Star Wars Civilization

Chapter 104: Invitation

"Actually, what I want to say is about the friendship between Longxing and Qiwei." Guan Yanshu looked at Shen Zheng and finally expressed his intention.

"Luxing and Wenlan have always maintained a very good friendship, which is enviable. Qiwei, as the weakest country in the 12th Military Region, has been squeezed by various countries for a long time. I have always I’m thinking of ways, but unfortunately I don’t have the chance.”

He said: "You may know that most pest controllers don't think much about the people. They just want the country to maintain a certain level of prosperity so that they can provide all necessary resources for their own cultivation. But I don't I like this approach very much. In my opinion, since the God of destiny has made me the master of all people, then I should fulfill the corresponding responsibilities. I want to make the country strong and make the people's lives better. "

"Great leader." Shen Zheng lightly clapped his hands. "This is a genuine recognition."

"Thank you." Guan Yanshu smiled lightly. "Your appearance made my eyes light up. I think since you can take action for the unknown Lu Guanshan, you may also be willing to help more unknown Qiwei citizens."[

"What do you want me to do?" Shen Zheng asked.

"Coordinate the relationship between Longxing and our country." Guan Yanshu said sincerely, "Let our two countries become friends like Longxing and Wenlan. This will be beneficial to all three of our countries. Together, we will be strong and divided, and we will be weak. If we form a group, even if Tianhe faces our alliance, we must consider it. "

"Honestly, I don't see much benefit to the people." Shen Zheng asked doubtfully.

"You are too young." Guan Yanshu said bluntly. "I still only have the idea of ​​improving my strength in my mind. Think about it, if the other five countries pay more attention to Qiwei, how much benefit will it bring to the people of Qiwei? To give a simple example, at least the people of Qiwei country When people go to Tianhe country to do business and have disputes with local people, Tianhe's courts dare not be too biased towards Tianhe people. "

"I understand." Shen Zheng thought about it carefully and understood. A country is like a person. If your family is prominent or you have a strong man, few people will dare to mess with you when you walk on the street. And as a wage earner like Shen Zheng in the past, who wants no money but no one, no matter where you go, there will be people who want to step on you.

"But do you think such a relationship can be easily established?" Shen Zheng asked.

"I got a piece of gossip." Guan Yanshu whispered, "The dean of Wenlan College seems to have...and Lang Lian seems to have talked about something with you in private."

"You are really well informed." Shen Zheng smiled.

"And in addition to this request, I also have an invitation." Guan Yanshu said, "Among the sources of insect tides in Qiwei, there is a relatively famous insect cave. There are many very powerful insects in the outer layer alone. If you go deep into the inner layer, I think you will even encounter baby-level insects. My own strength is limited, and I have always wanted to invite an insect controller to hunt insects, but you know, people's hearts are different."

"Am I that trustworthy?" Shen Zheng asked with a smile.

"First, you are a new insect controller, and your need for advanced insect cores, insect spirits, etc. should be quite urgent; second, you are still young and have not learned the ruthlessness of those veteran insect controllers, and your strength is still there. It’s not enough to threaten me; third, you are attached to your hometown and are willing to do something for people you don’t know; fourth, you haven’t had much interaction with pest controllers from various countries, so whoever makes friends with you first can take advantage of it. It’s less expensive.” Guan Yanshu said with a smile, “Based on these four points, I think you are the best candidate.”

"I am indeed more interested in high-level insects." Shen Zheng nodded, "It doesn't take long to hunt insects, so I'll accept your invitation first."

"Thank you for giving me this opportunity, really." Guan Yanshu saluted Shen Zheng, which made Shen Zheng a little embarrassed, so he had to return the salute.

"I immediately asked them to prepare the plane." With a little excitement, Guan Yanshu took out his phone and contacted his subordinates.

The two turned around and walked back, chatting casually as they walked. Shen Zheng mentioned some of the experience and skills of insect controllers, but Guan Yanshu didn't know much about it, and he couldn't say enough about it, which made Shen Zheng like him even more.

Before they could reach the convoy, more than a dozen small silver dots appeared in the sky. By the time the two arrived at the convoy, the dots had turned into more than a dozen fighter jets, two of which slowly descended vertically from the sky. .

"Let's go now." Guan Yanshu nodded to the soldier who had just jumped out of a fighter jet and saluted him, and then jumped into the cabin.

Shen Zheng jumped into another plane, closed the hatch and quickly input worm power, using the power of the brain worm to control the entire plane. This time he didn't dare to be careless at all. He carefully checked every part of the fuselage and felt relieved when he found that everything was in good condition.

"I will pass the map to you." Guan Yanshu's voice came from the helmet communicator, and then there was an additional piece of information in the flight computer. After Shen Zheng retrieved it, he found that it was a coordinate map, marking the location of an insect den. [

"Death Hell Cave?" Shen Zheng read the name on the map softly and nodded slightly. "The name sounds like it's a high-end club."

"Club?" Guan Yanshu smiled, "Once you enter, you will know that it is not a treasure land full of gold, but a real hell."

"The more you say that, the more interested I am in it." Shen Zheng made a joke. The two of them smiled at each other, controlled the fighter jet to slowly rise into the air, and then flew towards the coordinates.

The rest of the fighter jets followed the two of them, crossing the mountains, dense forests and cities, and entering above the clouds. The two of them flew ahead of the team for a long time, one after the other, and gradually arrived at the edge of the wilderness. Except for the rolling hills and thorns scattered on the hills, there are just rocks and quagmire, and there is no life at all.

After flying over a stretch of quagmire, the two of them had arrived near the coordinate point. Under Guan Yanshu's instructions, the entire flight formation slowly landed at the edge of a large quagmire. Although there are thorns everywhere here, there are no tall trees and the terrain is relatively flat. There is no problem in stopping a dozen fighter jets.

"About five kilometers ahead is the Death Hell Cave." Guan Yanshu pointed to the southwest and said, "In order not to disturb the outer insect swarm, we'd better walk there."

With that said, he motioned to one of his subordinates to hand over two navigators, input some coordinate data, and handed them to Shen Zheng.

"Communication equipment will be completely ineffective if it is interfered by insect power in the cave, but this navigation device is equally effective even deep underground." He said, "The Death Hell Cave has more than one entrance and exit. I have marked several nearby entrances and exits. Come out, if we get separated in the crypt, you can choose the nearest exit and exit, and then we will meet here."

"You are so thoughtful." Shen Zheng nodded, took the navigation device and tried it out.

"You have just become an insect controller, so you are a little unfamiliar with these things." Guan Yanshu smiled, "Going deep into insect dens is something that every insect controller often does. During the five kilometers ahead, let me put the insect hunting tools on Let me share my experience with you.”

"Thank you." Shen Zheng nodded, and the two of them headed southwest. Along the way, Guan Yanshu told all about his insect hunting experience, mainly small things like using communicators and navigators. But experience often lies in such small things, because it is not difficult for any pest controller to roll up his sleeves and rush to kill pests. The difficulty lies in the small things before and after that.

For example, if you don't have the experience of using a navigation device, no matter how advanced you are, you won't be trapped inside after entering the cave.

Although Shen Zheng could draw a linear map of the route in the crypt in his mind, why wouldn't other insect controllers emit insect breath along the way as road markers? What should I do if there is a real danger and I can't go back the way I came? Therefore, a navigator marking entrances and exits is still indispensable.

The five-kilometer journey was not far away. The two gradually approached a valley in the hills, and a huge dark cave appeared in front of them. Guan Yanshu nodded to Shen Zheng: "This is it, be careful."

"Understood." Shen Zheng responded, following Guan Yanshu as he quickly moved forward and entered the crypt.

Both of them are insect controllers, and darkness is no problem for them. After focusing the insect power on their eyes, the situation underground can be clearly seen.

Guan Yanshu was obviously very familiar with the terrain here. He was leading Shen Zheng from the front and kept advancing deeper into the cave.

As soon as I pay attention, the linear map in my mind starts to form again. Shen Zheng walked quickly while looking around, observing the jagged cave landscape and marveling at the magic of nature. But after walking for a long time, he had another doubt: Is this cave really formed naturally?

Looking at those circular branching burrows and the relatively flat ground, Shen Zheng always had the feeling that perhaps this was a home created by the insects themselves, rather than a gift from nature.

During the process of advancing, the two of them also encountered several swarms of insects, but those little things with only a few dozen insect powers were naturally unable to catch the eye of the two. There was a swarm of lancet bugs with hundreds of bugs. Perhaps because of its large number, it actually launched an attack on two people. However, after half of them were shot and killed, they all scattered and fled.

"These little things are the most annoying." Guan Yanshu lamented, "They always come to harass you like flies, but it is too troublesome to take detours to escape them."

Shen Zheng smiled and said nothing, just followed along. [

After walking for more than half an hour, the two of them had gone deep underground, and the insect holes had become more complicated. At this time, Guan Yanshu began to use insect breaths to mark them.

Shen Zheng did not do this. Guan Yanshu thought he had limited experience, so he kindly reminded him. Shen Zheng just nodded and did not take any action. Guan Yanshu wanted to remind him again, but felt that this seemed to be disrespectful to the strong, so he could only shake his head and smile.

When they got here, there were more powerful insects. The two of them encountered big guys with at least 100 insect power several times. But these insects are not what the two of them need. Those who have reached the level of Guan Yanshu and dare not do it on their own must be stronger ones. The two of them came together for the big guys. Although small characters like these also have good insect cores, the two of them are If people want it, they can "get it" at any time. There is no need to waste time on them now.

"The most dangerous area is the further down." Guan Yanshu said when he came to a slope. "be careful!"

At this moment, Shen Zheng suddenly felt a sense of danger, which came from behind.

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