Star Wars Civilization

Chapter 552: Two Galaxy Lords

In the universe, golden light flourished, and the golden ball crashed into Xuesu with light like the sun. k

Xuexu's face was calm, the hand holding the white light ball moved up slightly, and then he threw the light ball up with force. Immediately, the Ice Snake broke away from Xuesu's body, headed towards the white light ball, and collided with the white light ball. In an instant, white light flowed throughout the ice snake's body, making it seem to have turned into a real white snake.

It let out a long hiss, turned sharply in the air, and headed straight towards the golden ball. It opened its mouth wide and bit the golden ball in its mouth. It exerted great force in an attempt to destroy it.

The golden light flourished, and a loud noise came from the ice snake's mouth. A power that seemed to be able to destroy everything - including souls, spread to the surroundings. As the peak star masters, Shen Zheng and the others were swept away by this force and immediately flew away into the distance, their minds going blank for a moment.

Wherever the power reaches, the space seems to fluctuate, and the starry sky in the distance suddenly becomes blurred, like a floating shadow on the water, turbulent. [

Huge power exploded, as if a planet had exploded and been destroyed, the sound was terrifying. Standing at both ends of the explosion, Xue Su and Hu Lanchen couldn't help being moved by the force, and each retreated several hundred meters away.

"Not bad." After the aftermath of the explosion subsided, the Ice Snake and the Golden Ball disappeared. Hu Lanchen flew back to where he was and looked at Xue Su with a sneer. "But you can only go so far."

"What about you?" Xuexu also flew back and looked at the other party.

"How long can you maintain the power of the Lord of the Galaxy through this secret method?" Hu Lanchen sneered.

"This is what I want to ask you too." Xuexu smiled.

"Then let's see who consumes all the power first and eventually dies in the hands of his opponent." Hu Lanchen smiled creepily.

He slowly raised his hand, and the powerful power of his thoughts flowed through every inch of skin and every cell in his body. The power of that thought transforms this body indifferently, regardless of whether it will collapse into ashes or be shattered into dust after a short period of glory. It only wants this body to become the strongest at this moment.

Become a murderous terror machine.

"Very good, very good." He said to himself proudly, "He is slowly approaching the state I need him to reach. This Hu Lanchen is indeed the human being who is most in tune with my strength..."

"So, you are not a human being?" Xuexu's eyes flashed and she caught the clues in the other party's words. k

"Yes or no, you can make your own guess." Hu Lanchen sensed the changes in his body, and the smile on his face became more and more terrifying.

His eyes bypassed Xue Su and looked at Shen Zheng far behind, his eyes full of murderous intent.

After defeating this servant of yours, I will have no trouble killing you. Our emperor's instructions will be successfully completed. Even if my life disappears in the river of history, I will regret it...

Raising his hand, the power of light quickly concentrated in his hand. Countless yellow dust floated in it, mixed with the light, forming a brand new power. The power rotated rapidly and turned into a sphere. The sphere gradually deformed, gained a sharp edge, and finally turned into a giant sword.

"You will die," he said to Xuexu.

"Who doesn't know how to brag?" Xue Su smiled sweetly.

"Go to hell!" Hu Lanchen's face was dark, as if he was upset because he had frightened the little girl. He did not release his power anymore, but stretched out his hand to hold the golden sword and rushed towards Xuesu. The light traced a track in the sky, recording the path he passed, as if writing a poem for a great epic hero.

Two ice snakes were released one after another, and Xue Su's face was solemn. She can completely sense the huge power contained in the opponent's sword, and whether she can resist it and grasp it. Just work hard.

The ice snake was flying around him, and the white light ball condensed in the palm of his hand. With a wave of his hand, the white light ball leapt up with great power. An ice snake flew into the air, faced the white light ball, and became one with it. At this time, another white light ball condensed in Xuesu's hand, rose up again, and combined with another ice snake. [

Two ice snakes flew in the air, entangled together, and gradually merged into a more powerful ice snake. The snake danced around Xue Su's body, its cold eyes fixed on the golden sword coming from a distance, and it suddenly let out a long hiss, opened its terrifying mouth, and charged straight towards the opponent's giant sword.

"It's useless, it's useless!" Hu Lanchen laughed wildly, "How long can this little power hold me back? Do you have any power to restrain me?"

The sword light flashed horizontally, and the golden light struck the giant snake in the air. The ice snake twisted its body, dodged the sword light, and opened its mouth to bite Hu Lanchen. Hu Lanchen just laughed, as if laughing at the ice snake's overestimation of its own strength. He swung the giant sword and slashed at the ice snake's neck again, forcing The ice snake had to retreat to the side.

Hu Lanchen, on the other hand, swung his sword up and attacked the ice snake. One man and one snake were fighting in one place, but it was the man who had the upper hand.

Shen Zheng watched anxiously, vaguely feeling that Xue Su had no chance of winning. He wanted to ask Xuexu to come back immediately and escape together, but looking at Hu Lanchen wielding the giant sword, he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

If this terrible guy cannot be eliminated, there will be no end to the escape.

But how to eliminate it? Xue Su and Xuanwu Ice Soul can barely compete with them, but they can't last long. He is a peak star master...

etc! Xuanwu Ice Soul...Xiao Hei? Eggs?

Yes, we have combined our powers before. Although we did not form a terrifyingly powerful force like Seol So and the others, we also achieved something stronger by leveraging each other. state. And when I lent my power to Xiao Hei, it gave Xiao Hei extremely powerful power. If I still use that method now, it's just that instead of lending my power to Xiao Hei, I will let Xiao Hei and Dandan... Lend me your power?

"Xiao Hei, Dandan! Burn your power and pass it on to me!" Suddenly, Chen Zheng's eyes lit up with light, and his thoughts flowed into the Xuanwu core, contacting Xiao Hei from Dandan like a roar.

"No problem!" Dandan roared loudly, responding to Shen Zheng with the power of blazing flames, while Xiao Hei roared loudly, and the power of his body caused the black tide in the Xuanwu core to surge up together. Two forces, one water and one fire, immediately broke out of the basalt insect core and came to Shen Zheng's body, entwining and circling around him.

The soft white light slowly shone in Shen Zheng's body, wrapping him around him. Xiao Hei's black tide and the flame of his balls entangled in the light cocoon and gradually merged into the light cocoon. The light cocoon slowly changed and became more powerful, but it did not exude a terrifying aura.

"This is..." Zhong Tianming looked at it in surprise, but was speechless.

"I heard that Shen Zheng also has the ability to fuse insect servants to increase their power." Liang Tao's eyes shone, "But I didn't think of it for a moment. Really, maybe it's because his power has been increased too high. Is Shen Zheng himself the same? Forgot about this ability and didn’t remember it until now?”

As the two watched, the cocoon of light slowly grew larger, and the light became more and more powerful. Finally, it suddenly spread outward and turned into a huge human form of light. Then it quickly retracted inward, and slowly The earth attached to Shen Zheng's body and became a body of light close to his body.

"That's right, although the five Holy Spirits of the Fa and Snow group are united, I can still work together with Xiaohei and Dandan!" Shen Zheng slowly raised his head, looking into the distance while feeling the energy in his body. strength.

That power has far surpassed the level of the peak star master, reaching a new level that he has never felt before. He suddenly felt that his power was exhausted and he could generate limited space power at any time. Compared with it, the space power in the surrounding world was pitifully weak.

"We can defeat him!" He looked at the battlefield in the distance with firm eyes and raised the corners of his mouth. "Xue Su, I'm coming!"

Like a meteor, Shen Zheng flew to Xuesu's side in a blink of an eye. Xuesu turned her head slightly and looked at Shen Zheng in surprise: "Master, you..."

"I could also borrow the power of Xiaohei and Dandan, but I forgot about it for a moment." Shen Zheng said a little embarrassed. "Now my power seems to have reached the level of the Lord of the Galaxy, and it seems to be on par with you. With the two of us working together, and with the help of Xuanwu Ice Soul, I don't believe I can't kill this guy!"

"Okay!" Xue Su nodded calmly, "Master, I will release the ice snake, and you will extract your power and inject it into the ice snake to strengthen the offensive!"

"Okay!" Shen Zheng nodded and smiled, raising both hands at the same time. A ball of white light appeared on each hand, and in his left hand, a blazing flame also rose up, wrapping the ball of white light. A rolling black tide surged in his right hand, surrounding the ball of white light in his right hand. The two white light balls turned into spheres of water and fire, slowly rising into the sky. [

Shen Zheng stared at the two light balls and continued to transport his power into them.

Xue Su looked solemn and waved her hand again, and two more ice snakes rose up. These two ice snakes contain almost all the power of Xue Su and Xuanwu Ice Soul. When they were generated, Xuanwu Ice Soul immediately returned to the form of an ice sculpture. It no longer glowed and could not move, as if it had lost all power. , and Xuesu's body also shook slightly, and the body of light flickered faintly.

"Come on!" Shen Zheng shouted, and with a wave of his hand, two balls of water and fire flew towards the two ice snakes. The two snakes opened their mouths unceremoniously and blasted the oncoming light. Swallow the ball into your mouth.

In an instant, an ice snake's ice body was covered with a layer of flames. The flames were so blazing that they almost burned the ice snake. However, in an instant, a layer of white light covered the ice snake's body, causing the cold air and flames to ignite. Perfectly combined, coexisting and promoting each other.

A billowing black tide emerged from another ice snake. The ice snake seemed to be melting into the tide, but a layer of white light also flashed out, combining the power of ice and water into one again.

Two snakes, one water and one fire, danced in the air. Under the control of Shen Zheng and Xue Su, they suddenly became entangled in the air. As the power of water and fire stirred each other, the two snakes actually merged into one!

"Incredible!" Zhong Tianming sighed with his eyes wide open.

"Maybe we can win!" Liang Tao looked excited.

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