Star-source Legend

Chapter 983: Return (on)

"Xiao Gu, how many people do you think this spacecraft can hold at the same time?"

Zhang Fan also looked at Xiao Gu and asked expectantly at this time.

"Normally, this spacecraft can accommodate at least a dozen people. However, because the spacecraft consumes a lot of energy, it can only accommodate six or seven people at most if it cannot be supplemented.

For the spacecraft, the star stone can be regarded as the driving force for the spacecraft, but the core of the entire spacecraft, in addition to its own material, is its energy source.

With the existence of an energy source, the entire spacecraft is equivalent to having a heart. "

When Zhang Fan asked, Xiao Gu also spoke.

"Six or seven people, um, it's enough. When I leave the earth at that time, I only planned to take at most four or five people.

After all, it is impossible for me to drag my family and bring everyone with me. "

Hearing what Xiao Gu said, Zhang Fan thought for a while and also spoke.

"Actually, Afan, I suggest you take your parents, your lover, and those relatives and friends who have a better relationship with you.

Don’t you have space for star-source debris?

At that time, directly think of a way to transform the space of the star source debris and hide all the world tree.

After all, there are chaotic black holes outside your solar system.

Once you go out, you will never be able to return to the earth in a short time.

Only when you enter the universe can your relatives and friends have the opportunity to get some treasures to extend their life span and even improve their own strength.

I think if you leave like this, you will definitely regret it very much.

The big deal is that you always let them all live in the star-source debris space first, and wait until your situation in the universe stabilizes before letting them come out. "

Xiao Gu also watched Zhang Fan directly and suggested.

"I have also thought about this question, but will this make them feel too boring? After all, once I enter the universe, most of the time they have to stay in the space of the star source debris."

Hearing what Xiao Gu said, Zhang Fan also said.

"How can it be boring, so many of them are together, it must be very lively. Of course, I and Xinglao, you still don't let them know.

After all, defensiveness is indispensable.

As for the star source debris space, you can just say it is Dantian space.

This time you leave the earth, at least until the chaotic black hole disappears, it is impossible for you to return.

Naturally, you can't just throw the people you care about the most on the earth.

With the current strength of your earth, even if it has been discovered for hundreds of years, it may be able to get out of the solar system.

Fortunately, the warrior has a long life.

But what about your parents? They are now just ordinary warriors in the realm of viscera and have a limited life span.

If you leave them all on the earth, safety will be fine, but after hundreds of times, can your parents still exist? "

Hearing Zhang Fan's doubts, Xiao Gu also said.

"Well, let me think about it. This is not a trivial matter. I also need to ask for their own ideas.

After all, once you leave, you may leave forever.

If my strength has not reached a certain level or the chaotic black hole has not disappeared, it is impossible to return to the earth.

Otherwise, why hasn't any of the strong men who walked out of the earth returned to the earth for so many years? "

Nodded, Zhang Fan also said.

"Let's go, you've been trapped here for two and a half years. Presumably your parents and friends must be very worried, and even some people may think you are already dead."

Xiao Gu also said immediately at this time.

"Hmm, yeah, it's time to go back after being out for such a long time."

Nodded, Zhang Fan also said. ‘

Afterwards, with a movement of his mind, Zhang Fan directly included the spacecraft into the Star Source Debris Space.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan moved towards the entrance.

And this space, according to Zhang Fan's own estimation, may not last long.


After a while, Zhang Fan's figure shot out from the hole deep in the seabed, and, going upward, soon Zhang Fan's figure rose directly into the sky, suspended in the air.

"Haha, I finally came out."

Feeling the familiar aura around him, and looking at the dazzling sun in the sky, Zhang Fan also laughed at this moment and said.

At the same time, a powerful breath also radiated directly from Zhang Fan's body, and went towards the surroundings.

Soon, under the perception of Zhang Fan's mental thoughts, he discovered that a powerful wave was directly generated, and he quickly approached his side.

It is the Niulongjiao.

"I know Afan, you will definitely have nothing to do. In two and a half years, speaking of it, the time for your disappearance this time is really not short."

In just tens of seconds, the Niulongjiao appeared in front of Zhang Fan.

But now the Niulongjiao, the entire body length is only about three or four meters, and the height is more than two meters. Compared with the huge body before, it is directly reduced by hundreds of times.

Obviously, the Niulongjiao also fully mastered the skills of body transformation that Zhang Fan taught him before.

"Yeah, this time, I almost couldn't get out."

Zhang Fan was also deeply moved at this moment.

"Afan, did you find any base? Also, depending on where you appeared, it is not far from the sea of ​​death. However, we basically turned the surrounding seas upside down, and did not find you. .

This is very strange. "

Niulong Jiao also looked at Zhang Fan and asked at this moment.

"Yes, I have already found it. However, there is a special barrier at the entrance to the Luangyu Star Base, which can isolate all auras, and you naturally cannot feel it.

After I entered it, I was trapped in a place. In the end, it was because I learned a powerful martial skill that I directly broke through the secret room and successfully walked out. "

Nodded, Zhang Fan also began to explain.

"So, it's no wonder that we can't detect any breath, as if your whole person has disappeared on the earth.

Anyway, it's good if you can come out safely.

Go back early, don't you know that during the time you disappeared, your parents and friends even thought you were already dead.

The most interesting thing is that I heard that ordinary people among you humans have even erected huge statues for you, praying and wishing every day. "

I nodded the bull's head, and there was also a hint of amusement in the expression of the Niulongjiao, looking at Zhang Fan and said.

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