Star-source Legend

Chapter 1459: Passed to Split Sky

"Afan, are you awake?"

At this moment, the door of the room opened, and Leaptian also walked in. After seeing Zhang Fan awakening, he also revealed a surprise.

"Sorry, Master, for worrying you. The previous situation also made me unable to react and almost caused a catastrophe."

Zhang Fan also spoke to his master at the moment, apologizing.

"Hehe, it actually counts as the teacher's fault. I forgot to tell you. The first time you comprehend and read the stele, you cannot directly use your mental power, otherwise it will cause damage to your soul in most cases.

The existence that can produce the Chaos Monument is at least the existence that has reached the level of the Universe Venerable. Even with my current strength, I need to be careful about understanding the Chaos Monument.

How about it? I heard Mr. Xing say that you may have got some information. Is it helpful to you? "

Cracking the sky also waved his hand at this moment, comforting.

"I did get some information. Master, when I used my mind to probe before, the whole person seemed to have returned to a scene countless years ago.

In the picture, I saw a golden armored giant fighting a chaotic beast.

It can be said that each of their moves and styles is shocking and has a great impact on me.

In the end, the Chaos Fierce Beast was directly exterminated under the palm of the giant golden armor.

The information I got before was some fragments of this palm. After combining, this palm also has a name called "The Universe in the Palm", which is definitely a kind of supreme magical power.

"Your boy's luck is really enviable. You know, the chaos monument of our Universe Alliance is placed there. I don't know how many people have enlightened it, but in the end there is no huge gain.

The first time you come into contact, you have obtained a kind of strong supernatural power. Although some are missing, it will help you to improve your strength. If you have the opportunity to improve in the future, you will have an invincible hole card.

In the palm of the universe, hearing the name is very shocking. "

Cracking the sky also spoke at this moment.

"Hehe, Master, it's not just me, but you are the same. I know my current strength very well. I don't know when I want to reach your current level, at least in a short time.

But you are under tremendous pressure at this moment, which can be said to be internal and external troubles. Do not resist. I will pass on this magical power that I got to you now, so that after your strength is strong, many things will be easier to do. "

Zhang Fan also smiled and said to Cracking Sky at this moment.

"This is your own opportunity, there is no need to tell Master. With my current strength, I think it is enough."

Although extremely pleased, Cracking Sky still refuses at this moment.

"Master, don’t feel embarrassed. Remember, everything is for the future. Your strength becomes stronger, which is a good thing for me and many people. Don’t refuse. This is the only thing I can do as an apprentice. Yes. If you refuse any more, I would rather destroy this memory directly."

At this moment, Zhang Fan also looked at Cracking Sky seriously and said.

"Hehe, Sky Splitting, this is Afan’s heart, so you can accept it. The universe in your palm is the strongest magical power. If you can achieve something, you will definitely be able to display half-level combat power. For our next The plan is also very advantageous.

After you learn it, you can pass this magical power to Haiping and Chuhuang.

We are now standing in the same boat, and we are both prosperous and ruined. "

Xing Lao's voice also came out directly at this time, making Cracking Tian's expression a bit stunned.

"Um, well, I see, then I, as a master, will be exposed to the light of an apprentice once, ha ha."

Seeing Zhang Fan's serious look, coupled with Xing Lao's persuasion, Leap Tian agreed with a smile at this moment.


"Sure enough, it is extraordinary, surpassing any kind of magical powers I know so far. Although only the first two levels are available, this is enough. If I can successfully practice all of them, my strength will be increased by at least three times."

After receiving the information passed by Zhang Fan, Cracking Sky was also amazed at this moment.

"Unfortunately, only the first two, the third is the most powerful."

Zhang Fan also spoke at this moment.

The reason why he lied was also because Zhang Fan had always understood a truth, that is, Mr. Xing had told him, to leave a thread for himself in everything. In the face of anyone, even Xing Lao himself, Zhang Fan must remain vigilant and don't tell others about his trump cards, as this will only cause harm to himself in the end.

Fortunately, whether it is Xing Lao or Splitting Sky, including Hai Ping and Chu Huang and others, they have all sworn the chaotic blood oath, including Xing Lao himself, before swearing directly in front of Zhang Fan, making Zhang Fan very helpless. I also feel very warm in my heart.

At least this way, he can trust his few elders.

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