the ground, countless earth crystal spirits looked up at him in the sky and couldn't help but exclaimed. The earth crystal spirits in the center of the city didn't know what happened, let alone that this flying giant was their benefactor. Instead, they felt a wave of panic when they saw it.

In a moment, Shen Zheng had arrived above the palace. The guards on the ground were so frightened that they raised their guns to the sky. The guards on the turret also immediately adjusted the angle of the cannon and aimed it at Shen Zheng.

"Stop!" Yun Qi yelled, waving his hands downwards. "Don't fire! I am Great Elder Yun Qi!"

"It's the Great Elder Yunqi, that's right!" a scout shouted, using communication equipment to contact all the guards. "Everyone, please don't shoot! Great Elder Yunqi is with this outsider!"[

"Isn't Great Elder Yunqi captured by the Blood Crystal Spirit Tribe?" A guard muttered in surprise.

"Everyone!" Yun Qi shouted with all his strength. Shen Zheng smiled slightly and used the power of space to help him, so that his voice could be clearly transmitted to everyone's ears in every angle of the palace.

"The outsider with me is the savior predicted in ancient legends!" Yun Qi said loudly. "He has defeated the blood-glow crystal spirit army and rescued the captured compatriots of our clan. Please contact the guards at the city gate quickly and you will know that what I said is true!"

"The Great Elder will not lie!" an officer shouted, "Hurry up and contact the defenders at the four city gates!"

"Sir!" At this time, a communications soldier ran over and shouted at the officer. "News came from the defenders in the outer city that all four fortresses of the Blood Light Crystal Spirit Tribe were destroyed. All the Blood Light Crystal Spirit Legions fled. Our captured compatriots were also rescued! Now they are busy picking them up. Entering the city!"

"A miracle, this is a miracle!" the officer exclaimed.

"You inform His Majesty the King immediately to welcome the distinguished guests!" Yun Qi shouted excitedly in the air. "No, not a distinguished guest, but the envoy of God!"

Shen Zheng arrived in the air, and the soldiers in the palace quickly became busy. Not long after, an old man wearing a gorgeous crystal robe walked out of a palace accompanied by a group of golden-armored guards. Come out, raise your head and look at the sky. Obviously, this should be the king of the Earth Crystal Spirit Kingdom.

"Great Elder Yunqi, it's really you!" the king shouted excitedly.

"Your Majesty!" Yun Qi couldn't help but burst into tears, and Shen Zheng hurriedly led him down slowly. A group of golden-armored guards cautiously grasped their weapons and stared at Shen Zheng, who was almost twice as tall as them.

"Everyone, put down your weapons!" Yun Qi waved his hands hurriedly. "This is our great benefactor, it was he who saved our kingdom. He is the legendary messenger of God!"

"God's envoy?" The king looked at Shen Zheng, his face full of astonishment.

"Your Majesty, please invite the divine envoy into the palace quickly." Yun Qi felt that the king was a little rude and his face turned slightly red.

"Please, please quickly!" The king nodded hurriedly.

The Palace of the Earth Jingling King was tall and majestic enough for Jingling, but to Shen Zheng, it was just a spacious house. Fortunately, it was a royal palace like this. If it were the home of an ordinary Jingling, Shen Zheng would probably have to bow down and enter.

Yun Qi and the king held hands, shed tears, and told each other one by one what they had experienced after saying goodbye. When they talked about being captured by the Blood Light Crystal Spirit and becoming slaves doing hard labor every day, the two Crystal Spirits even hugged each other. She started crying, and the surrounding guards also wiped their tears. Shen Zheng was somewhat moved, and his eye circles turned red.

"Thank you, Lord Envoy!" After knowing everything, the Earth Crystal Spirit King bowed deeply to Shen Zheng. "The little king is the monarch of the Earth Crystal Spirit Clan, Baiwei."

"Hello." Shen Zheng also bowed respectfully. "I am an 'outsider' from outside the Great Chain Secret Realm, Shen Zheng."

"The names of outsiders are really weird." A guard whispered to his companions. Shen Zheng couldn't help but smile when he heard this, thinking: Your names are really weird!

"Lord Shen Zheng." Baiwei called him respectfully. "I would like to thank you again for your personal help. If it weren't for you, I would never be able to reunite with my good brothers, and our clan would lose its own land and become a slave to the Blood Glow Crystal Spirit clan. This evil crystal spirit The Spirit Race will dominate the entire world, dimming the light of God, and destroying justice in the world.”

His Majesty the King kept talking like this for a few more minutes. Shen Zheng felt like his head was spinning before he finally stopped.

"Master God Envoy." Yun Qi took over. "Your kindness is as great as heaven and earth. We think we can repay you, but we still have to repay you."[

"Yes." Baiwei nodded, "The only thing we can do for you is to gather the mages to bless you with the secret method of flattening the labyrinth so that you can travel smoothly in our world in the future."

"The secret method of flattening the maze?" Shen Zheng became interested. "What kind of spell is that?"

"Our peripheral world is formed by the secret realms of numbers connected together in an irregular manner." Yun Qi explained, "Although some outsiders have received guidance from God and have mastered the way to the core world, But they can't enter. And the roads other than the fixed route are also unfamiliar and dangerous situations for them. But it is different for those who have blessed the secret method of flattening the labyrinth. In their eyes, the entire secret world will be just a flat map. Move easily through various intricate terrains and spaces and never get lost.”

"And those who have received this kind of blessing can also freely enter and exit the core of the secret realm, and will not be attacked by the Dark World and the Guardian Saint of Tilian." Baiwei continued to explain.

Shen Zheng's eyes couldn't help but shine.

This is equivalent to giving yourself a universal pass! From now on, I will understand the Great Chain Secret Realm better than any human being in the Cold Front Realm, and I will be able to do whatever I want in it!

"Thank you Your Majesty and the First Elder for your hospitality." Shen Zheng smiled, "Then when can we start blessing?"

"Don't rush this yet." Baiwei smiled. "There is one more thing we would like to ask the God Envoy for help with."


Shen Zheng smiled secretly.

As long as they are intelligent creatures, they will never be simple. The seemingly simple crystal spirits actually have a city in their hearts!

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