Star Wars Civilization

Chapter 386: Star

The ghost looked at Shen Zheng, his eyes full of reluctance, but no matter how remorseful he was, he had to admit that he had completely lost to this mysterious outsider. %\u0026*

But being able to keep a life is better than dying here.

"Powerful Star Spirit." The ghost said, "You have Star Lord and Star Spirit-level servants, you have such powerful power, and you can easily turn insect controllers into high-level insect melters. With this ability, you can get a very high status and power no matter which planet you are on. Am I right?"

"Tell me what you want to exchange." Shen Zheng frowned and said.

He smiled bitterly in his heart: How should I answer? Answer you that people like me were forced to leave their hometowns by high-level bureaucrats on the planet? I'm afraid you will think I am deliberately ridiculing you, right? [

"Please listen to me patiently." The ghost said with great effort, "And the planet you are on must have higher technology than Lanfu, and human society has developed to a perfect level. This place is just a remote and barren land for you. Living in such a place must be your last resort."

"What do you want to say?" Shen Zheng asked in a deep voice.

Chen Dong and Xue Su also flew over at this time and stayed beside Shen Zheng. Chen Dong looked at the ghost, frowned slightly, and whispered to Shen Zheng: "Mr. Shen, don't talk to it, just kill it directly."

"Mr. Shen, what I mean is that if there is a chance to return to your own planet, you will definitely seize that opportunity, and you will not stay here to control the world, right?" The ghost said to Shen Zheng.

It believed that its words would be a great temptation to Shen Zheng.

Sure enough, Shen Zheng's eyes lit up.

"Can you help me?"

"Yes!" The ghost breathed a sigh of relief and said hurriedly, "I have a star map made by a strong man of my clan hundreds of years ago. Through this star map, I know that the area we are in is the red light star area of ​​the deep red vortex galaxy."

Speaking of this, it paused and observed Shen Zheng's eyes.

Shen Zheng couldn't help but flash a touch of excitement in his eyes, which made it feel extremely relieved, because it understood that this meant that Shen Zheng's planet must be in this area.

If a prosperous city and a desolate countryside are put in front of people to choose, anyone will choose a prosperous city. And the ghost is sure that compared with Shen Zheng's planet, Lanfu is a desolate countryside. It believes that if there is a chance, Shen Zheng will definitely prefer to return to his hometown rather than stay here.

Shen Zheng is indeed a little excited, because Wu Ximing had mentioned to him before that the area where the other shore star is located is the red light star area of ​​this deep red vortex galaxy. om|^

Thinking that there is still a chance to meet Wu Ximing and Ding Yuqing, Shen Zheng can't help but be excited.

"Do you think this star map can save my life?" You Mo looked at Shen Zheng and asked slowly.

"I promise not to kill you." Shen Zheng looked at You Mo and said slowly. "But you have to leave here and live somewhere else."

"No problem." You Mo gritted his teeth, "In order for you not to worry that I will regret it later, I can leave with you. And only I can understand the star map, and I have to show you the way."

"You'd better not try to play any tricks." Shen Zheng said, "Otherwise..."

"Of course not." You Mo shook his head, "You are also a star spirit, you can survive in the universe, even if I destroy your warship, you will not be hurt. And with the strength of your team, it is easy to kill me in the universe."

"Okay." Shen Zheng nodded slowly, "Then bring the star map to me first." [

"But what if you regret it?" You Mo asked anxiously.

"I keep my word." Shen Zheng said proudly, "Do you think I'm a fickle villain? Listen carefully, I swear on my life - as long as the star map you take out is real and can guide us to find our planet, then none of us will kill you. But correspondingly, after you are far away from Lanfu Star and have determined the location of our planet, you must land on a nearby planet. I can help you find a bug planet full of Zerg, but you are not allowed to stay on a planet with intelligent creatures."

"Okay!" The ghost demon responded hatefully. At this point, it can only surrender, otherwise it will be killed on the spot.

It is better to survive on a desolate bug planet than to die immediately.

"Mr. Shen, be careful of its cheating!" Chen Dong reminded Shen Zheng cautiously.

"Thanks for the reminder." Shen Zheng nodded slowly, "But I can read its brainwave language. Although its response just now was full of obvious dissatisfaction and resentment, what it said was all true."

"You still have this ability?" The ghost demon was shocked, and then snorted angrily, muttering: "No wonder Xuanse failed to deceive him at that time..."

"Then, please follow me to get the star map." The ghost demon said unwillingly.

"Commander Chen, what are your plans?" Shen Zheng asked Chen Dong.

"I'll go with you first." Chen Dong said, "I will immediately inform my subordinates that three of the four early emperors died and one surrendered. We have won the victory. They will handle some specific matters first. I am always worried that the ghost demon has some tricks, so I'll go with you first. In case of anything, I can help a little."

"Thank you." Shen Zheng nodded solemnly.

Waving his hand, the power of space surged, and the black tortoise insect core took the egg back into the insect core again. The huge black tide surged with powerful power, quickly repairing the egg's injury.

Under the leadership of You Mo, the group of people began to head towards You Mo's lair in the most prosperous city in the center of the continent. During the flight, You Mo did not dare to play any tricks and led the way honestly.

While Chen Dong was flying, he also used communication equipment to notify his subordinates. At the same time, every time he flew over a city, he would use insect power to amplify his voice and shout loudly to the legion serving the Zerg below, killing three of the three insect emperors. The news of the surrender was announced.

You Mo was quite depressed, but there was nothing he could do. Now it can only honestly admit defeat and hand over this world to humans.

It was filled with hatred for Shen Zheng in its heart, but when it looked at Xue Su next to Shen Zheng and thought about the eggs in the insect core on Shen Zheng's body, it could only sigh in secret.

Accept your fate, it's better to be alive than dead. I am a strong man who can fly across the universe. Even if he throws me to the desolate insect star, I can slowly fly away from there on my own to find a better planet...

After arriving at the central city after a long flight, Shen Zheng saw from a distance the huge city-within-a-city that was like a tower-shaped castle in the center of the city. Obviously, that must be the lair of the ghost demon.

Sure enough, You Mo flew all the way to bring everyone there, and at the same time shouted: "All Zerg, listen to me, immediately..."

"Wait!" Chen Dong suddenly interrupted, "Ask all your intelligent Zerg subordinates to gather in the square!"

The Youmo was startled for a moment, then understood what Chen Dong meant. After it glared at Chen Dong angrily, it still roared: "All our warriors, gather at the central square!"

Soon after, dozens of intelligent bugs gathered in the square of the city-within-a-city, raising their heads to the sky together to respectfully welcome the return of their bug king. But they are a little strange - why are there so many humans around the Insect King? How can a little human be qualified to follow the Insect King? [

At this moment, Chen Dong moved in the air. He suddenly summoned the insect spirit sword and rushed down like a thunderous wind. Where the sword started, those intelligent Zerg with the strength of the insect melter immediately flew with purple blood. , the carapace scattered.

Youmo gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, as if he couldn't bear to watch this scene.

The intelligent Zerg were dumbfounded. Facing Chen Dong's attack, their instinctive reaction was to resist and fight back. But looking at the sky, the Zerg Emperor did not issue any orders, nor did they have any objections to Chen Dong's killing. They couldn't help but stunned.

In this short period of time, Chen Dong killed many of his kind.

Finally, instinct gave them a second thought: escape!

But how could they escape from the grasp of an eighth-level star spirit?

If they are now scattered all over the city, escaping separately, then no matter how powerful Chen Dong is, he can't kill them all. But now they are all on this square, and with Chen Dong's power, even if they scatter in all directions Come on, who can escape?

A rain of blood rose, and amid the splash of purple blood, they finally began to fight back desperately.

But at the level of insect melters, how could they be the opponents of eighth-level protoss?

Within a moment, dozens of intelligent Zerg had been killed.

Chen Dong snorted, put away the sword, flew back into the air, and said to You Mo: "Lord Insect Emperor, thank you for your help. Don't worry, for your kind scattered around the world, I will lead them slowly We will clear them out one by one, and we won’t let the three insect kings feel lonely in hell.”

You Mo looked at him hatefully, but did not dare to say anything. He just gritted his teeth and flew towards the huge palace in the center.

The crowd followed and came all the way to the interior of the huge palace. Looking at the magnificent palace, Chen Dong couldn't help but snorted: "How much manpower and material resources did this cost us, Lanxi humans? You damn worm!"

Being stimulated repeatedly by Chen Dong, You Mo almost went crazy with anger, but he could only endure it, and his lungs almost exploded.

"Mr. Shen, please look, this is it." In order not to give Chen Dong more time to ridicule him, it found the star map as quickly as possible.

It is a picture of the universe that rests on a piece of tough insect skin, as if it was taken by the most exquisite camera. As it moves, the picture seems to be three-dimensional, and the stars are slightly positioned with the movement of the drawing. changes in.

But in general, Shen Zheng couldn't see anything.

"This is the real star map that I, the strong Zerg, imprinted on it with my own power." You Mo explained hurriedly. "Because of the special Zerg methods, your human eyes cannot see the entire star map. But I can see it. Don't worry, I will help you find your planet according to the star map!"

"Let me take a look." Xuexu came over at this time, took a closer look, and smiled at Shen Zheng. "Master, it didn't lie."

"Do you understand?" You Mo looked at Xue Su and his heart couldn't help but tremble.

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