Star-source Legend

Chapter 951: The new holy place for cultivation (part 2)

"Okay, but the president, Grandpa Xu, when you are watching the starry sky, don't stare for a long time, otherwise, with the strength of your mental power, you can't withstand the pressure."

Hearing what Nalandi asked, Zhang Fan also nodded, looking directly at the two of them and reminded.


Immediately afterwards, from Zhang Fan's whole body, a terrifying coercion that made Nalandi and Xu Yuan almost lie directly on the ground, even Xiaojin and Xiaohuo couldn't help but directly condense a layer at this moment. Spiritual power mask to counter this coercion.

Immediately afterwards, bright lights shot out directly from the center of Zhang Fan's eyebrows.

If you look carefully, you can find that there are four consecutive shallow traces that emit dazzling brilliance. At the same time, a mysterious power seems to directly imprison the surrounding space, making Xu Yuan and Nalandi both direct. Is unable to move.

In the eyes of Nalandi and Xu Yuan, his mind seemed to be lost in the stars of the universe for a moment, unable to find a direction.

"President, Grandpa Xu, wake up."

At this moment, Zhang Fan also looked helplessly at Nalandi and his Grandpa Xu and said.

At the same time, he directly hides his starry sky.

Otherwise, if it is too long, it may cause mental damage to Nalandi and his own Grandpa Xu.

"Well... terrible, the strong of the Star-Lord realm is really terrible. Especially the star scars transformed by Afan, which is better than the star-scars transformed by the strong star realm recorded in some data we have obtained before. They are much stronger.

Just a moment ago, just a glance, my mind was directly lost.

Even, I feel that Ah Fan may just use the ability of Starscar, to directly kill my soul directly and completely.

I am really envious, I don't know when I will be able to break through to the Star Lord Realm.

Up to now, the transformation of the spiritual power of the spiritual pond space in my body has only completed one third.

This was due to the powerful starry sky power that Afan had scattered during the breakthrough.

And Yan Ping is similar to me.

It can be said that the practice during that period saved us two at least ten years. "

At this moment, the recovered Nalandi was also relieved, looking at Zhang Fan with fear and said directly, at the same time, his expression was full of yearning.

"It's not this that I admire the most about A Fan, but its powerful strength. When he wanders the earth, he is able to deal with the Titan Great Ape and the Phoenix-Tailed Condor.

You know, both of them are monsters of the supreme level with powerful bloodlines, and their strength is exactly the same as that of the Star Jubilee.

And according to the abilities that Afan demonstrated just now, even if you are a strong man in the late stage of the earth tour, you probably don’t have much resistance. To be honest, if I don’t know Afan very well, I really doubt it. Was he a perverted race in the universe sent to our earth? "

At this moment, Xu Yuan also said with a wry smile.

When he heard what Grandpa Xu said, Zhang Fan also shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Afan, you come here this time, think there should be other things, right?"

At this time, Nalandi also looked at Zhang Fan and asked.

"Yes, President, after this breakthrough, I also intend to go to the big guy in the sea meeting. This unknown and powerful threat must be removed as soon as possible.

Moreover, according to what my master said to me in the sword pavilion trial tower before, there are at least two powerful existences in the sea, and he can't handle it with the strength of the peak of the star state.

Especially these two big guys, once they can't beat them, they will dive deep into the seabed. At that depth, my master can at most display the strength of about four or five layers.

When I went to the sea this time, I also intend to thoroughly understand how powerful the sea is, so that I can have a general understanding in my heart, and it will be easier and more convenient to deal with in the future. "

When Nalandi asked, Zhang Fan also spoke.

"Unexpectedly, there are two. It is really troublesome. With the strong strength of Situ Zhong's original strength, it is impossible to deal with it. After so many years, perhaps the strength of these two big guys should have become more powerful. .

Although your current strength is good, in the sea, you still have to be more careful. If you encounter something wrong, you should retreat immediately. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Nalandi's brows were also directly frowned, appearing very worried.

"Well, I know. However, according to what my master and I said, although the strength of these two big guys is good, they have no means of transformation, and their strength has never been improved.

This has also caused their lifespan to be greatly reduced. Otherwise, since my master left more than a thousand years ago, why have these two big guys never appeared to attack humans?

Obviously, it is easy for them to consume too much energy.

If I can meet, I will find a way to see if I can make peace. After all, if we count it, the sea area is enough for their activities.

Otherwise, if they are stubborn, I will see who is the last to consume. "

Zhang Fan also nodded and said directly.

"President, the elder Liu Kui of the Sun Palace said that there is an important thing, and I want to discuss with you and Xu Yuan."

At this time, Furukawa also walked in directly, looking at Nalandi and said.

"Afan, you happen to be there. Mr. Liu said it was this time, and you also need to ask for your consent."

At the same time, Furukawa also looked at Zhang Fan and said directly.

"Yeah, let Lao Liu come in directly, he's been a friend for many years, and he seems to be too strange."

At this time, Nalandi also said directly to Furukawa.

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