Star Wars Civilization

Chapter 004: Emergency Mission

"Hey, genius, help me massage my back. I've been training too hard these past few days and my shoulders are very sore."

When Shen Zheng walked past the Zombie Soldiers' camp, a recruit looked at him and said lukewarmly.

He turned his head and looked at the man, recognizing him.

Isn't he the genius with an adaptation value of 86? I heard it's called Ping Lei.

At this moment, this genius was sitting on the small field in the recruit camp of the first formation of the Spike Legion, surrounded by a large group of recruits who were willing to be his younger brothers. [

"Yes, genius, isn't your best thing about health care?" A recruit joked, "Come and serve Brother Ping."

"That's right." Another one said, "We are no better than you. You follow the squad leader so leisurely every day and get paid without doing anything. You have to train every day. It's really tiring."

Shen Zheng looked at them coldly and said nothing. He is not here to fight with others and cause trouble. He must grit his teeth and persevere in the hope of curing his sister's terminal illness.

So he walked by silently.

"I'm talking to you, are you deaf?" Brother Ping's tone became extremely cold with an adaptation value of 86.

"The task assigned to me by my superiors is to serve the captain of the third team of the second formation." Shen Zheng stopped and faced Ping Lei, neither humble nor overbearing.

"Is this the way to talk to a real genius like me?" Ping Lei's eyes showed fierceness.

"Brother Ping, it seems that you need to teach him the rules in the military camp." A recruit said flatteringly, "Shall I go over and help you teach him a lesson?"

"How many people are you bullying?" Ping Lei frowned, "It was spread out that a combat-type insect planter bullied a health soldier."

"Yes..." The recruit didn't understand what Ping Lei meant and was a little vague.

"If you want to go up, just go together." Ping Lei sneered, "If a group of insect planters beat up a health soldier, no one will say anything."

"That's right!" Seven or eight recruits laughed, stood up with a cheer, and approached Shen Zheng together.

Shen Zheng stood there, clenching his fists slowly. He knew that if he backed down, he would suffer even more humiliation. He made up his mind that this time he must make these people pay with blood.

Even if you have to break a few bones.

This is an unselfish choice. If weakness gives in, the bullying will happen again and again. You must grit your teeth and fight hard, leaving them with an indelible fear so that they will not dare to offend you easily in the future.

Just like a liger, no matter how powerful it is, it is unwilling to offend the smallest poisonous snake.

But this battle is destined to be lost. Just when Shen Zheng was about to seize the opportunity, the emergency assembly alarm sounded. Both recruits and veterans in the military camp hurriedly packed up their military uniforms and headed towards the battlefield of each formation.

"You're lucky!" Ping Lei glared at Shen Zheng and ran away.

Shen Zheng took a deep breath and shook his head helplessly. [

How long can we continue to live like this?

It has been half a month since the plantation ended that day. In half a month, other insect planters entered various formations for recruit training, and he was assigned to the captain of the third team of the second formation as the accompanying health soldier.

To put it bluntly, this position is the squad leader's chore soldier. He is often ordered by the squad leader to run around the military camp and do things for him.

And every time he passed by the recruit camp, those recruits who had once envied and envied him would always ridicule him to the best of their ability.

This kind of life is simply like hell.

With a sigh, Shen Zheng also quickly ran towards the O Field of the Second Formation - the emergency muster alarm is the highest level assembly order in the legion. Soldiers who hear it must arrive at the O Field as soon as possible.

What will happen? He guessed in his mind.

Soon, he came to the o field. Some of the thousand soldiers in the second formation were already standing in line, and some had just arrived. The squad leaders were roaring anxiously, urging the subordinates who had just arrived to quickly stand in line. The formation leader of the second formation, a dark-haired man about thirty years old with a calm and peaceful temperament, stood on the high platform of Field O, quietly watching the gathering of his subordinates.

Shen Zheng already knew that his immediate boss was named Feng Yu.

Three minutes later, everyone arrived. Feng Yu looked at his subordinates and said calmly: "We have a mission. Our formation and the third formation are executing it, stationed in the valley to the west of Langya Town, and escorting a team heading towards the 12th Military Region Headquarters. Everyone. Be ready and meet here in three minutes.”

He didn't say much, but he made everything clear. The squad leaders immediately directed their men to return to the military camp and pack up their equipment.

"Captain, is there an insect wave?" Shen Zheng grabbed the captain of the third team and asked.

"Not sure." The captain shook his head, "But our Spike Legion only has four formations. We sent out two at once this time, which shows that it is not a trivial matter. But this has nothing to do with you. You are just a health soldier. Stay well in the military camp. Bar."

"No!" Shen Zheng said firmly. His eyes were shining because he could smell the smell of "military merit". This was a good opportunity to make a contribution, and he couldn't let it pass easily.

"What?" The captain was a little confused. "Do you want to..."

"Give me a gun and I will do better than others!" Shen Zheng said eagerly.

"Are you kidding!" The captain frowned and shook his head, "The health soldiers should not join in the fun!"

"Please believe me!" Shen Zheng's eyes showed urgency.

"Don't be ridiculous." The captain's tone was sarcastic. "Although you are also a planter, to put it bluntly, you are just a useless waste. There may be cruel battles in this mission, but you should stay in the legion honestly. Headquarters, don’t cause any trouble to me!”

"Useless trash", these five words penetrated deeply into Shen Zheng's heart. He couldn't help but the fire of anger began to well up in his eyes.

"What's going on?" A peaceful voice sounded. Feng Yu saw what the third team leader and his subordinates were arguing about, so he came over and asked.

"Formation leader!" The two men hurriedly saluted. Shen Zheng expressed his wishes before the squad leader spoke: "Formation leader, please give me a chance to participate in this operation! I will use my My actual actions prove that I am no worse than others!”[

Feng Yu looked at Shen Zheng quietly and nodded slowly: "Okay, let's get the gun."

"Yes!" Shen Zheng saluted excitedly and ran away as fast as he could.

"Formation leader, this..." The third squad leader was a little puzzled, "Let a health soldier like him come on stage..."

"I want to see if the immortal strongman with an adaptation value of 98 is just a trash in appearance, or a monster with real hidden potential." Feng Yu said calmly.

A few minutes later, the team gathered again, and Shen Zheng had received two guns - one was a portable handgun, and the other was an automatic rifle that could fire rapid explosions. Both are powerful weapons. Unlike the civilian firearms circulating on the market, they are specially designed to deal with insects.

But this powerful weapon is still unable to compare with the power of the insect planter.

However, he has a strong body, agile speed, and doubled strength - these are all obtained after implanting the Foundation Establishment Insect.

Although these are nothing compared to real warrior planters, they are much more powerful than ordinary warriors. He was confident that with these two guns, he could kill several damn bugs.

After the assembly, there was no more centralized training. The truck drove over, the soldiers got on the truck, and the team set off.

"Hey, the genius is also going to participate in the operation?" In the same car, a recruit saw Shen Zheng and immediately started taunting him again.

"Are you going to die?" A recruit laughed, "What is that thing on your back? A gun, it's so majestic!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand, and countless spikes emerged from his palm, condensing into a hard thorn the size of a thumb in the palm of his hand.

"Please give me a genius to comment on my edge gun." The recruit said proudly, "It can penetrate a two millimeter thick steel plate. I wonder if your gun is so powerful?"

"The 08mm hunter disperses and can penetrate a 1cm thick steel plate; the 20mm rapid explosion can instantly blow a big hole in a 2cm thick steel plate." A slightly excited voice sounded, and a recruit in the corner of the truck said The helmet was lifted up, revealing the round face, and said to the recruit who was bragging. "How do you think you compare to these two guns?"

"You..." The recruit glared at him with a red face, but had to remain silent in the face of the facts.

"You, you, you!" The round-faced soldier pointed at several people, "Aren't you and I all carrying this kind of gun? But you don't know how powerful this kind of gun is. It's really ridiculous! We all are Although the new recruits have strength, they are not yet able to use it skillfully. Now our strength is not as good as that of ordinary infantry. Don’t you understand? If you are careless on the battlefield, you will die first!”

"I borrowed it!" As he said that, the round-faced recruit stood up, walked up to Shen Zheng's side, and motioned to the person next to Shen Zheng to change places with him. The man got what he wanted and left immediately.

Shen Zheng looked at the round face and recognized the man who spoke for him when he was planting insects.

"Thank you," he whispered.

"Nothing." The round-faced recruit smiled, a little shyly, and stretched out his hand. "Ignore those people. They talk to each other. They have no ability but always like to laugh at others for fun, as if the meaning of their lives is so low-level. My name is Fang He."

"Shen Zheng." Shen Zheng shook hands with him vigorously. He will always remember this name, and he will remember that the other person held his hand and gave him warm strength when he was in the most pain.

"I wonder if there will be a battle in this mission." Fang He said as he took off the rifle from his back and fiddled with it carefully. "I really want to see what those veterans with insect power above 40 look like in battle."

People who have passed the insecticide are called insecticides. After becoming a insecticide, the level of strength will be distinguished by a specific numerical value, and that value is the insect power value. The higher the value, the more powerful, but the smaller the number. As far as Shen Zheng knew, among the thousand people in his second formation, less than ten had an insect power of 60, and the highest among the recruits was only 30.

What if one day my insect power reaches 60? Will the Foundation Establishment Insect bring me any surprises?

Shen Zheng thought to himself.

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