Star Wars Civilization

Chapter 739: The power of one person can destroy the courage of the enemy

The Snow Tigers who were the first to break out of the secret realm immediately saw densely packed beast monsters in the surrounding space, tightly surrounding their secret realm. |^The beast demons bared their teeth and claws, holding various powerful weapons in their hands, staring covetously at the Snow Tiger clan.

"Shame on the beast demon!" Aosheng flew out and roared. "How dare you blatantly attack the land of my Snow Tiger clan? You simply don't care about the blood of the Creator!"

The roar was as real as it was, and it spread into the distance instantly. Some of the nearby beast demons were swept by the sound waves, and their bodies were immediately shaken and seriously injured. Some of the weaker beast demons who were too close were directly shaken by the sound waves. He died, and his body floated in the starry sky, scaring the other beast demons into retreating in horror.

The power of the Holy Beast King is so powerful that one cannot help but admire it.

Shen Zheng couldn't help but think to himself: If these powerful holy beasts could go to the source world to help us fight against powerful enemies, they would be a force that cannot be underestimated! [

"Holy Beast King, today is the end of your Snow Tiger clan!" Among the tens of thousands of beast demons, a tall beast demon wearing heavy armor and a cape flying behind his back roared fiercely. His voice shook the starry sky and actually neutralized Aosheng's sonic offensive.

"How brave!" Aosheng roared, "We are the bloodline of the Creator. If you dare to destroy our clan, the Creator will definitely smash your entire clan of beast monsters into dust!"

"Stop showing off your prestige!" The other party laughed wildly. "You still dare to falsely claim the bloodline of the Creator, but you don't understand the secret of the power of the Lord of the Planes at all. This is simply ridiculous! Die! Kill!"

Following his loud shout, tens of thousands of beast demons immediately let out bursts of screams and charged towards the Snow Tiger clan.

"Come when you can get close!" As Aosheng roared, his thoughts spread, and more than two thousand Snow Tiger warriors immediately resonated with its thoughts, and at the same time they opened their mouths and let out a shocking roar! The roaring sounds combined together to form a huge sound wave, with them as the center, quickly spreading out to the surroundings.


Miserable howls rang out, and the beast monsters swept by the sound wave immediately covered their heads and struggled, throwing the weapons in their hands into the air, and the people curled up into a ball and died while constantly shaking.

So strong! Shen Zheng couldn't help but sigh secretly.

But at the same time, he also noticed what the other general said - the secret of the power of the Lord of the Planes?

What is that?

He was so moved that he couldn't help but stare at the beast demon general, and made up his mind to capture him and interrogate him thoroughly. _!~;

"How dare you show off with such a small trick?" The Troll Demon General roared, and suddenly waved his hand. The oracle bones on his knuckles suddenly grew and turned into a thick sword. He held the knife in his hand, surrounded by a group of soldiers, and came closer. He swung the sword, and with a long roar, it struck out suddenly.

The whistling sound turned into sound waves, wrapped around the sword, rising with the sword and moving with the wind. The sound and the sword seemed to merge into one, cutting through several layers of void in an instant, landing in front of a group of snow tigers, exploding with a bang, and breaking the sonic attack emitted by the group of snow tigers.

Counting the beast demons, they immediately swarmed forward, taking the opportunity to get close and engage the Snow Tiger clan in hand-to-hand combat.

"I haven't had a chance to do anything for a long time. Today is the perfect time to kill!" Yan Xin looked at the beast demon in the starry sky and couldn't help laughing. He opened his mouth and let out a roar, and countless winds surged and flew around him. He laughed and rushed towards the enemy, crashing directly into the enemy's formation. All the beast demons approaching him were cut into pieces by the protective wind blade, and for a while, screams could be heard everywhere.

"Master Divine Beast is so brave, he is a role model for our generation!" Aosheng roared and took the lead into the enemy's formation.

"Everyone, it's time for us to show off our skills!" Shen Zheng shouted, and his thoughts were transmitted into the secret realm of water and fire. Everyone in the secret realm could no longer hold back, but they didn't dare to move rashly because they didn't get his order. When they heard the sound, they immediately flew out of the secret realm and formed a large formation in the air.

A thousand kings of the star sea suddenly appeared, startling the beast monsters around them. They had obviously never seen this method of carrying a large number of elite soldiers in the secret realm, and they were all shocked by the sudden appearance of such a powerful man from the source world. And I can't understand it for a while.


Dandan, Xiaohei, and Qisui, no matter what the formation or tactics were, as soon as they appeared, they each exerted their strongest power, rushing directly towards the enemy's formation with flames that could burn everything and a tide that could devour everything.

The other four members of the Snow Group, except Shui Qingqing, each transformed into the state of the Holy Spirit and rushed into the enemy group together.

For a time, 30,000 beast demons, 3,000 snow tigers, 1,000 strong men from the source world, and Shen Zheng were fighting fiercely.

"Break the killing formation!" At this time, the squad leader among the thousand strong men issued an order, and the thousand-man team immediately formed a sharp formation like the tip of a spear, and pierced the enemy formation like a spear. . The power of thousands of people, gathered in one place, seems to have really turned a thousand people into a powerful spear that can kill everything. With one spear, it penetrates deep into the heart of the enemy, making it invincible.

Compared with the chaotic battles of the Snow Tiger Clan and Shen Zheng's core members, the Thousand-Man Team's fighting style was methodical. They first penetrated the enemy's formation in a spear formation, disrupted the enemy's formation, and then suddenly dispersed. , the five hundred people on the periphery formed a circular iron wall barrier formation to separate the internal and external enemies, while the five hundred people scattered within the circular formation quickly killed the besieged enemies like a millstone. enemy.

The members of the Holy Alliance were all promoted by taking the secret realm orb, and their power was already stronger than that of the average King of Star Sea. In addition, Shen Zheng later gave all members the blue magic crystal, which increased their power to extremely powerful levels. The situation, so everyone is powerful and brave.

And these one thousand people are the elites selected from among the heroes of the Holy Sea. One can imagine their strength. When they surround the enemy, the enemy can only have one fate: death.

It didn't take long for all the enemies in the center of the circular formation to be killed. At this time, the formation shrank and changed, turning into the shape of a rotating circular saw. It knocked away the surrounding enemies during the rotation and gained enough space. , the thousand-man team formed a spear point again and stabbed at the enemy's strong point.

Shen Zheng saw this and couldn't help but nod and admire: Xiongshuai is indeed an extraordinary general. I was not wrong about him. It is definitely a wise decision to leave the entire Holy Alliance's military power to him.

He himself felt a little proud.

As for Dandan, Xiaohei, Qisui, and the five members of the Snow Group, let alone that. These guys are all members of the Holy Spirit clan. They themselves possess power that is far stronger than that of humans. With the addition of the secret realm orbs and blue magic crystals, their power has now been raised to a perverted level. Not to mention the support of the Thousand-man Team, Xue With the help of the Tiger Clan, even if they were to face this 10,000-person army, although it was certainly impossible to defeat them, they would still be able to escape safely.

It didn't take long for this army to be thrown into chaos by the onslaught of people. Although the number was ten times that of the enemy, it was unable to exert its numerical advantage at all and could only be defeated one by one.

The beastly general couldn't help but turn red with anger. He roared repeatedly and led his 3,000-man guard to kill the front line in person. He waved the big sword in his hand, and the power of two colors, light yellow and snow white, continued to condense on the blade. , seems to be able to deliver a shocking blow at any time.

You finally came!

Shen Zheng locked his eyes on General Beast Demon and suddenly flew up. In an instant, the Annihilation Spear was already in his hand. The huge power contained in the gun was also transmitted to his body and formed a combined force with him. His strength increased countless times in an instant. The aura made the beast demons around him feel frightened and did not dare to compete with them.

"Who is this person, and how can he be so powerful?" The beast-demon general who was charging quickly couldn't help but notice Shen Zheng.

At this time, Shen Zheng is like the bright moon in the sea of ​​stars, shining in the sky, with light reaching thousands of miles. No one's light can compete with him!

Shocked by Shen Zheng's power, the beast demon general did not dare to move forward. The huge force brewing on the sword only rippled on the blade, and he led the team back.

"Run?" Shen Zheng sneered. "You want to use the sea of ​​​​people to cover yourself? It's useless. I have locked you. Even if you escape to the end of the universe, you can't escape my grasp!"

With a loud shout, he waved the Annihilation Spear and rushed into the enemy formation like a tiger rushing into a flock of sheep. Those small characters, even if he doesn't work hard with the secret realm and the fragments of the Creator's power, he won't take it seriously at all. At this time, with the Oblivion Divine Spear in his hand and the huge power in his body, he doesn't even look at them. With the gun dancing, it cut a bloody path.

"Kill him!" The beast demon general saw Shen Zheng coming towards him like a tiger, with fear in his eyes. He roared crazily and commanded a large number of beast demons to rush towards Shen Zheng.

The army of beast demons is like waves in the sea, one wave after another. Each wave contains hundreds of beast demons, screaming madly, waving the weapons in their hands, and emitting killing moves as brilliant as the sea of ​​stars and as terrifying as hell. tide. The tide surged and seemed to be able to swallow everything. [

However, in front of Shen Zheng, the big tide was not worth mentioning at all. He waved the Annihilation Spear and directly broke the big tide. At the same time, with a flash of light on his body, the Holy Spirit boy had quietly shot out, and in an instant he was It is small in size and can penetrate into enemy formations and shuttle between enemies, making it impossible for the enemies to kill it.

The team in front was immediately disrupted by the Holy Spirit Boy. Those beast monsters wanted to form a wave of killing moves again, but it was extremely difficult. Immediately, the wave of killing moves was interrupted, and Shen Zheng took advantage of this opportunity to fly. Rushing forward happily.

"Stop, stop him!" General Beast Demon panicked and couldn't help but lead his team back, commanding his men to stop Shen Zheng. But in this way, although Shen Zheng was stopped, it caused him to retreat steadily. When the army saw their coach retreating, they couldn't help but panic. The formation became more scattered, and more and more people were desperate to fight. , and began to observe the general's actions, preparing to flee for his life as soon as he saw the general retreating.

As a result, the morale of the army fell again and again. By the time the general realized the problem and angrily ordered the soldiers to go forward and die, he was no longer working.

Shen Zheng, on the other hand, took advantage of the opportunity when the enemy troops were all focused on fighting and rushed forward.

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