Star Wars Civilization

Chapter 158: Investiture Ceremony

Shen Zheng withdrew his insect power from Luther's body in time, then took a few steps back, nodded and smiled: "Congratulations."

"This..." Ruth raised his hands in disbelief, feeling the powerful power emanating from his body, and his eyes became a little wet.

"After so many years, we finally succeeded." Lu Jin also choked with sobs. He withdrew his hand, released control of Lusser's insect power, and then gently wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes with that hand.

"Success, success!" Ruth couldn't help crying and cried, "One day, I can become a powerful insect controller!"

"Thank you, thank you!" He suddenly turned around and hugged Shen Zheng tightly, catching Shen Zheng a little off guard. [

"I also want to say thank you." Lu Jin came over, patted Shen Zheng on the back gratefully, and then punched his brother.

"Let go, do you want to murder our best legion commander with a bear hug?" he said with a smile.

Ruth let go of his hand, but his eyes were still filled with gratitude.

Shen Zheng looked at the two people with a smile and waved gently: "You two brothers, celebrate. I'll go back and rest first."

"Thank you!" the two brothers said in unison.

After leaving the Deputy Commander's Mansion, Shen Zheng got into the car he had prepared and was sent home. Along the way, he kept recalling the excited expressions of the two brothers just now, and he felt somewhat relieved in his heart.

Helping others is actually something that makes you happy.

Why not?

It was already late at night, but the lights were still on at home, and it was obvious that his family was waiting for his return. Seeing this brightly lit home, Shen Zheng suddenly felt a deep sense of happiness. There are three family members in this family, but none of them have any blood relationship with him. Although Shen Ying is considered his "real" sister, she actually has no direct relationship with him.

But these people are real family members in his heart, members of his own family.

I am not alone. I am not a lonely strong man standing on the top of a mountain and feeling chilled.

Even insects live in groups, don’t they? No matter the strong, they are also creatures that need family, friendship and love.

Shen Zheng couldn't help but think of those gods in fairy tales. In fact, aren't those gods in illusory legends just human beings' portrayals of the supreme kings of their kind?

Even if we can control a planet, we are still humans, with flesh and blood, not machines.

With this emotion, he walked into the house and met Fang He who greeted him on the first floor, and Shen Ying and Chai Feifei who greeted him on the second floor.

"It's okay, everything is fine, there are dangers." He smiled and answered the three people's inquiries about this insect hunting, and talked about the dangers.

He felt that the greatest meaning of his existence was to make them live peacefully and comfortably, so that they could continue to be so happy.

Just like the princes and princesses in the fairy tale world.

The following days passed very peacefully, and there were several major events during this period: Ruther was awarded the title of legion commander because he became a pest controller, but because he was not young, and he was used to being in charge of the reserve general's residential area for so many years , really asked him to retire and enjoy peace and happiness, but he felt lonely, so he was still allowed to manage this place. But because of his different status, the respect of several residents for him has increased. [

In addition, Dalan has completely reorganized the seventh defense zone. All the remaining issues about Gu Qinghan have completely disappeared. As long as Shen Zheng passes by, he can take over a clean defense zone.

Regarding the investiture ceremony, Lu Jin talked to Shen Zheng. Shen Zheng said that any day would be fine. However, Shen Ying expressed her thoughts: Shen Zheng's twentieth birthday was coming soon, and it would have special meaning if the investiture ceremony and birthday could be combined. Shen Zheng smiled and didn't take it seriously, but Shen Ying was really courageous and went to Lu Jin himself.

After hearing what Shen Ying meant, Lu Jin felt that it was quite meaningful, so he decided to hold the investiture ceremony on Shen Zheng's birthday.

This made Shen Zheng a little embarrassed. After all, he was not the only one to receive the appointment, but there were also two people, Karoka and Qu Xiang. He felt a little sorry for them because he was the main one.

But Fang He and Chai Feifei supported Shen Ying's idea. Shen Zheng felt that he didn't have to be a modest gentleman, so he just let them go.

Before you know it, this day has arrived.

The day before the investiture ceremony, Shen Ying and Chai Feifei became worried. They carefully inspected Shen Zheng's officer uniform and found a small, pinprick-sized stain. They both yelled and worked for a long time to remove it. , making Shen Zheng angry and funny. Naturally, Shen Zheng also suffered for a day, from the officer's hat and uniform to the leather shoes on his feet and the white gloves on his hands. The two girls repeatedly asked him to wear them and looked at them for a long time, until they felt that they couldn't choose between them. Don't stop until something goes wrong.

"Honestly, I would rather enter the most terrifying insect den and face those powerful insects." Shen Zheng complained to Fang He in a low voice when the two girls were not paying attention.

"Tomorrow is a big event, so don't be careless. Everyone in the entire military region is staring at the TV! We at Haoxing must also be paying attention to this matter. We don't want you to have any flaws. I think They didn't check carefully enough. Come on, let me take a look at it for you." Unexpectedly, Fang He was so serious that he vented his anger on the two girls, which made Shen Zheng roll his eyes and wish he could punch himself. I fainted, so I wouldn't have to suffer this punishment.

Early the next morning, the three of them came to Shen Zheng's room early and dressed up Shen Zheng, which made Shen Zheng have the urge to run away from home.

Before six o'clock, Reuther sent a car and personally took Shen Zheng, Shen Ying and others to the auditorium of the headquarters. The auditorium was already filled with flowers. Major media from the military region and the countries under the jurisdiction of the military region gathered in the auditorium, waiting quietly for the ceremony to begin.

As the audience, Shen Ying and others were taken to the auditorium below by Ruther to sit down, while Shen Zheng was accompanied by him to the room on the second floor facing the hall on the first floor.

Shen Zheng stood in front of him and looked down through the one-way street to the hall below, feeling a headache.

"What's wrong?" Ruth asked with a smile.

"I'm just annoyed by the flashing lights of these guns and cannons flashing back and forth." Shen Zheng sighed, "I have a terrible headache."

"Most people don't have the qualifications to be dazzled." Ruth said, "There is no way, some things still have to be done. Although you are already a strong man who transcends mortals, you don't have to live in human society. Is it? If the military region doesn’t make this ceremony more grand, it’s like they don’t pay attention to you. I think they must be different from what you think. They probably want the ceremony to be as lively as possible. "

Just as he was talking, Karoka and Qu Xiang opened the door and walked in, accompanied by ordinary staff in the residential area.

"The treatment is really different." Qu Xiang couldn't help but joke when he saw Ruther accompanying Shen Zheng. "Brother Lu, the person in charge, came with you personally?"

"You are so dressed up." Shen Zheng smiled, looked at their outfits, and found nothing to say.

"I'm not as energetic as you." Qu Xiang said with a smile, "It's good to be young. You'll look good in whatever clothes you wear."

At this time, Karoka and Qu Xiang were also wearing straight officer uniforms like Shen Zheng. The metal decorations on their caps were shining, the leather was shiny, and the gloves were dazzlingly white. Obviously, both of them attached great importance to this investiture ceremony, and they were all dressed up very delicately.

Karoka didn't say much, just smiled at Shen Zheng and Ruther and nodded. But it can be seen that he is excited and a little nervous. [

After all, this is the position of commander of the military region with real power, which they have waited for many years to get. Especially Qu Xiang, this old man has lived in the military reserve generals' residential area for fifteen years. After that, the flowers withered more than ten times, and finally he was promoted. He was really happy.

In the hall downstairs, the etiquette staff were constantly busy, placing pots of flowers in appropriate locations, and then leading journalists from various countries to the area prepared for them. Around seven o'clock, the soldiers of the honor guard filed in and took their seats in the hall. Then the military band members entered from another door, lined up on both sides, and after preparing their instruments, sat down on both sides.

At eight o'clock sharp, the ceremony officially began. First, officers from the Information Department of the military region came on stage and announced to the major media that the investiture ceremony of the new military region commander had begun. Then the military band played majestic music.

Amidst the sound of music, Lu Jin, deputy commander of the military region, slowly walked down an escalator on the second floor, came to the rostrum in front of the auditorium, and stood at the chairman's speaking position.

There were more than two thousand soldiers in the audience, and they all stood up and saluted Lu Jin neatly.

"Please sit down." Lu Jin nodded and returned the military salute. At this time, the band stopped playing.

"I feel very happy to stand here today. Talented people have emerged from generation to generation, and the 12th Military Region has finally received fresh blood." He said calmly, facing the audience and the media's cameras. The glorious history of the military region speaks of the abilities of the three new army commanders, looking back on the past and looking forward to the future.

Shen Zheng couldn't bear to hear these things, so he simply stepped away and sat down on the sofa to rest.

Lu Jin's speech lasted for about ten minutes, which was relatively brief, and then he announced the start of the investiture ceremony. An officiating officer hurriedly went up to the second floor, knocked on the door of Shen Zheng and others' room, and took the three of them to the escalator beside the room.

A group of beautiful hostesses in military uniforms came over, half leading the way and the other half accompanying them on the left and right sides. Under the cover of these "flowers", the three of them walked slowly down and came to the rostrum.

The camera below immediately focused on them, and the flash lights kept flashing like an intensive bombing.

Come to an end soon. Shen Zheng lamented in his heart.

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