Star-source Legend

Chapter 1467: Xiaotong's troubles

"Yes, Du Ming is a person with very strong principles. I have never heard that he will directly agree to other people's requests. This is your first time.

Let’s not talk about this, Afan, there are actually many ways to communicate with the outside world. It can be that you leave the original universe temporarily, and then you can directly communicate through the universe network.

Or you can send someone out directly and go to Shenxiaodaomen to give a notification.

In the Primitive Universe, there is an organization dedicated to transmitting various messages. With your authority, let them transmit a message without paying any fees.

After a while, let me send someone a message to you. As you are now, let's hurry up and understand the Chaos Monument or the Star Source Fragment. After all, it is more than 900 years before the Trial of the Three Races. "

Hu Liang also spoke at this moment.

"Well, then trouble Elder Hu Liang."

Zhang Fan also looked at Hu Liang and thanked him.

"Hehe, that's about half an hour, it doesn't affect anything. Then you talk first, and I will go back."

With that, Hu Liang's figure moved and disappeared in place.

"Afan, next are you planning to understand the Star Source Fragment or the Chaos Monument first?"

After seeing Hu Liang leave, Hu Ying also looked at Zhang Fan and asked.

"I plan to understand the Star Source Fragment first. After all, only by understanding the Star Source Fragment can my Dao be further improved. As for the Chaos Monument, I want to wait for the insight into the Star Source Fragment when it encounters a bottleneck. It’s not too late to see.

After a pause, Zhang Fan also said.

"Yeah, it is true. Enlightenment of the Star Source Fragment is of great benefit to your Dao. Then you go in. Remember, each enlightenment cannot exceed three months at most. This is also afraid of you falling into Which has a certain impact on one's mental power.

Come out once every three months. After digesting your own income, go in. This is the safest way. "

Nodding, Hu Ying also said to Zhang Fan.

"Okay, then the elder, I will go in first. If my junior sister comes to the primitive universe, let her stay in my residence and wait for me."

Zhang Fan also spoke at this moment, and then walked into the silver triangular building.


"It's so boring, it's really meaningless to practice blindly, and the second brother is also true. For more than 50,000 years, I don't want to come to Shenxiaodaomen to look at me."

In a special plane space in the southern area of ​​the Saint Emperor Huixing of Ten Thousand Thousand Immortals, huge palaces are suspended above the white clouds, looking very gorgeous.

Especially the huge golden hall with a height of 10,000 meters in the most central area radiated golden light, and a powerful breath radiated from its whole body, which was really shocking.

Here is one of the five holy places, the headquarters of Shenxiao Daomen.

At this moment, in a relatively quiet area, a girl who looks very cute is also sitting on a stone step with a distressed expression.

This person is no one else, but Guo Xiaotong, Zhang Fan's younger sister, who came to Shenxiao Daomen with Situ Zhong and others.

"Oh, isn't this our cutest Xiao Tongtong? How gloomy? Tell me, is there someone bullying us Tongtong, and see if I don't catch that person and beat him up."

At this time, a gentle voice came, and immediately afterwards, an old man wearing a white coat came over, it was Situ Zhong.

"Master? Why are you free to come and see me? I remember that you have already entered the secret realm of swords?"

Seeing Situ Zhong, Guo Xiaotong also got up and asked curiously.

"Hehe, after all, I haven't seen you for more than three hundred years, and I just walked out today, so I came to look at you, and I found out that your girl looked unhappy."

Situ Zhong said with a smile now too.

"It's not really gloomy, just bored. Master, as you know, although my talent for cultivation is good, I am most interested in the chef.

However, after arriving at the Shenxiao Taoist Temple, I have no access to any aspect of the magic kitchen. If this is the case, when will my skills be improved?

You know, my dream is to become a nine-star chef. "

Guo Xiaotong also explained aloud at this moment. Yuanyuan's face also looked very tangled at the moment.

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