Star Wars Civilization

Chapter 539: Honorary Commander-in-Chief of the Planet

"Are you the commander-in-chief of White Wolf Star, Lord Zhong Tianming?" Shen Zheng looked up at the old man in the sky and smiled faintly. ^

"My lord, I dare not take this responsibility." The old man smiled, "If you think you can be friendly, just call me Mr. Zhong. Otherwise, just call me Commander Zhong."

"Mr. Zhong, come down and talk." Shen Zheng smiled.

"Okay." Zhong Tianming glanced at Xiao Hei and Dandan again, then slowly landed on the ceremony stage.

Immediately, the five chiefs respectfully saluted Zhong Tianming and retreated with their subordinates. [

"Commander-in-Chief, hurry up..." Shuang Dongliu crawled towards Zhong Tianming, looking like he was trying to hug Zhong Tianming's thigh. Zhong Tianming's eyes were cold and lightning-like. Shuang Dongliu immediately trembled and fell to the ground in fright, not daring to scream or move anymore.

"What happened to Shen Zheng?" Zhong Tianming's voice was low and his eyes were like lightning.

"Yes..." Shuang Dongliu trembled.

"Commander-in-Chief, can I do the talking?" Shi Yuan took a step forward. "Chief Shui Xingyuan and Ke Yunmiao are suspected of being close to Lord Shen Zheng, but I...our alliance had conflicts with Lord Shen Zheng back then."

"Go ahead." Zhong Tianming nodded.

"When we developed the new insect star Xuanwu Star, we were attacked by the insect people. You know this." Shi Yuan said, "But what you don't know is that thanks to Shen Zheng, he defeated all the insect evil spirits and eliminated the insect people. We did not suffer the fate of being wiped out by the regiment, but Shuang Qianxu, the son of deputy commander Shuang Dongliu, was only concerned about his own escape and the safety of the soldiers. Regardless, it’s really disgusting.”

Zhong Tianming frowned deeply: "Go on."

Shuang Dongliu trembled and opened his mouth to argue, but Zhong Tianming looked at him and frightened him into silence.

"But after returning, the Planet Headquarters not only did not reward Shen Zheng, but suddenly issued a wanted order, claiming that Shen Zheng's friend Miss Xuesu was an insect spy, and Shen Zheng was a traitor to mankind. In the end, Shen Zheng had to leave his hometown. Wandering far away from the stars," Shi Yuan continued. "According to our guess, it may be that Shuang Qianxu was angry with Shen Zheng for reprimanding him, so he and his father Shuang Dongliu deceived you and wanted to harm Shen Zheng."

Zhong Tianming looked into Shuang Dongliu's eyes and asked word for word: "Is this true?"

"No, it's not!" Shuang Dongliu shouted, "Commander-in-Chief, that Xue Su is obviously an insect man, and Shen Zheng is a traitor! Now his intention could not be more obvious. He wants to take away your power! These The commander-in-chief has betrayed you and should be killed!"

"Shut up!" Zhong Tianming's eyes almost burst into flames. ^ "Kill them all? Do you want me to eliminate all the strong men on White Wolf Star and leave you alone?"

Shuangdongliu trembled violently.

He suddenly understood something: this time, whether he was justified or not, guilty or not, Zhong Tianming would only kill him. Because Shen Zheng is too powerful, and it is not just a matter of his own strength. The key is that the five major alliances of the White Wolf Star clearly support Shen Zheng and are on Shen Zheng's side.

If Zhong Tianming goes against them, he will immediately become a loner. It may be him, the supreme commander-in-chief, who will be expelled from White Wolf Star.

Thinking of his fate, Shuang Dongliu couldn't help but tremble all over and his teeth chattered.

"Commander-in-Chief, please spare my life!" he cried in horror.

"Spare your life?" Zhong Tianming looked at Shuang Dongliu with real hatred in his heart.

He opened his hand, and the powerful force pulled Shuangdongliu over. He grabbed Shuangdongliu's neck and lifted him into the air. [

"You bastard! How much trouble have you caused for me?" He glared at Shuangdongliu hatefully, blocking his voice with the power of space and only sending it into Shuangdongliu's ears. "Originally, we could have a powerful genius, but because of you and your stupid son, it almost caused a catastrophe that destroyed me! You loser, do you still have the nerve to ask for my life?"

"You framed a meritorious official and used the power I gave you to harm my interests. Can I keep someone like you?" He said loudly, letting his voice reach the ears of everyone present.

He turned to Wu Cheng again: "I was busy cultivating before and left all the affairs of the planet in your hands, but now it seems that I was wrong. You are not worthy of my trust at all!"

"Yes!" Wu Cheng trembled and stood up, bending down respectfully. "Commander-in-Chief, everything is our fault! But...but Shuang Dongliu and Shuang Qianxu said so categorically at that time that we couldn't help but believe it. We were blinded by him. We were guilty of negligence and we are willing to accept your punishment. !”

Zhong Tianming snorted coldly, turned to Shen Zheng, and immediately looked friendly.

"Shen Zheng, no matter what, Bai Langxing is sorry for this matter." He said, "I will give you an explanation right now!"

As he spoke, he exerted force on his hand, and with a click, he directly broke Shuang Dongliu's neck, and threw it into a newly created space next to him. The force of explosion came from that space, and Shuang Dongliu's body entered it and was immediately blown into dust by the explosive force.

The culprit shall be punished.

"Shen Zheng, are you satisfied with my handling?" Zhong Tianming looked at Shen Zheng and asked with a smile.

"Very satisfied." Shen Zheng returned the smile.

"Okay!" Zhong Tianming laughed loudly, "Then don't be so tense, right? I didn't expect that there would be more than twenty powerful star masters on White Wolf Star. This is a real happy event! Yun Miao, This celebration is not easy to prepare, so don’t waste it. Let’s treat it as a celebration for all the powerful people in our White Wolf Star. What do you think?”

"Yes!" Ke Yunmiao solemnly saluted Zhong Tianming.

"Little brother Shen Zheng." Zhong Tianming looked at Shen Zheng and changed his title. "How about we sit down and watch the ceremony together?"

"Okay." Shen Zheng smiled and nodded.

"That..." Zhong Tianming looked in one direction, "Call that friend over there. I am a person who likes to make friends."

Shen Zheng looked where he was looking and knew he was referring to Liang Tao. He smiled slightly and said loudly: "Mr. Liang, please come to the stage!"

After a moment, a figure appeared next to Shen Zheng on the stage in the turbulence. It was Liang Tao. He looked at Zhong Tianming, looked at him for a moment, and nodded slightly: "Hello."

"Hello." Zhong Tianming also nodded slightly and looked at the other person. Both of them felt that the aura exuded by the other party was on par with their own, and they expected that the other party's strength would be on par with theirs, so they couldn't help but feel a faint sense of fear and sympathy.

"Let me introduce, this is Mr. Liang Tao from the Crimson Whirlpool Galaxy." Shen Zheng said, "This is the commander-in-chief of our White Wolf Star, Mr. Zhong Tianming."

"Nice to meet you." The two said in unison, and then laughed together.

"Come, sit down." Zhong Tianming waved his hand generously.

Shen Zheng waved and let Xiao Hei and Dandan return to the Xuanwu Insect Core. He took Xue Su and sat down with Zhong Tianming and Liang Tao. [

The number of seats in the viewing gallery was limited, but after a few people sat down, there were still quite a few left. However, the five chiefs and other star masters stood quietly aside. Although they are already powerful Star Masters, compared with Zhong Tianming, Liang Tao, Shen Zheng and Xuexu, they are just minor characters.

After the four peak star masters sit down, how can they still have their place?

Shen Ying retreated and stood next to Shui Qingqing and others instead of going to his brother's side. She knew that this was not a family gathering, but something important to discuss.

Ke Yunmiao stepped forward slowly, indicating that the celebration should continue. In the square, the crowd slowly moved away, revealing a huge open space. Then, song and dance performances began one after another, making it very lively.

"Brother Shen Zheng, thank you very much for saving me face." Zhong Tianming said in a low voice while looking at it. "I know that you deliberately went to great lengths to lure Shuang Dongliu here before killing him, just because you took into consideration the feelings of an old man like me. Thank you very much."

"You're welcome." Shen Zheng said, "After all, I am also a member of the White Wolf Star, and I am the people under your rule."

"You can't take this seriously!" Zhong Tianming waved his hands hurriedly, "Now you are already the pinnacle star master, and I feel that your strength is still above mine. To be honest, I should let you sit as the commander-in-chief of this planet. of……"

"Forget it." Liang Tao suddenly said. "Brother Shen Zheng's vision cannot be limited to a small planet. Commander Zhong, you don't know that in our Crimson Spiral Galaxy, Shen Zheng is already a well-known celebrity in the galaxy. His status is much higher than it is here with you. ”

As the master of a planet, Zhong Tianming is naturally a master who matures as he matures. He immediately understood that Liang Tao meant that Shen Zheng would never take his position, and he couldn't help but smile.

"I really didn't know about Shuangdongliu in advance." Zhong Tianming sighed, "Brother Shen Zheng, Mr. Liang should be more aware that old men like us who are over eighty years old, even though their power has reached the peak of Star Lord, But we are still not out of the mortal realm. In order to live longer and live well, we think about how to advance every day. All these things on the planet are left to these deputy commanders, but we didn't expect it. They are so uneasy!”

"Let's not mention this matter." Shen Zheng waved his hand. "Today's White Wolf Star is different from the past. Mr. Zhong has more choices and does not necessarily have to rely on those unreliable deputy commanders."

"Of course." Zhong Tianming smiled. "Does Brother Shen Zheng want anyone? Of course, I know that you will never be subordinate to me, and you have no interest in the position of commander-in-chief. I think so, how about you serve as the honorary commander-in-chief? The power is equal to mine, but I don’t have any specific responsibilities.”

"I think it's good." Liang Tao nodded and agreed for Shen Zheng.

Then he smiled at Zhong Tianming: "Congratulations, Commander Zhong. You know, Brother Shen Zheng's future achievements will never stop at the peak star master. With your coming, you will give White Wolf Star a powerful backer." ah!"

Zhong Tianming looked at him and laughed.

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