Star-source Legend

Chapter 929: All the means (below)

And when the Phoenix-tailed Condor not far away saw the appearance of this blazing flame, there was also a hint of surprise in his expression.

Because the temperature of the flames ejected by the three-headed spirit snake is already comparable to the maximum flame temperature it can emit.

Naturally, this is also because the strength of the Phoenix-Tailed Condor is much worse than that of the Three-Headed Spirit Snake. With the guidance of the old man, the Phoenix-Tailed Condor can gradually transform its flame into the Phoenix Fire. , That is a powerful flame that can burn a planet into ashes instantly.

And Zhang Fan faced the flame from the three-headed spirit snake.

For the first time, the spiritual power in the body directly emerged in large numbers.

Soon, in front of Zhang Fan, he directly used his spiritual power to condense the figure of the gluttonous beast.

Its body size, under Zhang Fan's control, is less than tens of meters.

This is also to save one's own strength.

However, it is enough.

When the gluttonous figure appeared, he felt the coercion from the whole body that belonged to the beast, and the look of the three-headed snake also revealed a trace of fear.

At this moment, facing the flames ejected by the three-headed spirit snake, Zhang Fan's gluttony condensed with his spiritual power was directly a big mouth, and in an instant, he swallowed all of the flames that were five feet in size. Into his stomach.


At the same time, this gluttonous expression seemed to have his own consciousness. In Zhang Fan's own speechless expression, he let out a full hiccup, which seemed very satisfied.

Seeing that the flames he emits was so directly swallowed, the three-headed spirit snake also looked very angry.

With a roar, the other two snake-headed mouths suddenly appeared. Suddenly, a large area of ​​black mist emitting an unpleasant odor and a large area of ​​white mist emitting a cold and cold atmosphere, directly enveloping the gluttonous beast. .

The surrounding space, at this moment, seems to be completely corroded, and the surrounding temperature has also dropped sharply. Above the sea, when this cold mist that exudes a cold and cold air appeared, the three-headed spirit The snake was the center, radiating towards the surroundings, and soon an ice surface with a radius of more than ten kilometers appeared.

Seeing the three-headed snake attack again, Zhang Fan didn't dare to be careless.

Although the gluttonous beast has the ability to swallow all things, it must be within its bearing range.

At least, the current gluttonous beast, which is only a few tens of meters in size, is obviously impossible to completely swallow the attack of the three-headed spirit snake as before.

Suddenly, a burst of strong spiritual power, directly under Zhang Fan's control, madly gathered toward the gluttonous food.

Zhang Fan didn't stop his movements until it reached a full 150 meters in size.


At this moment, this gluttonous beast also uttered a loud roar at the three-headed spirit snake in front of him, and mixed with a trace of the unique and powerful pressure of the real gluttonous beast.

At the same time, its big mouth also directly swallowed the black mist and cold mist sprayed by the three-headed spirit snake.

In the end, it was directly transformed into pure energy, which was slowly absorbed by Zhang Fan into his body, and then, the gluttonous beast disappeared.

"Next, it's me."

When the gluttonous food disappeared, Zhang Fan's eyes were also full of light at the moment, and he whispered.

Suddenly, all of the mental thoughts were immediately shrouded in the three-headed spirit snake.


For the first time, the soul-shaking secret technique was directly used, directly affecting the mind of the three-headed spirit snake.


The sudden attack caused the three-headed spirit snake to fall into madness for an instant, and the whole body was no longer upright at this moment, but suddenly fell below.

Suddenly, the surface of the frozen sea was also directly centered on the three-headed spirit snake, which broke apart.

Moreover, with the violent three-headed spirit snake, huge waves of tens of meters high in the surrounding area were also directly generated, covering the surrounding area.

However, Zhang Fan knew that the strength of the three-headed spirit snake was very powerful, and correspondingly, its soul body should not be underestimated.

Suddenly, three consecutive soul-shaking secret skills were used directly.

This is also to prevent the three-headed spirit snake from destroying its soul body while temporarily losing its sanity. After all, Zhang Fan intends to subdue the three-headed spirit snake.

In this way, you can also give yourself a very detailed understanding of the sea monsters.

The three-headed Spirit Snake used three times, it can be said that the huge pain, so that the three-headed spirit snake is already somewhat unbearable.

At this moment, among his six eyes, it also looked very chaotic.


However, when Zhang Fan was about to use the Soul Seal for the first time, suddenly, from the depths of the sea below, there was a dull roar that resembled a roar of a bull and a roar of a dragon.

At the same time, a water column with a diameter of several hundred meters, directly facing Zhang Fan from the bottom to the top, made Zhang Fan's complexion also changed. When his figure moved, he appeared directly thousands of meters away. .

However, no matter where Zhang Fan's figure moves, a huge water column will appear directly and attack Zhang Fan.

However, this also made Zhang Fan lose the opportunity to control the three-headed spirit snake.

Taking advantage of this gap, the three-headed spirit snake that recovered a bit of intelligence, directly plunged into the sea water and headed toward the depths of the sea.

With the disappearance of the three-headed spirit snake, everything was restored to peace.

"Oh my God!"

However, Zhang Fan, who had always attached his spiritual imprint to the three-headed spirit snake, was constantly observing the situation in the depths of the sea through his spiritual imprint.

However, suddenly, through his spiritual imprint, Zhang Fan also vaguely saw a huge figure that was thousands of meters long moving, and soon disappeared.

Although he couldn't see exactly what it looked like, Zhang Fan was sure that the new existence that helped the three-headed spirit snake get out of it was probably the two terrifying monsters at the peak of the Star Noble realm mentioned by his master.

The other party was just trying to help the three-headed spirit snake get out of trouble, so he didn't attack himself with all his strength, otherwise, Zhang Fan would not have much certainty that he would be able to return under his attack.

This can be seen from Zhang Fan's pale expression now.

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