Star Wars Civilization

Chapter 059: Air Raid

In the month after Field left, Shen Zheng has been studying and researching alone. After he fully understood the new power of the Blood Spirit Whip, he approached Chu Tianran and asked him to help find a few instructors who were very good at using weapons, especially spears, and gave him special spearmanship training. , in a month, with constant training, he also mastered spear skills while learning other knowledge.

On this day, while he was practicing in the special training hall of the dean's office building, the doorbell rang suddenly. After getting his consent, the door slowly opened, and then Chu Tianran walked in slowly.

"Still working hard?" Chu Tianran smiled.

"Director Chu. What's the matter?" Shen Zheng gave a military salute.

"You don't have to be so polite." Chu Tianran waved his hand, "I have something I want to discuss with you. I wonder if you agree or not." [

"What's the matter?" Shen Zheng picked up the Blood Spirit Spear in his palm - he had become more and more interested in spear skills in the past few days, and his practice was getting better and better, so he began to practice the switching between whip and spear.

"That's it." Chu Tianran explained carefully, "Because you dropped out of high school since the first year of high school, there are some things you may not know. Our Star Country belongs to the Twelfth Military Region and is within the jurisdiction of the Twelfth Military Region There are six countries in total, and each country has its own official military academy. In order to promote exchanges and provide more talents for the military regions, an exchange of outstanding students is organized every year before the graduation of fresh graduates. In fact, it is also a competition of strength. Basically, this exchange meeting can determine the ranking of the major colleges. Our best student this time is Yun Tianfeng, but compared to you... he is far behind. "

Shen Zheng thought for a moment and understood what Chu Tianran meant: "Director Chu, you don't want me to attend this exchange meeting instead of Yun Tianfeng, right?"

"That's really what I mean." Chu Tianran laughed, "Shen Zheng, with your insect power, let alone graduation, there is no problem even if you are directly promoted to be the grade director now. You have already learned what you should learn. I have learned everything, but there are some theoretical knowledge, strategies, tactics, and history and technology that can be learned or not. I would like to ask for your opinion. If you agree, I will arrange you to this position. What do you think of it as a fresh graduate?”

"You want me to graduate four years early?" Shen Zheng was shocked. "But……"

"Isn't graduation just a formality?" Chu Tianran enlightened him, "Even after you graduate, you can continue to study here and study with the dean for as long as you want. We can define you as a graduate student. . And with your current insect strength, even if you want to report directly to the Hazy Star Corps and get a spot as a future leader's key training target, it will be easy and enjoyable. You don't have to stick to such trivial matters as your grade and student status."

"This..." Shen Zheng was a little hesitant.

"Shen Zheng, you came to the academy to study. To be honest, you just want to improve your insect power and then seek a good position in the military. Now you have obtained all of this, and you have also won the favor of the dean. If he If I can keep teaching you like this, maybe you can also become a pest controller." Chu Tianran continued to enlighten him, "Then why should you insist on being a student? The college really needs you now, you know, for four consecutive years. , for four years! Our college has suffered humiliation in the exchange meeting, ranking last for four consecutive years. This has led to many outstanding military officers in this country even leaving the country and joining colleges in other countries. This is really... …well!"

"Okay, Director Chu, please stop talking." Shen Zheng finally understood and nodded. "If that's the case, then there's nothing wrong with letting me graduate early."

"Great!" Chu Tianran clapped his hands excitedly, "With you here, this time our Longxing Academy will definitely get the first place in the exchange meeting! This time is great, this time we can completely turn around, let Those three colleges will never dare to look down on us again, huh!"

Seeing Chu Tianran's excited look, Shen Zheng could completely imagine the humiliation he suffered in front of those five colleges in the past four years.

He knew that feeling, that feeling of being looked down upon and ridiculed. He had often experienced this feeling in the past, but now, he has become a strong man who can make such oppressed people feel proud.

Another month has passed since he promised Chu Tianran.

During this month, the weather turned completely cold, and the first snow fell, spreading a shallow layer on the ground. Shen Zheng often called back and talked with Shen Ying about her school, her study life, and their future. Shen Zheng told Shen Ying more than once that he would be her pride.

"I just want to live a peaceful life with you. It doesn't matter whether I'm proud or not. Brother, you must take care of your body." Shen Ying always warned me on the phone.

"Don't worry, I have a super strong body, immune to all diseases." Shen Zheng answered like this every time.

When the second snow fell, Chu Tianran found Shen Zheng.

"It's time for the exchange meeting, Longxing Academy depends on you!" Chu Tianran said.

"Don't worry." Shen Zheng smiled and couldn't help but ask: "Where's the dean? Why haven't you come back after being away for so long?" [

"This kind of thing is very common." Chu Tianran said, "Not only him, but almost all insect controllers are like this. Their behavior is no longer understandable to us. Maybe they are going deep into the insect swarm to hunt for something they need. Insects; perhaps they were tracking for thousands of miles to hunt down a particular insect; or perhaps they suddenly felt inspired by the beauty of the sky and the earth somewhere, so they started practicing there. "

Shen Zheng nodded, somewhat understanding. Extraordinary people must do extraordinary things.

"Director, should we go by air or on the ground?" Chu Tianran's soldier asked.

"In the air." Chu Tianran said, "We can't let them underestimate us."

"But... that would be more dangerous." The soldier looked worried.

"It's okay." Chu Tianran said, "I have already told the Ministry of National Defense that they will send a fighter squadron to protect us. Besides, it's not such a coincidence. Let's just hit the flying insects."

"I understand." The soldier nodded.

The next day, Chu Tianran and Shen Zheng took a military vehicle to the military airport on the outskirts of the capital.

Unlike the ancient Earth, although airplanes are not a rare thing on the White Wolf Star now, flying is definitely a "enjoyment" for the rich and powerful. In this world where Zerg is everywhere, there are also terrible enemies of mankind in the sky and ocean.

There is no easier target for a flying bug than an airplane. They have a larger number than human aircraft, and some of them are even as fast as aircraft. It can be said that they are the real overlords of the blue sky. Because their insect power is not worth mentioning in the eyes of strong humans, but in the air, their insect power is the same threat to humans regardless of their size.

Because even a powerful insect controller like Lin Liang does not have a pair of wings that can fly in the sky. When he takes a plane, he will be as fragile as an ordinary person. When something goes wrong with the plane and it crashes to the ground, he There is only one way to die.

In this day and age, airplanes are a transportation of last resort. No one wants to fly except to cross oceans and long national borders. And once it is necessary to ride on it, a formation of fighter jets will be found to escort it.

But on the other hand, traveling by plane also represents a kind of strength - only countries with strong air forces can have missions dare to soar in the vast sky world. When participating in international xng activities, whether or not to take a plane has become a reflection of status and strength.

Chu Tianran insisted on taking a plane for this purpose. He wanted to surpass all other countries in all aspects and truly feel proud.

At the airport, a large military transport plane was already parked there, and six fighter jets were parked on the surrounding runways. After seeing the troops from the Star Academy arriving at the airport, the six pilots quickly jumped into the cabin and cleared the complex equipment in the cab. The neuron circuits were connected to his flight suit, allowing his insect breath to connect with the fighter's insect power control system. Soon, these big guys were connected to the pilots through these lines, as if they were extensions of their bodies. .

Shen Zheng had only seen airplanes on TV. This time he saw the real thing and couldn't help but look at it a few more times. But before he could see the heroic figures of those fighter jets, Chu Tianran had already stretched out his hand and pulled him onto the transport plane.

The interior of the transport plane was divided into many functional areas and rooms, and the two came to one of the largest rooms. Shen Zheng found that the room was fully equipped, from sofa, TV, refrigerator to bathroom. It was truly a small room with all the necessary equipment.

After sitting down at the table in front, a stewardess in military uniform came over immediately and poured drinks for the two of them. Chu Tianran ordered a glass of wine, while Shen Zheng just ordered some juice. Soon after, the plane started up, slowly entered the runway, then gradually began to accelerate, and finally soared into the sky.

It was Shen Zheng's first time flying. He was not quite used to the pressure caused by acceleration during takeoff and the changes in his eardrums due to changes in air pressure, but he got better soon. When the plane flew high above the blue sky and clouds, Shen Zheng looked out through the window and couldn't help but sigh in his heart - what a beautiful scenery!

The clouds below the plane formed a white continent with mountains, rivers, cliffs and deep valleys. When Shen Zheng saw the scene high in the sky for the first time, he immediately lingered in it. Chu Tianran looked out a few times with a bit of fatigue, and then focused on the wine glass.

"Shen Zheng, this time the academy has to rely on you to fight for face." He said while drinking, "This time we have to make those damn academies shut their mouths! Let them know who is twelve The strongest academy under the military region must avenge its shame!”

Shen Zheng didn't pay much attention to what he said. His attention was completely attracted by the scenery outside. [

Under the escort of the fighter jet team, the transport plane quickly headed into the distance, gradually moving away from the capital Yunfang, leaving the Hazy Star Kingdom and entering the airspace of other countries.

The sky was clear and the clouds were like the sea. Shen Zheng was immersed in admiring the beautiful scenery along the way and had already forgotten the passage of time.

But suddenly, an extremely dangerous feeling hit his heart, and he couldn't help but be shocked: No way, is it really such a coincidence that he was attacked by flying insects?

"Director Chu!" He stood up hurriedly and shouted at Chu Tianran, who was drinking and talking to himself. "I have a very bad premonition!"

"What?" Chu Tianran didn't understand what he meant.

"My sixth sense has always been very good." Shen Zheng looked solemn, "So on the battlefield, I can accurately predict the direction of the Zerg attack. This time, this feeling has appeared again. I think it may be Flying insects will attack."

At this moment, amidst the rapid knocking on the door, the stewardess in military uniform rushed in, looking panicked: "Director Chu, the sentry from the front sent a message saying that a swarm of flying insects was found. Please make all emergency preparations. !”

"Damn it!" Chu Tianran threw the wine glass aside bitterly.

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