Star-source Legend

Chapter 836: Mingzi (Part 2)

With regard to some situations in the Hades, Zhang Fan also gained a basic understanding from the mouths of the elders and his own investigation.

In the Hades, besides the first palace lord Yan Ping, the second palace lord Edward, and the three earthly wandering elders of the Hades, the highest status is Hades.

Even the top ten hall masters of the underworld, the twelve guardians and those other powerful figures do not have the power of underworld. Of course, even if Morris is just a candidate now, but the right is one of the best in Hades.

Although Morris in front of him is only a candidate, his own strength has already reached the crowning state, and this is enough to surprise him.

He was able to break through to the Conferred King Realm because of the "Xuantian Devouring Soul" and Xing Lao's guidance.

And Hong Lie's breakthrough was also due to the integration of the powerful bloodline of Titan Divine Blood.

From this point of view, the cultivation of the younger generation in the underworld is definitely the most powerful of all holy sites in the world.

Of course, this also shows that his talent is definitely very powerful.

Therefore, even Zhang Fan has now broken through to the mid-term of the king's confinement stage, and has some absolute confidence in himself. Facing Morris, he dare not look down.

After all, the attack methods of the people in the underworld are very strange, and many of them are highly corrosive and toxic. If you are not careful, you will lose everything.

Morris, simply speaking, is to compete with him. In fact, the ultimate goal is that if there is a chance to kill him, Morris will never stay behind.

Although the order Morris himself received was just to challenge Zhang Fan to ensure his status as Underworld, if Zhang Fan could be killed, in fact, perhaps the Palace Lord of Underworld would not blame him. After all, Zhang Fan is alive. Perhaps it is enough to make people pay attention, after death, it is worthless.

When the time comes, it is okay to find someone to blame directly to calm the emotions of the martial arts guild and the sword pavilion.

Of course, these Zhang Fan himself can fully think of.

After a while, Zhang Fan followed Morris to a very secluded but relatively gentle zone.

"Just here."

At this time, Morris also spoke.

"Zhang Fan, this is not a challenge space, so, with all your strength, you are now in the early stage of the kingship, right? For this, you are qualified to be my Morris' opponent.

For a while, I won't have any stay behind, even I came directly to kill you, so if you accidentally die in my hands, don't blame me for not having a chance.

Of course, if you have that ability, you can kill me, and I won't regret it. "

Morris also looked at Zhang Fan and said.

"For you people in the Hades, I will not stay behind, but if I want to kill you, I think it is impossible.

Do you think, if I really did, those three would stand by?

Don't you want to compete? Then start quickly, I still have some things to do. "

Hearing what Morris said, Zhang Fan also spoke directly.

Of course, in fact, in Zhang Fan's heart, he has always tried his best to hide his killing intent. For the people in the underworld, if it is possible, he will never let it go.

Just now Xing Lao also helped him to explore the surroundings, and did not find the powerful characters in the rest of the underworld. The three Morris guards in the late period of the kingship stage, Zhang Fan broke out with all his strength, and was confident to kill them all.

Of course, we still have to play with Morris well. After all, speaking, he hasn't played against the people in the underworld in the true sense, and it happens to be able to understand the attack methods of the people in the underworld.

"In that case, I'm not welcome."


As soon as the voice fell, Morris also directly said in a condensed voice, and suddenly the whole body burst into a powerful breath.

At the same time, a jet black sickle appeared in his hand, and the breath exuding from it even made the surrounding air emit a crackling sound, as if it had a strong corrosiveness.

At this moment, within his body, the ink-colored spiritual power emerged frantically, and gathered towards the sickle in his hand.

Afterwards, Morris directly held the sickle in his hand, and when he moved his figure, he came to Zhang Fan's front and suddenly waved at Zhang Fan's chest.

The powerful and fierce aura was mixed with evil aura that made Zhang Fan feel a little disgusting, and it came directly from the surface. Zhang Fan did not dare to underestimate him.

I don't know why, the weapon Zhang Fan took out for the first time was a war spear that had not been used for a long time, as if he felt that his war spear was more powerful than a long sword.


At this moment, the spear I was in Zhang Fan's hand was constantly shaking, as if I was complaining about Zhang Fan, constantly releasing my emotions with Zhang Fan.

"Hehe, old buddy, don't worry, I haven't forgotten you. Today, let Morris see your true power."

Zhang Fan also touched his war spear at the moment, and said.

Immediately afterwards, the majestic spiritual power in his body also gathered at the war spear in his hand for the first time, and then he stayed in place and stabs forward suddenly.


At this moment, Zhang Fan's war spear was also just right against the curved blade in front of the sickle that Morris swung over.

The powerful force burst out, Zhang Fan only took a small step back, and Morris, directly retreated more than ten steps to stabilize his figure, especially, he actively attacked and occupied the inertial force.

From this point above, we can see the gap between the two sides.

"Your strength, as they said, is very powerful, even if your partner Titan's bloodline is fully activated, in terms of strength, it may not be your opponent.

However, strength is certainly an advantage, but I wonder if your other aspects are still so strong? "

At this moment, Morris also felt that one of his hands was a little numb, and he was a little surprised in his heart. He looked at Zhang Fan and said.

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