Star-source Legend

Chapter 955: Niulongjiao (middle)

"Big guy, don't sleep, come up, I have something to look for you."

At this time, Zhang Fan also spoke directly to the three-headed spirit snake.


In an instant, the six eyes of the three-headed spirit snake opened at the same time, and at the same time, it also let out a roar.

After all, no matter who you are, if you are suddenly disturbed when you are dreaming, you will feel very angry the first time.

Within a few seconds, the three-headed spirit snake appeared directly in front of Zhang Fan.

When seeing Zhang Fan, the eyes of the three-headed snake seemed very angry for a moment, but more of it was frightened.

After all, Zhang Fan's special attack method made the three-headed spirit snake feel very bad up to now.

Especially, compared to the last time, the hateful human in front of him seems to be stronger. Naturally, the three-headed spirit snake also directly sprouted a retreat.

Afterwards, in Zhang Fan's speechless expression, the three-headed spirit snake was directly planning to escape.

"I said, are you so? I didn't come here to worry about you, but to discuss something with you. Otherwise, do you think that if I acted hard just now, I can give you time to escape?"

At the same time, Zhang Fan said directly to the three-headed spirit snake.

"Huh, **** human beings, I won't believe you. I advise you to leave quickly, otherwise, even if I can't help you, there will be our boss.

You are definitely not the opponent of the boss. "

At this time, the three-headed spirit snake also directly spoke to Zhang Fan through thoughts.

"Look at you, you are already so powerful, even the basic ability to speak is impossible. I think you have seen the Phoenix-tailed condor that you fought with before. Its strength is lower than you. But he was able to speak.

And I also taught it how to change its body size at will.

Don't you feel tempted?

Even, I can transform you into human forms.

Otherwise, your strength will never be able to break through to a higher realm. Otherwise, your so-called boss, it is impossible to have a thousand years, or stay where it was before, without a breakthrough, or even life span. "

Hearing the sound of the three-headed spirit snake, Zhang Fan also said painfully.

"You taught that guy's ability to change body size?"

At this moment, upon hearing what Zhang Fan said, the three-headed spirit snake also asked.

"Sure, otherwise, why do you think it would follow me? Although my strength was good at the time, I was still a little worse than you. Only by relying on a special method can I fight you."

Nodded, Zhang Fan also said directly.

"Then you come here this time, if you don't trouble me, what are you going to do?"

The three-headed spirit snake also asked immediately.

"I came here this time to let you take me to see the boss in your mouth, the powerful existence that saved you last time.

I have something to discuss with him, and this matter is of great significance to you. It is related to whether you can improve your strength faster and have a more urgent and long life. "

Zhang Fan also answered directly.

"I can take you to see the boss, after all, I know that I am not your opponent. However, if the boss takes action against you, don't blame me for not reminding you.

Although your strength is good, compared with our boss, it is much worse. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, the six eyes of the three-headed snake turned around, and then spoke.

"Okay, don't worry, you can just take me there, and leave the rest to me."

Hearing that the three-headed spirit snake was willing to take him to see that powerful existence, Zhang Fan was also relieved.

At least, there is a three-headed spirit snake carrying his own words, which is much better than directly searching aimlessly.

What's more, he came here with full sincerity.

"Then you come with me."

After speaking, the huge body of the three-headed spirit snake turned and headed directly toward the depths of the death sea, and Zhang Fan followed closely behind.

As he kept advancing, Zhang Fan also found that following the three-headed spirit snake, he had completely entered the core depths of the death sea, and was even getting closer and closer to the Luan Yuxing base he knew.

"That's it, human, wait a minute, I'll call our boss."

A few minutes later, the three-headed spirit snake also stopped advancing, directly speaking to Zhang Fan, and then, the huge body went toward the depths of the sea.

After a while, Zhang Fan also discovered that the three-headed spirit snake had disappeared directly from his perception, which made Zhang Fan also very curious.

Is it possible that there is an independent space in the depths of the sea? Otherwise, it is impossible for oneself to perceive it.


After a full ten minutes, suddenly, a powerful breath burst out directly from under Zhang Fan. Then, under Zhang Fan’s perception, he also discovered that in addition to the three-headed spirit snake, there was also a huge The figure is also slowly rising from the depths of the seabed.

In the end, this huge existence was the first time that it truly leaked its true colors.

The huge head appeared completely above the sea level, giving Zhang Fan great pressure.

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