Star Wars Civilization

Chapter 215: Explosive Trap

"Master, why can't you stop?" Xuexu asked him in a low voice at this time. |March 8th Literature

"It's a little tricky because we can't determine where the other party is." Shen Zheng told the truth.

"Then let me do it." Xuesu said.

"You?" Shen Zheng was startled, and then his heart moved. "Can your super-sense be hidden from other insect melters?"

"My super-sensory ability should be somewhat different from what you know." Xuexu said, "So other people should not be able to sense my force field." [

"Let's give it a try." Seeing that Xue Su was also vague, Shen Zheng was somewhat worried. But now, I can only give it a try.

Nodding, Xuexu immediately deployed her super-sensitive force field, but Shen Zheng was unaware of this. After waiting for a moment, he couldn't help but ask: "Have you already taken action?"

"Yes." Xuexu responded, "In the headquarters building in front, there are ten insect controllers guarding different entrances, and an insect melter is sitting on the top floor. The super-sensitive force field almost covers the entire headquarters."

"Awesome!" Shen Zheng couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he praised Xuexu happily. "Then can you find Commander Liang Long and Feng Yu?"

"It's been found." Xuexu smiled, "It's in the basement of the munitions depot behind the headquarters. It's only guarded by two insect controllers. But both there and the headquarters building are controlled by the insect melter's super-sensory The power is blocked. If it is your super-sensory power, you can only see a large area that cannot be detected. "

"Are there any pest controllers in other places?" Shen Zheng asked.

"I'll look for it more carefully." Xue Su responded, then responded to Shen Zheng a few seconds later: "No more. But I found some strange people, they all carry communication equipment and are scattered throughout the legion headquarters. Some people carry sniper rifles and are constantly observing the situation with scopes, while others are inside some important facilities, guarding the timed bombs that have not been activated yet, and there are no super-sensitive force fields. Block them."

"You are so well prepared." Shen Zheng snorted, "Without you, even if I defeated these guys, I might not be able to save the Wolf Fang Legion. These bastards actually dare to use this method to deal with me. Could it be that they Don’t you know what happened to Zhou Yanxin and Gao Yong?”

"Master, what are you going to do?" Xuexu asked. "If we rescue Liang Long and Feng Yu first, the insect melters in the headquarters building will find us immediately, and may detonate an explosion and raze this place to the ground. | 38 Literature If we solve the explosion first, they may Kill Liang Long and Feng Yu."

"Just distract him." Shen Zheng smiled and quickly retreated from the legion headquarters with Xuesu on his back until he was outside the insect melter's induction field.

"Why did you come out again?" Xuesu asked puzzledly.

"I don't want them to know that I have the means to sneak in secretly without being discovered by the super-sensitive force field." Shen Zheng said. "You also know the situation inside. It's up to you to rescue Liang Long and Feng Yu and solve the bombings."

"What about you?" Xuesu asked.

"I enter from the front, attract the attention of the insect melter, and use my super-sensing power to shield the headquarters building and the munitions depot at the rear." Shen Zheng said, "When I complete the shielding, you take action immediately. First Time to save people and then deal with those bombs.”

"Understood, Master." Xue Su returned to human form, nodded to Shen Zheng, and quietly entered the legion headquarters.

After Shen Zheng watched her figure disappear into the darkness, he deployed his super-sensory power and simply shielded himself. This method can only detect his specific actions, but the other party can know his approximate location by sensing the movements of this small undetectable area.

He no longer ignored the ordinary soldiers hiding in the darkness, directly deployed the super-sensitive force field and quickly headed towards the legion headquarters building.

The entire building was surrounded by another super-sensory force, forming an undetectable area. Shen Zhengfa knew where the ten insect controllers were hiding, and he couldn't even tell whether the insect melter on the top floor had moved. But he had his own way. With a faint smile, he had maximized the shielding power and created a huge circular super-sensitive shielding space with a diameter of two kilometers, shrouding the entire legion headquarters in it.

In this way, of course he doesn't know the opponent's movements, but the opponent's insect melters can't know his movements, and they can't even sense the munitions depot at the rear. But because he directly shielded the entire legion, the other party would not think that he knew the situation in the munitions depot and deliberately used this method to help others rescue Liang Long and Feng Yu. [

"he came."

At this time, in a room on the top floor of the headquarters building, a man wearing a black leather jacket, standing with his hands behind his back, looked at the square below the glass and whispered. His words were transmitted through the communicator hanging on his ear, entered the communicators of ten other people, and then passed into their ears.

"There was also news from the other side of the border that only the two-man fighter jet entered the country. As I expected, he went to the meeting alone." The man smiled and said as he left the large room and walked into another closed room. in the house. "The weakness of human nature, you, a strong man, can't overcome it? Everyone, although he is an insect melter, his super-sensory power is now disrupted by my super-sensory force field, so he cannot know your exact movements. Although I have also been He messed with the super-sense, but let's stick to the plan."

"Yes!" Ten voices sounded almost simultaneously.

At this time, Shen Zheng had already entered the lobby on the first floor, moving quickly in the corridor and heading towards the stairwell. He couldn't find out where the ten insect controllers were at this time, so the best way was to go straight to the top floor and capture the thief first.

"Smart guy, you calculated the center point based on the size of the force field, so you know my position, right?" In the closed room on the top floor, the man in black leather smiled proudly, staring at a wall. It was an image screen composed of hundreds of illusion screens, and each illusion screen displayed an image of a certain area in the headquarters building.

Here, all the surveillance cameras in the building are connected, so the man in black leather can know Shen Zheng's movements without using super-sensing.

"Come on, this situation is within our calculations." He looked at the screen and sneered. "Everyone, get ready."

Shen Zheng knew that there were many surveillance cameras in the building. All he could do was to keep his moving speed as fast as possible so that these cameras could not capture him. But at the same time, he also understood that the insect controllers might not be able to see anything when faced with the faintly flashing black shadow on the screen, but the eyes of the insect melters would definitely not miss that shadow easily.

There's no point in destroying the camera. If you have time to do something that can reveal your position, it's better to rush to the top.

Soon, he had reached the top. By calculating the size of the opponent's super-sensitive force field and calculating the center point to determine his location, we can only obtain a rough result. To accurately know his location, this can only be the work of a computer. Although he is a top expert, It is also impossible to have such precise calculation capabilities.

However, he knew that there was only one place on the top floor where he could fully observe the situation in any corner of the building, and that was the control room.

But the other party must also know this, so he should set a trap there.

There are two insect controllers at the military depot. I don’t know how powerful the insects are. Even if they are at the peak level of insect controllers, they should have been eliminated by Xuexu. Liang Long and Feng Yu should have been saved, and now the only thing left is to solve the crisis of the entire legion.

It's no pity that the legion was blown to the ground. It would have to be rebuilt in the worst case, and such an explosion poses no threat to Shen Zheng and Xuesu at all. But the officers and soldiers in the legion were different. This was a devastating disaster for them.

Procrastination is the best tactic.

Shen Zheng stood in the corridor on the top floor, raised his hand, destroyed the two cameras covering the corridor on the top floor, and then entered a room casually.

There weren't any cameras in that room.

He stood quietly by the door, hiding all his aura, and just turned on the super-sensitive force field to block the other party's sensing ability. He is not in a hurry, Xuexu can solve everything anyway, but the other party will definitely be anxious. If you get anxious, they will come looking for you. You just need to sit here quietly and wait for them to appear, but you don't have to take risks to find them.

He waited quietly, but didn't hear any movement. Time passed slowly, and suddenly, a sense of danger came closer from far away. He was startled for a moment, then looked up towards the ceiling, and then frowned.

A small missile came from the sky and fell straight down towards the headquarters building. It easily penetrated the solid top floor of the headquarters building, penetrated deeply into the center of the behemoth, and then exploded with a bang. A huge fireball rose into the sky, and the explosion wave turned the entire building into a big light bulb, shiny and round.

Then the fire shrank, and then the building collapsed like a building block that had been picked up by a child, turning into a ruin surrounded by fire. [

A figure, protected by a curved light shield, flew out of the fire and landed smoothly on the open space on the west side of the building.

"He's here with me!" A voice sounded from the darkness, and then, a figure flew out, waving his hand with a bloody light, which turned into a two-meter-long mountain-opening sword, and brought with it a surging wave. The blood tide headed towards Shen Zheng.

"Seeking death!" Shen Zheng smiled coldly, red light flashed on his palms, turning into blood gloves to protect his hands. He raised one hand and received the shocking blow with his palm.

The other hand reached forward, and a blood-red palm shot out, directly hitting the man's body. The power of blood spread rapidly in the man's body, and the man's eyes widened in horror. He concentrated all his insect power to fight against it, but he still could not stop it from raging in his body.

In just a few seconds, the man's internal organs were completely destroyed. He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood with internal organs, and then fell straight down.

"What a trick!" A sneer came, and a figure came like lightning and hit Shen Zheng.

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