Star-source Legend

Chapter 977: Zhang Fan is missing (part 2)

The headquarters of the 11th Military Region.

"Five months, in these five months, with the help of Niulongjiao, it can be said that basically everywhere in the sea has been searched many times before and after, but there is still no news about A Fan.

And the spiritual imprint left by him also disappeared directly. Could it be that Afan really encountered an overwhelming danger?

Otherwise, according to A Fan's character, it is impossible for him to leave so quietly. "

At this time, Nalandi, who was sitting in the first place, looked a little haggard, and his expression was full of worry.

Beside him, Xu Yuan, Qin Feng, Yuan He, including Liu Ruyan, Gu Qian, Saoya, and even Wanda and Yan Ping all appeared in the headquarters of the 11th Military Region.

Everyone's face is full of worry.

They can get together because of one person, that is Zhang Fan.

It has been five months since Zhang Fan left the Gulan Academy last time and planned to search for Luangyu Star Base again. For five consecutive months, everyone has not heard anything from Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan is missing!

Even they were afraid to tell Zhang Fan's parents the news, lest the two of them could not bear it.

"Afan will definitely be fine. I believe him. I can feel that Afan must be alive, but it's probably trapped somewhere."

At this time, Gu Qian, whose eyes had already become red and swollen, also said firmly.

"I also believe that Afan will definitely be fine. He promised to marry us."

Soya also wiped his tears at this time, and said crisply.

"Yeah, we also believe that there will be nothing wrong with Afan. With his strength, with all the explosions, it is impossible for Afan to be a powerhouse in the late stage of the Star Jubilee realm.

Just as Gu Qian said, A Fan may be trapped in a mysterious space.

At present, in addition to continuing to increase search efforts, what we can do is to wait patiently.

"Palace Master Yan, Wanda, because of Afan's affairs, during this period of time, you two have worked hard."

At this time, Nalandi also looked at Yan Ping and Wanda the Miko, and said.

"Although because of the relationship between the underworld, you have a bit of a grudge against me, but Zhang Fan is the hope of human beings on earth today.

The goal of our Hades will also be in the universe. Zhang Fan and I also had an agreement before.

Today, if you want to leave the earth, perhaps only Zhang Fan can do it. Naturally, I will not have any reservations.

This can also change the impression of Hades in the eyes of all of you to a certain extent. "

Yan Ping also spoke at this time.

"Apart from anything else, Afan has been a great help to our Guardian League, not to mention that he is still my prospective son-in-law, I will naturally do my best."

Wanda also spoke directly.

"Everyone, let’s go back and rest first. After regaining our energy, let’s go on the next round of searching. No matter what difficulties Afan encounters, he has to see people in his life or the corpse in his death, I don’t believe he will leave his parents behind. , And Ruyan and the others disappeared without saying hello."

Xu Yuan also spoke at this time.

Hearing what Xu Yuan said, everyone nodded, and then they went back to the previously arranged room to rest.

Searching for a long time continuously consumes a lot of energy for everyone, even if their strength is strong, they can't support it.

Among them, it can be said that Yan Ping and Wanda contributed the most. After all, the depth of the sea water is certain, and only two of them have the strength to explore.

It can be said that if Yan Ping and Wanda also fall, they will not know how to find Zhang Fan in a short time.

Moreover, it has not been found for five consecutive months. In fact, everyone has already prepared for the worst.

After all, under the leadership of the Niulongjiao, it can be said that all the monsters in the sea have been activated, and they have not found the location of Zhang Fan. Based on their words, it is estimated that the final result is still the same.

Now, the reason why everyone continues to insist is because they don't want to just give up. After all, as they know about Zhang Fan, that is, unless they encounter something unavoidable, they won't just leave without saying goodbye.

After a few days of rest, everyone's energy recovered again, and then they continued to invest in the search for Zhang Fan.

Because Zhang Fan can be said to be the true hope of the earth. Without complete certainty, they would rather believe that Zhang Fan is only temporarily trapped somewhere and unable to get out.


Since then, in the 186th of the Lingyuan Age, Zhang Fan's age has officially reached thirty years old.

At this moment, Zhang Fan was already devoting all his attention to the learning of "the basic moves of the master", and his strong desire to go home made Zhang Fan completely forget everything.

Now, Zhang Fan's only thought is to succeed in his cultivation as soon as possible, and then leave this Luan Yuxing base and return to his family and friends.

It can be said that he does not need to think that he knew that during the time he was away, his relatives and friends must be very anxious, and perhaps even feel that something has happened to him.

And when he started practicing, Zhang Fan also discovered the breadth and depth of this "Basic Moves".

It can be said that to a certain extent, Zhang Fan even feels that this "Basic Moves" is the most important inheritance of the spiritual teacher. Since becoming a martial artist, apart from "Xuan Tian Ling Zhi Jue" and "Chaos Promise", the most difficult Cultivating.

Compared with the many subtle and mysterious skills he had obtained before, Zhang Fan also felt tremendous pressure for its complexity and depth.

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