Star Wars Civilization

Chapter 707: Longyuan Empire

"Monster?" The giant beast was furious, "How dare you call me a monster? I am a noble creature called the Blue Demonic Beast that was condensed with part of the thoughts and power of the Creator of the World! I am a noble being, but you dare to call me a monster?"

Roaring, followed by a surge of aggressive aura. The front paws were waved, and the sharp wind blades gathered in the air, like six giant scythes, and stabbed towards Shen Zheng's head with the tyrannical momentum of harvesting the life of all things.

The power is very strong. If I only join forces with one secret realm, I'm afraid I won't be able to match it.

Shen Zheng nodded slightly, confirming the opponent's strength.

But so what? Shen Zheng now carries two secret realms with him and can join forces with them at any time. [

As soon as he raised his hand, a solid giant shield instantly formed in the air, with a terrifying murderous aura surging on it and shining with the luster of metal. Six wind blades struck the shield, making an ear-splitting sound. The giant shield only shook, but did not suffer any damage. The wind blade gradually dissipated in the friction, and the giant shield slammed into the blue monster.

"Well done!" The blue monster roared, and slapped its front paws forward. Countless energy storms rose instantly and hit the giant shield hard, causing the solid shield to shatter immediately.

He raised his head, and the thick water-like space power immediately gathered around him, and the blue monster's body seemed to grow bigger in an instant, but Shen Zheng understood that this was just an illusion caused by mental pressure. The surrounding space seemed to be imprisoned, making it difficult to move. The huge power of space formed an even larger head on the head of the blue monster.

"Swallow you!"

Roaring, roaring in anger, the huge beast head flew forward, opening its huge mouth, as if it could swallow and obliterate the entire world in one bite.

"It's not that easy!" Shen Zheng sneered, and opened his five fingers, which immediately broke the surrounding space power and turned it into five thick chains, which flew out violently. As he closed his five fingers, he instantly tightened the huge beast's head. It was entangled to death and sealed the ferocious mouth.

"Can this kind of thing lock me? What a joke!" Amidst the laughter, the beast head opened its mouth suddenly, and two chains broke immediately. With another sharp shake of its head, the other three chains also fell apart.

"Don't worry." Shen Zheng smiled faintly, waved his hand and clenched his fist. The power of the surrounding space instantly condensed into a giant hammer, which he swung with his fist and whizzed towards the giant beast's head.

There was a loud bang, like the sound of two asteroids colliding. The fluctuations of energy spread in all directions, and several mountain peaks were directly smashed and destroyed. A huge pit suddenly appeared on the huge asteroid-like planet, and the cave of the blue monster below was completely sealed.

"Dare to destroy my cave? I'll kill you!"

The beast's head was scattered with one blow, and the blue magic beast let out an angry roar, its membrane wings vibrated, and several turbulences appeared in the surrounding space. In an instant, the space turbulence fell like raindrops, hitting Shen Zheng.

"Taste my power, Space Meteor Shower!" Blue Monster roared, "I will use the power of space to tear you into several pieces and swallow them all!"

Turbulence carries powerful spatial movement forces, but the directions of the forces are opposite to each other. A single turbulence can only force an object to move, but several turbulences added together are enough to tear any object into several pieces.

Above his head, there was turbulence like rain, with almost a thousand channels, completely blocking Shen Zheng's path, leaving no place to escape.

"Is this your real power? It's really powerful." Shen Zheng nodded, "I'm afraid you can destroy an army of thousands of people with one blow. But it's useless to me!"

The light flashed, and the Holy Spirit boy suddenly appeared. As soon as he appeared, he raised his head and let out a cute laugh. In the middle of waving his fists, he violently shot out several white snakes. Several white snakes came out of the fist and condensed in front of him, quickly forming a huge white snake that seemed to be able to swallow the sky. The white snake raised its head, neighed, opened its mouth and took a deep breath.

The turbulent flow trembled, but finally couldn't resist the huge suction force, and a bunch of them flew into the mouth of the giant snake. In less than ten seconds, all the turbulent flow was swallowed by the white snake.

"What?" The blue monster was shocked, "How could it have such power that it swallowed my killing move?"

Thousands of Dao flowed into his stomach, and White Snake could no longer hold on. His body suddenly expanded while twisting, and then exploded with a bang. Before it exploded, it suddenly opened its mouth, and 80% of the force of the explosion was sprayed towards the blue monster along the opening. The power of the space meteor shower and the white snake's own power formed a terrifying attack at the same time. Faced with this huge force, the blue monster only had time to scream in surprise before it was beaten far away and flew away. [

Although Shen Zheng also endured the aftermath of the explosion, White Snake's power did not harm him in that fluctuation. Instead, it protected him from being harmed by the power of space turbulence. Shen Zheng only swayed, then immediately waved his hand and chased after the Holy Spirit Boy. In the undulation of the storm, the Holy Spirit Boy flew up and sat on the neck of the blue monster struggling in the air.

He smiled, raised his little fist high, and then brought it down hard. There was a sound like planets colliding with each other. He used two fists at the same time, hitting them in turn, falling on the head of the blue monster like raindrops. The blows made the blue monster tremble all over and struggled desperately, but it didn't help.

Several white snakes sprouted from the legs of the Holy Spirit boy, which turned into ropes and tied themselves tightly to the Blue Demonic Beast. No matter how hard the Blue Demonic Beast struggled, he could not get rid of it. And he sat on top of it, pounding heavily with his fists, and in a moment, Blue Demonic Beast was killed. The monster's head was riddled with holes and blood was flowing out.

"Spare my life, spare your life!" The blue monster finally stopped showing off and cried out in pain, begging for mercy. "I don't want to die. I am a noble blue monster. I am respectfully supported by many people. I still have a long life to enjoy all the beautiful things in the world. I don't want to die!"

"It's okay if you don't die. Tell me where my companions are? Don't say you don't know. I was attracted by the breath of my companions emanating from your cave, but they are obviously not here." Shen Zheng said coldly. When he opened his mouth, the Holy Spirit Boy stopped his fist.

"Yes... it was the prince of the Longyuan Empire who came to ask me to help deal with the strong man who was tracking them all the way, which is you. I also deliberately helped him forge the aura of your partner to attract you." The blue magic beast was attracted by the Holy Spirit. The boy was frightened and hurriedly confessed honestly.

"The prince of the Longyuan Empire?" Shen Zheng frowned, "Where did he take my partner?"

"I don't know this, I really don't know!" Blue Demonic Beast shook his head hurriedly, "But I can take you to the royal court of the Longyuan Empire and help you inquire about the whereabouts of your companions."

"Okay." Shen Zheng nodded slowly. "If you dare to make any move, I will kill you immediately!"

"Don't dare, don't dare!" Blue Demonic Beast shook his head in horror. "I am the most noble creature in the blue world. Those humans are like little bugs to me. I don't care about their success or failure. For me, saving my own life is more important than anything else. important."

"How do you plan to bring me in?" Shen Zheng asked.

"I have an innate secret method that can forge the breath of others." Blue Monster said very honestly, "I can convert your breath and fuse it with my breath, and no one can sense your presence. You Hidden under my wings, no one else can find it, because they dare not scan me with their thoughts, which is tantamount to blasphemy."

"Okay." Shen Zheng nodded, flew up, landed at the base of the Blue Demonic Beast's membrane wing. The blue monster is fifteen meters long, and its wings can reach twenty meters when spread out. It is so huge that there is no problem hiding one or two people under its wings. The Holy Spirit boy loosened his restraints and ducked to the base of the other membrane wing to hide.

As a strong man of this level, Blue Demonic Beast certainly does not rely on these wings to fly. In addition to being used as a weapon, its value is only to make it look more imposing. Folding it up will not make it unable to fly. Shen Zheng and the Holy Spirit Boy were hidden under its wings, and could attack its unprotected spine at any time. Of course, it did not dare to act rashly, so it flew up honestly, left the planet, and then left the secret realm and entered the hyperspace. , heading into the distance.

After flying for a long time, it broke through hyperspace and entered the silent starry sky. Immediately, several turbulences surged up, and a patrol of twenty people appeared in the sky. As soon as they saw the blue monster, they immediately stood up straight in the air, and then saluted it respectfully.

"Lord Holy Beast!"

"Your second prince, Dragon Teeth and Claws, just asked me to do something, and I have already done it." The blue monster spoke slowly, his voice full of majesty. "I'm going to see him now, you guys lead me the way!"

"Yes!" Everyone bowed respectfully and led the blue monster forward. On the way, several thoughts passed by, but as soon as they touched the aura of the blue monster, they immediately backed away, truly not daring to offend this holy beast.

Soon after, the blue monster was led to a secret realm, and the patrol brought it into it after asking for instructions with their minds.

This secret realm is as vast as the edge, and vast ocean waves can be seen everywhere. Several islands of different sizes float on the sea. As the waves rise and fall, there are countless creatures on each island, and there are patches of coral-like forests, colorful. Some of these islands have defensive fortresses like fortresses, while others are magnificent and beautiful palaces with various functions.

Shen Zheng naturally looked at this carefully. He was just anxious to rescue his five companions.

Along the way, they gradually came to the top of a huge ocean whirlpool. The blue monster was led directly into the whirlpool. After a while, it went deep into the bottom of the sea. Only then did it see a large edge of the city, which seemed to be an independent underwater world. [

All sea water is condensed by the power of thoughts and space, and can be breathed in and out by strong people. But Shen Zheng felt that although the sea water was more substantial than the spatial power in the Blue World of Warcraft's secret realm, its power was far less pure than that in the Blue World of Warcraft's secret realm.

Not long after, the blue monster had landed next to a majestic palace. But in this city, this palace is not the most majestic. There is another palace that is twice as big as it, and another one that is ten times as big. Obviously, the largest one must be the emperor's palace, and the owner of the other palace is more noble than the second prince, so it should be the palace of the first prince.

But Shen Zheng still asked casually with his thoughts.

"Don't worry, their emperor and prince are busy exploring another space crack with heavy troops, which is not in the royal court." Blue Demonic Beast replied, "I will ask the others to retreat when the time comes. You only need to deal with the second prince." That’s it.”

The people in the azure world respect this guy so much, it's really a mistake to respect him. Shen Zheng couldn't help but sigh secretly.

This thing doesn't care about betraying others for the sake of his own life!

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