Star Wars Civilization

Chapter 152: Danger deep underground

"Yes." Shen Zheng realized that his induction field overlapped with something.

"It's unbelievable!" Lu Jin sighed, "Magic light insects are very rare creatures and generally do not exist in insect caves that insect controllers can enter. Has any insect melter helped you?"

"Of course not." Shen Zheng shook his head hurriedly, "There are only two insect melters in the Twelfth Military Region. What do you think? I just got an insect egg of unknown origin. Because I felt the strong power, I planted it. It’s just entered the body.”

"Yes, yes." Lu Jin smiled, "Having such an adventure shows that you are a blessed person. Maybe you can also bring luck to the people around you."

Although Karoka and Qu Xiang knew what the magic light bug was, they had never seen it, let alone obtained its power, so they were confused about their conversation. [

"Have you also implanted magic light insects?" Shen Zheng asked.

"Yes." Lu Jin nodded, "After becoming an insect melter, you can enter some special insect lairs, so you have this opportunity. Generally speaking, insect melters will find ways to get magic light insect eggs, because By implanting this kind of egg, we can gain super-sensory powers, and you understand the benefits of this ability.”

"Yes." Shen Zheng nodded, "Everything within the range of the force field around you is visible to every detail. It is definitely very convenient for reconnaissance."

"Be careful when using it in the future." Lu Jin warned him. "Especially when there is an insect melter present. Because this kind of probing will be considered by the insect melter as inquiring into his privacy - although the insect melter's super-sensory power can block your super-sensory power, they will still think of it as It’s an unfriendly prying eyes.”

"I understand." Shen Zheng realized something and smiled slightly. "Then I'll leave all the reconnaissance missions to you."

"Well, that should be the case." Lu Jin nodded. "Because when your force field overlaps with mine, it becomes ineffective. Because my force field is much larger than yours, and your super-sensory force has no effect in my force field. But the opposite is true. , your super-sensing power will also invalidate my super-sensing power, so there will be an area in the center of my force field that I can't sense. But if you close the force field, then I can't sense it at most. It's just you. If you can go further and control your super-sense, you can deceive my super-sense and let me get wrong information from you and treat you as an ordinary person, or something else. "

"I know." Shen Zheng nodded.

At the same time, I was also sweating in my heart. Good guy, thanks to the fact that super-sensory powers influence each other, otherwise, as soon as the deputy commander used the super-sensory force field just now, wouldn’t all the secrets about me be exposed?

Karoka and Qu Xiang understood somewhat, and while sighing, they couldn't help but feel envious of Shen Zheng. This young guy's life is so good that he can get such rare insect eggs.

If they knew that the insect power operating in Shen Zheng's body now belonged to the dantian and meridian methods of an insect melter, they would probably curse God for being unfair.

The three of them followed Lu Jin all the way down, and gradually came to the pitch-black underground. A rough estimate showed that this place was about a thousand meters underground, already far away from the surface world.

Along the way, no one encountered even half a bug. Karoka and Qu Xiang couldn't help but feel a little surprised, but Shen Zheng had already thought of the problem. Sure enough, Lu Jin soon gave the answer.

"I have been spreading a weak coercion before, so that guys with insufficient insect power dare not approach us." Lu Jin stopped on a flat place and said to the three of them. "But now I am going to exude obvious coercion. Contrary to before, this provocative release of coercion will make powerful insects think that I have violated its territory and come to attack me. Hunting insects will also Are you ready to start now?"

"Okay." The three of them nodded almost simultaneously.

Lu Jin looked around and suddenly straightened up. A huge coercion immediately emanated from his body and spread rapidly to the surroundings. Karoka and Qu Xiang, who were under this pressure, could not help but use their insect power, but they still felt waves of They trembled as if cattle and sheep had seen a tiger.

Shen Zheng also mobilized the insect power. The insect power from Dantian was already running in the meridians of the whole body. At this time, he specially added strength, and the speed and amount of this flow became even greater. That feeling of fear Most of it disappeared in an instant. Although he still felt a little palpitating in his heart, it no longer affected his body.

He couldn't help but straighten his body, standing like a javelin behind Lu Jin. Seeing his heroic appearance, Karoka and Qu Xiang couldn't help but be shocked again, feeling vaguely ashamed of themselves.

He is not an ordinary person, maybe, he will be a stronger person than me! Karoka thought to herself.

What's going on with this guy Shen Zheng? Qu Xiang was surprised. [

Lu Jin didn't see all this. At this time, his attention was entirely focused on the perception of his surroundings. After a moment, his eyes lit up and he whispered: "It's coming, get ready!"

Three waves of coercion surged out from the bodies of the three of them. At this time, Karoka and Qu Xiang no longer cared about sighing at Shen Zheng's power. They quickly stretched out their palms and called out their insect spirits - Karoka's It was a broad-edged sword, while Qu Xiang's was a single-edged axe. It was an amazing coincidence that they were both heavy weapons.

Only Shen Zheng waved his hand and released it, but it was a whip that was soft and flexible.

"When the insect tide comes, you can fight them freely." Lu Jin said, "I will not take action, I will only stand quietly aside. If any of you are in danger, I will take action to save him and ensure that you are safe. "I'm sick, so you can let go. Remember, the purpose of bringing you here to hunt insects is not only to hunt for insect cores, but also to practice your martial arts and strength!"

"Yes!" The three of them said in unison, their voices loud and clear.

A moment later, a strange sound came from the distance, getting closer and closer, and suddenly turned into the sound of boiling insects. Accompanied by the rumbling sound of insect feet hitting the ground, hundreds of black ground-walking insects rushed over in a mighty manner.

The last time Shen Zheng entered the Death Hell Cave, he encountered this kind of black beetle. Later, after checking the relevant information, he already knew that this kind of guy is called an earthworm. The insect power range is between 300 and 500, and it is very powerful. An underground world sleeper.

He frowned slightly and made a rough estimate. The strength of these earth-walking insects seemed to be stronger than the ones he encountered last time. Most of them had reached their power limit of 500. There were only a few insects with a power of around 400, but none of them had a power limit of 500. Just under 400. Hundreds of these insects are definitely a terrifying force.

"You may not have known each other well before, or even had hostility, but now you are close comrades-in-arms, brothers connected by flesh and blood!" Lu Jin roared loudly, "You must use your own flesh and blood to block the insects that are attacking your brothers. You must use your own strength to help your comrades clear the obstacles on the road ahead! Go ahead and kill!"

"Kill!" Karoka and Qu Xiang burst out with loud roars. The pressure on their bodies was fully released, and they rushed into the insect swarm like phantoms.

The single-edged ax and broad-edged sword were raised quickly, cutting each of the ground insects into pieces, making a miserable cry, and purple blood splashed everywhere, and was quickly covered by the darkness around them.

Shen Zheng didn't move. He stood there quietly, his expression slightly changing.

"Shen Zheng, what's wrong with you?" Lu Jin didn't expect Shen Zheng to stay still and was startled.

"I suddenly felt a strong sense of danger." Shen Zheng said solemnly, "There must be someone more powerful coming this way."

"That should be a stronger insect tide." Lu Jin smiled, "In addition to this kind of ground insect, there is also a kind of giant jaw insect that is more numerous here. They all have insect power ranging from 500 to 600 room guy.”

Insect power reaches 600? If such guys formed an insect swarm, it would be much more terrifying than these ground-walking insects now. But I always feel like it’s not them…

At this moment, another burst of insect chirping sounded from the cave in the distance, followed by more than a hundred insects that were as big as a liger, with a dark carapace all over their bodies, and huge and sharp jaws more than one meter long on their heads. The insects rushed over from a distance and blended into the swarm of ground insects.

Among the swarms of groundworms, Karoka and Qu Xiang were able to kill them. Hundreds of groundworms surrounded them, but they did not pose much of a threat to them. But at this time, these giant jawworms were all After joining, the situation immediately changed. When two powerful giant jaws came to Qu Xiang, Qu Xiang swung his ax to attack again, but was blocked by the giant jaws. Although the price of the guy's attack was the giant jaws. He was in pain and took several steps back, but he was still on par with Qu Xiang.

Another giant jawworm took the opportunity to pounce on him, almost causing Qu Xiang's blood to spatter on the spot.

Qu Xiang backed away in horror and couldn't help shouting: "Deputy Commander, what's going on? The minimum power of these bugs is around 600. How can there be so many such powerful bugs?"

"Are you scared?" Lu Jin laughed loudly, "Have you forgotten what I said before? As long as I'm here, don't be afraid, just use your full strength! How can you hone your character and skills if you are not such a powerful insect? "

"Kill!" Karoka roared without any nonsense, leaping into the air, dragging out a red light from the broad-bladed sword in his hand, like the wings of a blood bird flying across the sky, raising a purple rain of blood. The other person fell directly into the swarm of giant jaw worms. As his body turned quickly, he once again waved an arc of light like a blood moon. In this arc of light, the three giant jaw worms were dismembered and fell down with blood spattering. [

"Shen Zheng, if you don't come, Qu Xiang will be in danger." Lu Jin looked at Shen Zheng and said slowly. If he hadn't known that Shen Zheng had defeated three army commanders by himself, at this moment he would have thought that Shen Zheng was afraid because of his lack of strength.

"Deputy Commander, my sense of danger is getting stronger and stronger." Shen Zheng turned to Lu Jin and said with a frown. "I have now discovered that the feeling is coming from deeper underground. I think there may be some terrible insects coming here from the underground."

"What?" Lu Jin was startled, then turned on the super-sensitive force field and concentrated on sensing the movement below. After a moment, his expression changed.

"No, you retreat first!" Lu Jin's expression suddenly changed and he yelled.

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