Star Wars Civilization

Chapter 748: Eight-Nation Summit

Ziyu Tiandao looked at Shen Zheng, waiting for him to continue. |^

"Since the birth of the beast demon clan, they have begun to kill the elves in Xue Xuan Realm crazily. Now, they have established their own empire to compete with your Yuhan Kingdom. Don't you intend to deal with them once and for all? "Chen Zheng looked at Ziyu Tiandao and smiled lightly.

"At the beginning, we didn't take them seriously." Ziyu Tiandao shook his head and sighed, "But now, they have become powerful and established an empire. If they want to annihilate them, they have to change the large-scale war. This is not what the people want. Ah! Now they can be considered peaceful. Although they occasionally attack our borders, they will not act rashly as long as our country sends a large army to guard them. It can be regarded as a peaceful situation. "

"If we are too greedy and want to regain the lost territory and go to war with them, they will inevitably be forced into a hurry, and then a war will be avoided." The Grand Prime Minister of the Empire said.

"What do you think, Generalissimo?" Shen Zheng turned to the Generalissimo of the Empire. [

"This..." The Generalissimo pondered for a moment, and finally shook his head. "They have harassed us for thousands of years, and we have endured it. Now that they have established an empire, they will not make any big moves. They have finally settled down. If we start another war, we will be asking for trouble. "

Yan Xin felt anxious after hearing this, wishing she could open her mouth and scold them. At the same time, I also felt sad - the highest leader in the company also had this tone, which shows the mentality of ordinary Xuexuan humans.

This is a bunch of rabbits. Yan thought. They won't bite unless you push them hard. And even if he was in a hurry, he would just take a bite and stare for a long time. It is simply impossible to expect them to stare at each other like hounds until the prey is bitten to death.

"Peace is hard-won, of course we must cherish it." Shen Zheng nodded slowly. "But do you know that the days of peace are over?"

"What?" Ziyu Tiandao was startled.

"Not long ago, the Beast Demon Clan launched a large-scale attack on the Holy Beast Clan." Shen Zheng said, "They dispatched an army of 210,000 people and almost wiped out the Holy Beast Clan."

"This..." The three senior executives of Yuhan Kingdom were all stunned. They really didn't expect that the beast demon would have such courage.

"Fortunately, they didn't succeed." Shen Zheng smiled. "But since they have the intention of annihilating the Holy Beast Clan, what else do they dare not do? Their purpose is probably to destroy the Holy Beast Clan first, and then Yuhan, and then their claws will reach out to the other seven A big empire. Each of your empires has the mentality of being peaceful for a moment, but they will eventually be destroyed. |^"

"Then...that's not possible, right?" the Grand Prime Minister muttered in a low voice.

"Over thousands of years, they have grown from a small force to an empire. I would like to ask: when they first appeared thousands of years ago, if someone had told the Grand Prime Minister that they would continue to expand their power and eventually form an empire, what would the Grand Prime Minister have said? Don't you think it's impossible?" Shen Zheng looked at the Prime Minister with a low voice.

"This..." The Grand Prime Minister's face turned red slightly. It was obvious that he did think so thousands of years ago, and might even have said it out loud.

Purple Jade Tiandao saw that the Prime Minister was so embarrassed and hurriedly came out to resolve: "Maybe they just sent out an army to intimidate the Holy Beast Clan because they resisted them too hard? You see, isn't the Holy Beast Clan doing well now? This illustrate……"

"Your Majesty." Shen Zheng interrupted him directly. "What I want to say to you is that the beast demons will never be satisfied with just building an empire. They are different from the real Xuexuan people. They have huge ambitions. Because they are not real creatures from the Xuexuan world, only the holy demon world It’s their hometown.”

"How is that possible!?" Ziyu Tiandao exclaimed.

"The eight great empires of Xue Xuan have existed since ancient times. No country has ever disappeared into the dust of history, and no country has ever expanded its territory." Shen Zheng said, "This shows that the humans of Xue Xuan are all peace-loving. But why? The beast-demon clan that suddenly appeared thousands of years ago was able to establish an empire in such a short period of time? Firstly, they have strong support from the holy and demonic world, and secondly, they have irresistible ambitions. "

With that said, he directly lifted the beast-demon general out of the secret realm of water and fire and threw it to the ground.

"This is..." The three Yuhan executives were all startled.

"Speak for yourself." Shen Zheng's voice was cold and filled with murderous intent. "Where do you beast monsters come from and what is your purpose? Please explain it carefully to Emperor Yuhan."

"Yes, yes!" The Holy Beast General knew that Shen Zheng was different from these people in the Xue Xuan Realm. He was really fierce in his methods, so he did not dare to disobey. After bowing respectfully to Ziyu Tiandao, he told Shen Zheng everything he had said before. , said it all again. [

"Soon, our world will launch another plane war." He finally said, "In order to prevent the Xue Xuan Realm from aiding the Source Realm again, we, the Beast Demon Clan, will also launch a war to contain your power."

"Does your emperor intend to destroy the countries in the Xue Xuan Realm and establish a huge empire that belongs entirely to your beast monsters?" Shen Zheng asked coldly.

"Yes... I have this intention." The beast demon nodded slowly. "But... but the emperor also knows that it will cause too much noise, and one bad move will really alarm the creator of Xue Xuan Realm, so he plans to devour it slowly, and will not kill all Xue Xuan people by then, just Remove all the top leaders and replace them with us, enslaving the nations. In this way, the Xuexuan people still make up the majority in the entire plane, but we all become the rulers..."

"That's enough." Shen Zheng waved his hand and threw him back into the secret realm of water and fire.

"Three of you, do you understand?" He smiled lightly and looked at the three of them.

The faces of the three of them didn't look so good. At this moment, they understood one thing: if there was a huge change in the future, the most dangerous person would be themselves, because they were the top among the Xue Xuan humans.

"What a poisonous heart!" Ziyu Tiandao couldn't help but become angry.

"Now, if the Xuexuan human race does not unite with us to fight against the beast demons, the real disaster is not far away." Aosheng said loudly. "Today, they dare to assemble an army to kill our holy beast clan. Tomorrow, they will hang a knife on your neck! Do you really have to wait until then to fight hard? I'm afraid that by then everything will be too late! The common people will be turned into slaves, but they can still survive, but you, the princes, nobles, and officials of the empire, together with your family members, will all be killed without exception!"

The Grand Vizier and the Grand Marshal looked at each other, and each felt the fear that the other would win.

At this moment, a palace guard came to report that the emperors of the other seven empires had all arrived with their guards.

"How could they?" Ziyu Tiandao couldn't help but stood up in surprise.

"While I sent an envoy to contact you, I also contacted them." Aosheng said slowly. "This catastrophe is a catastrophe for the entire Xuexuan Realm. It is not a catastrophe for a race or an empire, but a catastrophe for the entire plane. You Xuexuan people must unite as one, otherwise you will all die!"

The word "death" shocked the hearts of the three senior executives. They talked for a long time, then walked out quickly and hurriedly greeted the Emperor of the Seven Kingdoms.

Soon after, the three of them strode in accompanied by seven majestic-looking Xue Xuanren. When the seven people saw the queens of the Holy Beast clan, they immediately showed respectful expressions, saying hello to Aosheng first, and then to the kings of the other four clans. And when Ziyu Tiandao introduced the mythical beast Yan Xin, they felt deeply honored to be able to sit with the mythical beast at the same table.

"This is the leader of the Holy Alliance from the Source World, leader Shen Zheng." Ziyu Tiandao finally introduced Shen Zheng in a grand manner. "Whether it is the sacred beasts in our Xue Xuan Realm or the sacred beasts in the Source Realm, they all respect Alliance Leader Shen very much. It is mainly Alliance Leader Shen's intention to invite everyone here this time."

All the emperors were very surprised, but they still greeted Shen Zheng in a friendly manner, and then sat down under the arrangement of Ziyu Tiandao. Ziyu Tiandao introduced the seven people to Shen Zheng again, and Shen Zheng learned that in addition to Yuhan, the eight empires include Haoming Empire, Danlun Empire, Armor Mirror Empire, Zhoushun Empire, Xinji Empire, Taoran Empire and Fu Shi Empire.

"It's such an honor to meet all the great emperors." He smiled slightly and went straight to the topic. "Everyone is invited here this time to discuss the matter of dealing with the beast demon clan."

"The Beast Demon Clan?" The emperors frowned slightly and looked at Ziyu Tiandao. The emperor of the Xinji Empire even said directly: "Isn't that a troublesome matter for your Yuhan Empire?"

The implication: What does this have to do with us?

"Everyone." Shen Zheng didn't say any more nonsense and directly lifted the beast-demon general out of the secret realm again. "The army of beast monsters just attacked the holy beast clan not long ago. In the near future, they will ignite fires throughout the Xue Xuan Realm, and no country will be spared."

The beast-demon general had an experience. This time, he knew what he should say without Shen Zheng opening his mouth, and he hurriedly said what he had said before.

All the great emperors were surprised when they heard this, but there were still hesitations on their faces. It was obvious that they didn't dare to believe it completely, but they still vaguely felt that they were safe. [

Anyway, with the Yuhan Empire at the front, they will naturally be responsible for anything. Even if the Beast Demon Empire really had such big ambitions, it would have to destroy Yu Han first. When the time comes, it's never too late to resist. It's really not cost-effective to use weapons and destroy your peaceful and tranquil life now.

"Life and death are at hand, but you obviously don't understand the seriousness of the problem." Shen Zheng looked at the crowd, and felt a trace of guilt in his heart. It is true that character determines fate. Although these people possess great power, with such character, they are destined to fail in front of powerful enemies.

He suddenly remembered an ancient story he had read when he was a child, which talked about a country called "The Country of Gentlemen". The people there are polite, do not fight with others, maintain a noble attitude, and like peace and tranquility. As a result, a villain from outside sneaked into the country, and he immediately caused a storm, and he wanted the wind to be windy and the rain to be rainy. He used his despicable shame as a passport to go to his disadvantages.

Right now, Xue Xuan Realm is in this state. These Xuexuan humans who are too peace-loving have no choice but to be slowly devoured by the beast demons originating from the Holy Demon Realm and eventually be enslaved.

At that time, the Holy Demon Realm will have two major planes. Not counting the military strength, the resources alone will be doubled, and the war will be even more fierce.

No matter what, we must promote the great event of Xuexuan humans and me joining hands to eliminate the beast monsters!

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