Star Wars Civilization

Chapter 124: The peak is created by me

Chai Jingtian had other things to do, so he walked away first. Shen Zheng led several people to the laboratory in the dean's office building, took out the insect core box from the cabinet, and gave the intermediate grade insect core to Shen Ying.

"I guess you're pretty familiar with swallowing this thing, right?" he said jokingly.

"Brother!" Shen Ying yelled, took the insect core, held it carefully in his hand, and suddenly smiled. "Brother, I'm a little reluctant to swallow it. This is made by you as a novice, so just treat it as a gift to me and I'll keep it."

"Silly girl." Shen Zheng scratched Shen Ying's nose, "If you turn it into strength and integrate it into your body, wouldn't it be possible to keep it permanently?"

"Yes." Shen Ying smiled, and suddenly his face turned red. He didn't know what he thought of. [

Chai Feifei, on the other hand, covered her mouth and hid aside to laugh, leaving Shen Zheng baffled.

"Enter your body..." Chai Feifei snickered while thinking about these evocative words, while Shen Ying gently held the insect core and slowly released his insect power to surround it. , become one with the insect power inside, and then slowly inhale it into your own body.

After almost ten minutes, Shen Ying slowly let go of his hand. At this time, the shell of the insect core had lost all vitality and shattered like a pile of broken walnut shells.

"Well, let me take a look." Shen Zheng looked at Shen Ying carefully and nodded, "Not bad, my insect power increased by 10 points in one go. Now I am a little master with an insect power of 73. Let's try and see if we can summon it." Come on."

"Really?" Shen Ying was startled, "Is this a master with over 70 insect power and the ability to generate insect breath?"

"Come on, give it a try." Shen Zheng encouraged her.

"Yes." Shen Ying nodded, slowly opened his arms, closed his eyes to concentrate, and then slowly released the insect power outward. After a long time, a mist-like power surged out from her body and floated outside her body. She slowly opened her eyes and saw the insect breath covering her body. She couldn't help but be extremely surprised, but this surprise, The insect breath was immediately taken back.

"Concentrate and take your time." Shen Zheng pointed with a smile.

Putting away her joy, Shen Ying tried to keep herself as normal as possible, closed her eyes again and released the insect breath. This time, she did not make a mistake because of her excitement. Under her control, the insect breath spread over her body, quickly focused, and then turned into an energy spear in her palm.

She stretched out her other hand, and soon, the insect breath condensed into a burst in the palm of her hand.

"Okay, the twin insects were directly implanted?" Shen Zheng couldn't help but be happy. Being able to carry out double insect implantation, or even multiple insect implantation, is a hard condition for being promoted to be an insect controller. People who cannot reach this level will never be able to become an insect controller no matter how powerful they are.

But after a moment, his joy dropped again, and he shook his head and sighed: "Xiaoying, was it Dean Lin who helped you forcefully plant insects?"

The so-called "forcibly" planting insects is a method that Shen Zheng only learned after becoming an insect controller. As a powerful being who can control the power of insects, the insect controller can use his own power to force an insect planter who cannot implant double or multiple insects to implant more insect eggs and have more insects. Insect ability. But people who have completed multi-worm implantation through this method will never hope to become a pest controller.

"No." Shen Ying shook his head hurriedly, "If you don't believe me, ask Fang He."

"Xiaoying is also a genius." Fang He said from the side. "During the initial test, her matching value with these two long-range attack bugs reached 100. I was in such a hurry just now, maybe Dean Lin forgot to tell you."

"Awesome, girl!" Shen Zheng couldn't help but be filled with joy. Good guy, Xiaoying actually has a matching value of 100 with both types of insects? What is this if not genius?

Shen Ying waved his hand, put away the two guns in his palm, and took the insect breath into his body.

"I'm not quite used to it yet. It may take me a while to get used to it," she said.

"Brother Shen, can you directly see how powerful the insect planter is?" Chai Feifei asked in surprise. [

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Shen Zheng smiled.

"My dad said that insect controllers can easily tell how powerful our insects are, but they won't be so precise." Chai Feifei said in surprise, "You are really amazing."

"I'm different from others." Shen Zheng smiled and said to himself: When I first met you, I wasn't a pest control person. I can tell how powerful you are when I'm different. This is our ability.

"Fang He, here is another insect core, which is for you. This is not an ordinary product. You have to cherish it for me. If the increased insect power is less, I will not hit you." Shen Zheng said While talking, he took out another box and opened the lid.

"Is this!?" Chai Feifei only took one look and immediately exclaimed. "Oh my God, this is a high-grade insect core! Where did you get an insect core with nearly 1,000 insect power?"

"That's right." Shen Zheng nodded, took out the high-grade insect core that he had concocted by himself, and handed it to Fang He. "Here, swallow it, and let me see how useful it is to a planter."

"This... let's leave it to Xiaoying." Fang He waved his hands hurriedly. Although he didn't know what high-end products were, he understood what the phrase "insect power is close to 1,000" meant. "It's better to give such a precious high-end product to Xiaoying."

"She will have a chance in the future." Shen Zheng said, "But now I need her to be protected by a real master who has experienced the blood and rain on the battlefield. You know, improving insect power is simple, but combat ability, murderous intention, and ruthless tactics , but these things require a real baptism of blood.”

"Understood." Fang He nodded, and without any hesitation, he directly took the insect core with shining lines and held it tightly in his hand. "I will not let you down. Unless I die, no one can touch Xiaoying."

As he spoke, insect breath poured out from his palm, wrapping the insect core, and after a few minutes, it was taken back into his body.

Opening his hand, all that was left in his hand were some fragments of the insect core shell.

"Power, such strong power!" He couldn't help but mutter to himself, with a little excitement in his eyes. He slowly tightened the fragment of the insect core in his hand, and with a sudden force, powerful insect breath surged out of his body, directly smashing the fragment into ashes, and spread his hand, floating in the air.

"Shen Zheng, I feel like I have the power of the enemy!" He said loudly, unable to help but release the strong insect breath and let out a cheer.

"So strong!" Chai Feifei couldn't help but take two steps back and exclaimed in surprise.

Shen Ying retreated behind Shen Zheng and looked at Fang He who was surrounded by insect breath in surprise. Compared with it, the bit of insect breath she had just released was simply insignificant.

"Ah!" With a loud shout, Fang He released all the insect breath, showing his power in front of everyone without any reservation.

"Congratulations." Shen Zheng smiled, "You have reached 100 insect powers."

"The insect power reaches 100?" Chai Feifei and Shen Ying both exclaimed.

"Is this what a strong man with a hundred insect power is like?" Fang He slowly raised his palm, closed it into a fist, and clenched it hard. "It feels so fulfilling, as if nothing in the world is my opponent."

"This is because you have progressed too fast, so you have this feeling." Shen Zheng smiled, "If you improve step by step, you won't have such a strong feeling of enemy. Therefore, you must be more cautious and humble. Don't get carried away. Because even people with 100 insect powers actually have strong and weak powers. To put it simply, 100 is a limit. After reaching this limit, the same insect power is actually still there. Growth, but the way of growth is not quantity, but quality. Under the same insect power, the higher the quality of the insect power, the stronger the person. When it reaches a certain level, one can fly over and become an insect controller. . Therefore, when your insect power reaches 100, you must be more modest and cautious, because the strength difference between you and your opponent cannot be measured by insect power. Being blind and arrogant will only lead to faster death. "

"I understand." Fang He smiled shyly with a red face, took back all the insect breath in his body, and nodded towards Shen Zheng. "Shen Zheng, thank you."

"Why are you being polite to me?" Shen Zheng punched him in the chest, which made the kid feel embarrassed for a long time. [

"Have you seen why Fang He doesn't feel right when he sees Brother Shen?" Chai Feifei whispered to Shen Ying from the side.

"You should be prepared to do anything when you see someone you admire." Shen Ying smiled softly, "It's really interesting. Brother Fang is usually so powerful and brave, a man who is the most powerful person, but when he met my brother, he immediately changed. She has to act like a big girl.”

"What did you say?" Shen Zheng turned his head and asked.

"It's nothing." Chai Feifei said happily, "Men shouldn't ask about girls' private conversations."

"Now that you're here, let's play around." Shen Zheng said to Shen Ying, "You have never left Langya City, and you have never played in a big city. This place is more prosperous than our capital of Longxing, Feifei. Let’s play with Xiaoying. Fang He, I’ll leave the safety of the two of them to you.”

"Don't worry." Fang He saluted half-jokingly.

Haichi is also a relatively prosperous metropolis, so there is no need to worry about not having enough places to play. Shen Zheng is now a super rich man. It can be said that it is no problem to let Shen Ying play in different ways. As for safety issues, there was nothing to worry about with Fang He, the pinnacle insect planter, and in Vinland, Shen Zheng's prestige was at its peak, and no one would dare to provoke him.

Shen Ying and Chai Feifei unceremoniously dragged Fang He around and had a great time.

And when I heard that Shen Zheng gave a high-end product to his sister's bodyguard, and promoted the bodyguard to the top of the insect planter, almost all the insect planters looked envious and eager. Especially the people in Vinland College were looking forward to the day when Shen Zheng would be happy and reward themselves with a high-grade insect core.

That way, becoming a top player is no longer an unattainable dream.

As we started to play around, time flew by very quickly. In the blink of an eye, a few days passed, and the Three Kingdoms Alliance Conference was officially held. The entire meeting was broadcast live by major media from the six countries. At the meeting, the three countries made it clear that they would advance and retreat together in the future and help and support each other to promote economic prosperity in the three countries and make people's lives happier.

Shen Zheng did not attend this meeting. As a person who had been designated as the commander of the military region, he just watched everything silently behind the scenes.

After all this is over, it will be time for him to leave here and serve in the military area.

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