Star-source Legend

Chapter 170: Death crisis (medium)

"Hmph, Zhang Fan, to blame, blame Li Nian, who made him be reluctant to me during this period of time." Lying on the hill, he looked at the talking and laughing Silver Wolf squad from the sniper rifle. People, Wang Ying also leaked a sneer, "If it weren't for you, Li Nian wouldn't have the chance to stand up. If it wasn't for you, my instructor level would not drop. Since it made me so embarrassed, then you Go to hell, after that, I will send Li Nian down to accompany you."

After taking a deep breath, Wang Ying also moved the sight of the scope to Zhang Fan’s head, observed the wind speed, adjusted all the angles, and looked at Zhang Fan among the sights. Wang Ying’s gaze was also slightly at this moment. Congealed.


A dull voice suddenly remembered that a bullet was instantly tearing the space, and it hit Zhang Fan, who was talking and laughing with Li Xiaofeng.

Although the sound of the sniper rifle was relatively loud, the bullets were fired too fast. Everyone in the Silver Wolf team did not hear the gunshots at all at this time, and the armor-piercing bullets had already come close.

"Brother Li, at our current speed, it should be less than two days before we can go back. After this time we go back, are we still coming out?" At the same time, Zhang Fan was walking and talking with Li Xiaofeng at this moment.

"I have a lot of things to deal with when I go back this time, so I also plan to take a rest for a while and come out again, so that everyone can relax and spend time with family and friends."

Upon hearing Zhang Fan's question, Li Xiaofeng also said directly.

Zhang Fan nodded.


Suddenly, Zhang Fan's eyes, who had been exploring the surroundings with his own thoughts, went round in an instant. In front, he saw through his thoughts, a crimson colored bullet, which was shooting at him at a supersonic speed. .

At this moment, if you look from a normal field of vision, you can only see a small phantom at best.

Moreover, the trajectory from the bullet was to discover that the target of the bullet was himself. Zhang Fan had no doubt about this.

At this time, time was not enough for Zhang Fan to remind him, because he had already felt the sensation of death approaching the bullet near his head.

The high degree of tension caused Zhang Fan’s heartbeat to rise to an astonishing speed at this moment. The nerves of the whole body were immediately stretched to the limit. "Xuantian Devouring Spirits" was already involuntarily and spontaneously running at this moment, making Zhang Fan's The physical state reached its peak in an instant, and, under this crisis, from Zhang Fan’s mind, a huge power of thought was also actively integrated with Zhang Fan’s power of thought, spreading throughout the body. .

Don't think too much, but also know that it must be Xing Lao helping secretly.

This is a real crisis of life and death!

The powerful survival instinct and a series of stimulations caused Zhang Fan to suddenly get a breakthrough at this moment, and all aspects of his body were also brought to the extreme at this moment.

Generally speaking, the battle spear in Zhang Fan's hand is in the form of a short spear. At this time, like a conditioned reflex, Zhang Fan moved his hands. With the help of the huge power of thought, the physical ability of the whole body was also released to the limit at this moment. The spear directly blocked the trajectory of the sniper rifle bullet in advance.


A loud collision sounded, and the sniper rifle bullet was blocked by Zhang Fan's war spear.

Then it changed the trajectory of movement, bounced to the other side, and fell on the ground.

However, because the speed of the bullet is already reaching the extreme, even surpassing the speed of sound, the force generated in an instant is enough to directly break through the armor of an intermediate monster or even an advanced monster.

Naturally, the powerful anti-shock ability also acts on Zhang Fan's hands.


In an instant, Zhang Fan's hands shattered directly and blood overflowed.

Even Zhang Fan took a dozen steps back under this powerful force.

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