Star Wars Civilization

Chapter 574: All members promoted to Lord of the Galaxy

The white snake flipped in the air and bit the giant crocodile insect on the side of its neck. Shen Zheng turned sideways and punched the giant crocodile insect on its head. With a muffled sound, the brain tissue of the giant crocodile insect was shattered by the force of space. Liquid, it clenched its mouth silently, twitched a few times, and then stopped. k

He waved his hand to break open the head of the giant crocodile insect, and what he took out was a source insect crystal that exuded a soft light.

"Why is this kind of thing?" Lu Qianli came over and saw the Origin Insect Crystal with a look of disappointment on his face.

"What?" Shen Zheng looked at him.

"This kind of thing is of no use." Lu Qianli shook his head, "Several people have studied it over hundreds of years, but they all came to the conclusion that it cannot be absorbed and utilized by humans. Therefore, we also call it 'waste nuclear' . What a pity, hunting such a powerful guy only to get a waste core."[

"Is there a lot of waste nuclear power?" Shen Zheng asked.

"Of course it's not much, otherwise everyone won't always be rewarded for their hard work?" Lu Qianli said, "But it's not too little. On average, if you kill a dozen galaxy lord-level bugs, you can always catch one or two. It’s just a waste core. As for the low-level Zerg, almost one out of every five or six has a waste core.”

"The ratio is very high!" Shen Zheng's eyes couldn't help but sparkle with excitement, which puzzled Lu Qianli.

"Are you happy to get the waste core?" He couldn't help but ask.

"Because I have a special physique." Shen Zheng said, "I cannot absorb the Holy Spirit Crystal, but I can only absorb this kind of 'waste core'. The reason why I was able to advance is because I absorbed such a waste core."

"What?" Lu Qianli looked at Shen Zheng blankly, "It's so weird, so weird! How is this possible?"

"The universe is huge." Shen Zheng pretended to be mysterious. "Nothing is impossible."

"So..." Lu Qianli looked at Shen Zheng, "All the waste cores on the entire earth are prepared for you, and Jueren will snatch them from you... Oh my God, you have such a unique advantage!"

"It's a pity that it's not easy to collect." Shen Zheng said.

"No, there is a way!" Lu Qianli said, "The rate of waste cores obtained by hunting insects is quite high, and the proportion of waste cores in the middle and low-level Zerg species is higher. This kind of waste cores are not taken seriously. After getting it, we often throw it away or use it as a decoration. If we trade the Holy Spirit Crystal for the waste core, then those who hunt the waste core will naturally keep it as a treasure and bring it to us!"

"This is a good idea!" Shen Zheng nodded, full of hope for the future.

“Keep hunting bugs.k

"Okay." Shen Zheng nodded, then hesitated for a moment and asked, "Old Lu, do you have any research on the modulation technique?"

"Huh?" Lu Qianli didn't expect him to ask this question.

"What I mean is that I am quite good at modulating insect cores used to increase strength, but I am not good at other things." Shen Zheng said a little embarrassed, "I have a lot of decent insect cores on hand, but the space insect cores are not. There are not many. It would be a waste to throw away the body of such a powerful Zerg. I want to keep it and bring it back to my hometown. Although it is of no use to us, it is a rare treasure for ordinary warriors."

"I understand." Lu Qianli shook his head and smiled. "Although my level of modulation skills is average, there is still no problem in modulating space bug cores. But since we still have to hunt the bugs around, let's leave this task to others. Miss Xiaoying is naturally not good at this, but Lao Liang is The veteran experts should be good at this, so leave it to them.”

"Not bad." Shen Zheng smiled, contacted Liang Tao in the insect core space with his mind, and gave him the task of modulating the space insect core.

The powerful insect cores that Shen Zheng obtained have always been in the space insect cores. Liang Tao can just take the modulation directly from there, which is very convenient.

After sending the giant crocodile insect's body into the space insect core, Shen Zheng unlocked the Holy Spirit Realm and led Lu Qianli out of the river, silently sensing the surroundings. The feeling of hunger soon resurfaced slightly. Shen Zheng followed the guidance of the induction and kept moving forward. After walking dozens of kilometers, he encountered another galaxy lord-level insect. [

It was a Zerg with eight sharp claws, a spider-like body, and crab-like giant claws. It possessed the power of sticky space and prepared to attack and kill the two men with great force. However, it was naturally brought in by Shen Zheng again. In the second world of the Holy Spirit. Lu Qianli was not idle this time, and he and Shen Zheng worked together to quickly kill the Zerg, the master of the galaxy.

This Zerg is more depressed than - it thought that with its own powerful power, it could easily deal with the two masters of the human galaxy, but it didn't expect that Shen Zheng was incredibly strong, far better than itself, and also had a pair of terrifyingly powerful ones. Black Tiger Claw is equivalent to two galaxy lords. Coupled with Lu Qianli, he was facing the masters of four human galaxies at the same time. No matter how strong he was, it would not help.

However, it took only tens of seconds for Shen Zheng and Lu Qianli to kill the giant insect and obtain a Holy Spirit Crystal.

The two of them searched and hunted in the rainforest, watching out for the peak star lords who were patrolling various places, and at the same time watching out for the mind scans of the first-order galaxy lords who were guarding this place. In a few days, they hunted and killed seven galaxy lords. Super powerful bugs, except for the source bug crystal taken out from the brain of the first giant crocodile bug, the rest are Holy Spirit crystals.

"Don't be greedy for too much." After killing the seventh insect and obtaining the Holy Spirit Crystal, Lu Qianli suggested that Shen Zheng move his position. "There are many such huge insect farms on the mainland. We can't kill too many people in one insect farm. Otherwise, although the defenders won't be able to detect your space power, they will find that the galaxy lord-level insect resources are decreasing sharply. , that’s just as dangerous.”

"Generally speaking, how many Galaxy Lord-level guys can exist in such a large insect field?" Shen Zheng asked.

"I don't know the exact number." Lu Qianli said, "But generally speaking, it will not be less than a hundred."

"So many?" Shen Zheng exclaimed.

"Otherwise, how can it be called an insect farm?" Lu Qianli smiled. "And the most interesting thing is that this number will always be maintained. The Zerg on the earth are like spring grass that cannot be burned by wildfire. Once cut, another crop will grow. A killing like ours will last for almost a month or two. Around this time, seven galaxy lord-level bugs will reappear here."

"It's just like a training ground." Shen Zheng couldn't help but say.

"Yes!" Lu Qianli nodded, "Everyone who comes here feels this way. So everyone is reluctant to leave, because it is so convenient to practice and advance here. In the outer universe, if you want to advance from the first-order galaxy Most people may spend their entire lives cultivating themselves to become second-level galaxy masters, and they may not succeed, but here, everyone has hope.”

"Okay, let's go." Shen Zheng said, "After we collect the necessary Holy Spirit crystals, we will upgrade everyone in the team and then look for other free men."

"Okay." Lu Qianli smiled, full of hope for the future.

Under his leadership, the two quietly left the rainforest and came to a desert. Here, there were not so many giant trees for cover, so it was relatively easy to be discovered, so the two of them were more careful and went directly under the hot sand dunes. They walked cautiously in the sand dunes, avoiding the patrollers, and used After about ten days, he hunted several more Zerg and obtained the Holy Spirit Crystal.

In this way, he changed another insect farm and spent a few days again to finally collect the necessary Holy Spirit crystals. In order to facilitate the transaction, the two of them hunted a few more coins before leaving.

At this time, the two of them had crossed the African continent and arrived on the northeastern coast of Africa, close to the sea.

"The quantity is enough." Shen Zheng said, "I think we can just go to the sea to mix it and then advance for everyone."

"No!" Lu Qianli waved his hand hurriedly, "In the insect farms in the ocean, there are more insects, and they are more valued by the major alliances, and their defense power is stronger than those on land."

"Is that so?" Shen Zheng couldn't help but smile bitterly. "So it's safe to enter land?"

"Let's go to the Eurasian continent." Lu Qianli said, "After all, we have met Gong Beiyang here. If he discovers us, it will easily lead to death."

"You are more familiar with the earth than us. Since you said so, let's go there." Shen Zheng had no objections. Under the guidance of Lu Qianli, he flew across the vast sea and arrived at the southwest coast of Asia. In a dense forest where no Zerg lives.

In this forest, there are many strange earth creatures. They are just like the earth creatures that Shen Zheng and others saw when they first arrived. They are more powerful and contain Holy Spirit Crystals or Origin Insect Crystals in their bodies, but the quality is too poor and the quantity is too low. Too little, and naturally it won't attract Shen Zheng's interest. [

Lu Qianli helped him find a cave, and then used the vast space power of the Lord of the Galaxy to dig thousands of meters deep into the center of the earth, establishing a secret underground space. Shen Zheng showed his second ability The power of the world formed the Holy Spirit Realm, and under the double protection, the modulation began.

Under Lu Qianli's protection, Shen Zheng concentrated and prepared all the necessary fourteen Holy Spirit crystals in one breath, and then invited everyone out of the insect core space.

"No need to be humble this time." He distributed fourteen Holy Spirit Crystals to everyone who was not promoted, including Dandan and Xiaohei.

Lu Qianli was surprised for a while when he saw Dandan and Xiaohei for the first time. Shen Zheng introduced the two parties again. There was not much exchange between people and insects before they entered the theme promotion.

Everyone was somewhat excited, but with so many people advancing at once, the movement was too big, so after discussion, it was decided to proceed in batches. First, Fang He, Chai Feifei, and Zhong Tianming advanced together. In this way, Shen Zheng ignored the veteran powerhouse Zhong Tianming and only needed to protect Fang He and Chai Feifei with the power of his mind.

The second group is the five members of the Snow Group, with Xuesu and Shen Zheng guarding the promotion. The third group was the other four elders of the Crimson Alliance, and the last group was Dandan and Xiaohei.

Under the protection of Shen Zheng and others, several groups of people successively completed the promotion and achieved the realm of the Lord of the Galaxy. After being promoted, several old people's bodies rejuvenated and they all looked like they were in their twenties. Only Ms. Yuan Fangyu was not young enough and finally transformed into a girl of eighteen or nineteen, which made everyone sigh. .

Finally, it was the group of Xiaohei and Dandan. The two partners looked at each other, unable to hide the excitement in their eyes. Shen Zheng warned them for a while before they calmed down.

They slowly absorbed the Holy Spirit crystal into their bodies, and after a while, the power in their bodies underwent earth-shaking changes. As a Zerg race, they did not have the Holy Spirit Wheel, but the space vortex they caused was stronger than when anyone was promoted. Even Shen Zheng felt that his second world, the Holy Spirit World, seemed to be turbulent because of it.

"Not good!" At the final moment when they reached their peak, Shen Zheng felt that the second world of the Holy Spirit could no longer be maintained. He exclaimed and saw it collapse and dissipate.

But fortunately, at this time, the two of them had successfully advanced and gathered their strength in time. Otherwise, I am afraid that this huge underground cave will collapse and bury everyone underground.

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