Star Wars Civilization

Chapter 014: Promotion decision

"Guess." Feng Yu said, pretending to be mysterious.

"Stop talking nonsense." Liang Long scolded with a smile, "Speak quickly!"

"66." Feng Yu said.

"Such a high value!" The adjutant was startled. "A new recruit without training is more powerful than the best veteran? The strongest soldier below the formation leader in the legion only has an insect power of 63."

"There is nothing more surprising than this." Feng Yu said proudly. [

"If you don't finish your sentence in one breath, I'll kick your ass." Liang Long joked with Feng Yu, and the two of them laughed together.

Who could not be happy to have such a powerful warrior in the legion?

"He should be a special type of fighter." Feng Yu said, "We conducted some tests at the training ground and found that he could punch a 3 cm thick steel plate into a ball and directly detach from the base. Flying a few meters away. The power of this attack has exceeded the value of 66. I think he should be able to explode his potential at any time to obtain higher combat effectiveness."

"There is such a type?" The adjutant was dumbfounded again.

"Of course." Liang Long nodded calmly, looking at Shen Zheng with eyes full of excitement. "Well done, well done! Shen Zheng, you have to keep working hard. You have such a talented physique. If you work harder, I believe that my position will be yours in the near future."

"Legion Commander..." Shen Zheng was stunned.

Not long ago, he was a poor boy struggling with his sister's tuition and house rent; not long ago, he was a waste who was ridiculed and looked down upon.

But at this moment, the leader of the dignified Wolf Fang Legion actually told him: My position will be yours in the future.

From heaven to hell, from hell to heaven, everything can change so quickly. Shen Zheng couldn't bear the excitement of this kind of ups and downs.

"Work hard." Liang Long looked at him, "Perform well. When your insect power is further improved, I will give you the status you deserve."

"I...I have a request." Shen Zheng gradually calmed down in his excitement.

"Say!" Liang Long nodded.

"I want to apply for assistance from the Soldiers Fund." Shen Zheng's voice trembled slightly. "I have a sister who has cancer, but I don't have money to treat her."

"I was shocked." Feng Yu wiped his sweat, "So it's this kind of thing! I thought it was some kind of difficult problem to solve."

"It's just a cure for cancer." Liang Long also smiled, "That's easy to handle. Do you need any help from the Soldier Fund? I'll hold a meeting right away to promote you to squad leader, so your salary will be doubled several times. It's a small matter like curing a disease. It’s nothing to you.”

"This..." Shen Zheng looked at Liang Long, trembling with excitement, and his heart was filled with gratitude.

A small thing? No, that is not a trivial matter, it is a major matter related to the life and death of my sister and my own happiness! As long as my sister is still there, I still have a concern for her, I still have a warm home, and I am not alone.

"But water from afar can't quench the thirst of the near." Feng Yu frowned and said, "Legion Commander, let me take out the money for him first. It is better to treat the disease sooner rather than later."

"Formation leader!" Shen Zheng looked at Feng Yu, so excited that he didn't know what to say. [

"Take advantage of the break in the insect wave to convene a meeting of formation leaders immediately." Liang Long immediately decided, "I will immediately announce the good news of the birth of a genius in the legion, and at the same time, I will promote Shen Zheng to squad leader!"

"Okay, I agree!" Feng Yu nodded anxiously.

The order was issued immediately, and soon the other three formation captains arrived in a hurry. Luo Jia, the leader of the first formation, looked livid and was obviously in a bad mood.

"Why do you look so bad? Didn't we win a big victory?" Liang Long asked. "Although there are casualties, the death list mentioned in the adjutant's summary report does not seem to have many people in your first formation."

"There are not many people, but they are elites." Luo Jia said with regret in his voice, "Ping Lei, who had an adaptation value of 86 during the recruit test, was killed in the battle."

"What a pity." Liang Long shook his head calmly, "Did anyone see how he died?"

"No one." Luojia sighed and shook his head. "It seems that the wound was caused by a spiny claw insect. I didn't expect that such a future star would fall in the first battle."

"I know how he died." Shen Zheng stood aside and finally made a decision after careful consideration. He spoke loudly, attracting everyone's attention.

Liang Long looked at Shen Zheng with interest, guessing what Shen Zheng was thinking, but did not stop him from speaking. With him like this, Feng Yu didn't dare to stop Shen Zheng.

"You know?" Luo Jia looked at Shen Zheng.

"He was killed by me." Shen Zheng said as he raised his hand. The power of the spiny claw insect surged in that hand, quickly turning his fingers into sharp spiny claws.

"It's you!" Luojia's expression changed and he stood up. "You killed your own kind and your comrades on the battlefield. Do you know what crime you committed?"

"It's just self-defense." Shen Zheng and Luo Jia looked at each other, with no fear in their eyes. "I killed a Spiny Claw Bug and got some eggs. He wanted to snatch my loot, so he shot and attacked me. Captain Lorgar, I think if it were you, he would definitely kill me. Let him go."

"What did you say? Ping Lei wants to kill you?" Luo Jia was stunned.

"I can prove this." Feng Yu said slowly, "At that time, the shields of Shen Zheng's combat uniform were all shattered by Ping Lei's spear. Shen Zheng was saved from death by the power of the steel beetle armor. I saw the whole process when I had the option to backhand Ping Lei.”

In this last sentence, he lied, of course to better protect Shen Zheng.

Luo Jia looked at Feng Yu and slowly sat down again.

"I didn't expect this damn guy to be like this!" Luojia said bitterly, "I originally thought he was just a controlling boy who liked to have others around him and be ordered around by him. I didn’t expect to do such a thing!”

Obviously, Luo Jia trusts Feng Yu. Of course Shen Zheng didn't know the reason, but the other two formation captains knew that it was because Feng Yu was seriously injured and almost died trying to rescue Luo Jia during a terrible insect wave in the past.

"Wait a minute." The captain of the fourth formation is a calm man in his late forties with long blond hair named Depp. At this moment, he looked at Shen Zheng with a look of surprise on his face. "Captain Fengyu, you just said that Shen Zheng used the power of the steel beetle?"

"And..." The captain of the third formation, Carters, who was the first to come to the experiment to grab Shen Zheng when the new recruits were recruited, stared at Shen Zheng's hand. "What is the power of this Spiny Claw Bug? Can't Shen Zheng only implant Foundation Establishment Bugs?"

"This is roughly what happened." Liang Long coughed and took over. "This is also the reason why I called everyone to this meeting. The first thing I want to say is that Shen Zheng is indeed a genius. The fitness value of 98 is not an imaginary number, but the result of our computer method clearly analyzing his special physique. , in fact, he can be implanted with almost any insect egg."[

"What?" The three formation captains were all startled.

"Now he has the power of seven kinds of insects." Feng Yu said slowly, "Foundation-building insects, steel beetles, spiny claw insects, blasting insects, spear insects, slime insects, and blade-footed insects. If you can , he can still be implanted with more insect power, but it’s no longer necessary.”

"Multiple insect fusion?" Luojia said this term that shocked everyone.

"Not bad." Feng Yu nodded.

"This is great news!" Depp nodded heavily.

"After the initial test, formation leader Feng Yu has been unwilling to give in." Liang Long explained according to Feng Yu. "So I secretly conducted a plant insect test for Shen Zheng in private. The effect was not shown at the time, but in the battle just now, this power suddenly burst out when he was attacked by Ping Lei. He couldn't control it either. He used his strength to kill Ping Lei when he felt he was in danger and struck too hard."

In the second half of the story, it was obvious that he was deliberately shielding Shen Zheng. It's no wonder that any military leader would not fully protect a soldier with limited potential?

"It seems like Ping Lei is to blame." Luo Jia sighed.

Ping Lei's immediate superiors all said this, so the other two formation captains naturally had nothing to say and just nodded along.

"Captain Fengyu has made great contributions in this matter." Liang Long said, "After the war is over, I will reward you based on your merits. Now I have called everyone here to announce a decision - I plan to promote Shen Zhengwei Captain, what do you think about recruiting recruits from each team to form a team of one hundred people?"

"This..." Luojia and Depp both hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"He just killed his comrade, but he got promoted. I'm afraid it's not good for this kind of thing to spread, right?" Carters, the captain of the third formation, said directly, "Although Ping Lei took action first, the soldiers didn't know the truth. , I'm afraid there will be some misunderstandings. If the recruits feel that they can get promoted and make a fortune by killing their comrades who are stronger than themselves, then the Wolf Fang Legion will be finished first without the insect wave attacking them."

"If Shen Zheng hadn't admitted it himself, no one would have known about it." Liang Long said in a deep voice, "The fact that he dared to say this shows that he has a guilty conscience. What are he afraid of? Ping Lei attacked his comrades on the battlefield. This is not only It violates military discipline, and it also violates human nature! This kind of person is not worthy of being a soldier, but he is not worthy of the title of human being!"

Liang Long became more and more excited as he spoke, and slapped the table directly, but Carters did not seem to be afraid of the regiment commander's anger, and continued: "But even so, there is no reason to promote him to squad leader. First, although he is a genius, he is still He has not shown that he is qualified to be a team leader; secondly, the war is so tight now, and our own formation is still insufficient in manpower. At this time, we have to send recruits to him... The second formation has an extra team for nothing, it is too advantageous. Bar?"

Shen Zheng looked at Carters and firmly remembered the guy who was the first to rob him and now the first to suppress him.

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