Star-source Legend

Chapter 1338: The current situation of the demons

At the same time, at this moment, the Heavenly Star Kingdom Lord also took Yang Xuan through Shenhui City and left directly.

It can be said that this time he also did not expect Zhang Fan to be willing to temporarily Fang Yangxuan. In his opinion, since Zhang Fan has enough confidence, he can kill Yang Xuan directly.

But this time, Yang Xuan was not killed. After that, it was not so easy for Zhang Fan to move Yang Xuan.

This time, he also planned to wait for him to send Yang Xuan directly to his ancestors so that he could gain his temper.

As for the secret treasure of the field, it is impossible for Zhang Fan to return it, just as compensation to him, but the price is too much.

In his opinion, even if Zhang Fan has a very terrifying talent, he still has two things to say about whether he can truly grow up.

For countless years, the entire universe does not know how many cosmic genius selection competitions have been held. Every time there are some top geniuses appearing, but in the end, it is very rare that they can truly grow into strong ones, and many are even halfway through. It fell directly.

As for the ancestral realm powerhouse, although it can be resurrected, because in general, the top geniuses have strong luck, and the price they need to pay is no less than resurrecting a powerhouse in the early stage of the Taoist realm The origin of oneself is affected to a certain extent, so generally if some top geniuses really die, unless the realm is relatively low, even the strong ancestors will not be able to hold it.

Originally, this time I was thinking of reaching a series of cooperation intentions with Shenhui Universe Kingdom, which is regarded as forming an alliance. Now, it can be said that it is basically in opposition to Shenhui Universe Kingdom. Everything is because of his side. This is not a good thing.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party was the "son" of his ancestor, Yang Hui would just slap him to death at the moment.


"Husband, are you okay?"

After being separated from the others, Zhang Fan returned to the manor where his family lived temporarily, and at the same time moved the three women out of the Star Source Debris Space.

At this moment, looking at Zhang Fan's expression, Liu Ruyan and the others also asked with some concern.

"It's okay, fortunately I'm prepared, otherwise I'm really worried about my life this time. It seems that no matter it's facing anyone, I can't be careless.

I thought it was impossible for the other party to ignore the rules of Shenhui City. Looking at it now, even with the rules, it still can't work for some people with a really strong background. "

Zhang Fan also said with some fear.

This time, if it weren't for the help of the old man, perhaps he might really be unable to recover.

It is precisely because of this incident that Zhang Fan will remain absolutely vigilant in the face of people who are not very familiar with whatever he will do in the future.

He knows that he is now valued by many people because of his good talent.

However, if they really die, perhaps Shenhui Kingdom Lord and the others will have to accept such a fact. To offend a powerful existence at the ancestral level for the sake of a dead genius, not everyone is willing to do it.

"Okay, I have some things to deal with. The three of you should rest early. After I meet with you tomorrow, the day after tomorrow I have to start participating in the final stage of the challenge. This time, I will strive to be able to enter the top three. Position, so that you can worship under the leader of the Universe Alliance, at least you don’t have to worry too much about precious cultivation resources in the future, and it can further protect you."

After speaking, when the three women returned to their respective rooms, Zhang Fan's figure moved directly to the place where his master Situ Zhong lived.

"Master, are you there?"

At this moment, Zhang Fan also directly transmitted to his master.

"A Fan? Wait a minute." Then, a familiar voice rang. Soon, Situ Zhong opened the door and let Zhang Fan into the room.

"I'm just counting this time, and you must have ended your retreat. Have you gone to Ruyan?"

Looking at Zhang Fan, Situ Zhong asked with a gentle expression.

"As early as last night, I had already returned to the manor. Today I took them to the Shenxianju, and I asked them to rest first.

Thinking of nothing, so I came to ask Master you to talk about something. After tomorrow, I will see you all. Speaking of it, I haven't seen you for so long, and I don't know how everyone is doing.

And Master, Xiao Jin Xiaohuo and their current strength should have reached the realm of Xingyang, right? "

Zhang Fan also replied.

"Hehe, Xiaohuo and they left Feilongxing long before you. I gave them all the transforming pills you gave me. Maybe it's because they have a certain degree of the blood of the beasts, so the speed of improvement is very fast.

In hundreds of years, Xiaohuo and Xiaojin, including Lao Niu, have reached the Xingyang Realm, and because of their own accumulation, Lao Niu has reached the mid-Xingyang Realm.

As for the little spirits, just like you, they are all in the late stage or peak of the Star-Moon Realm.

In general, as long as they are given enough time and resources, the ultimate achievement is definitely not low.

However, after they learned about the existence of the Monster Race, they also planned to go to the universe area where the Monster Race was located for some experience, where they believed that their speed of improvement would be even more amazing. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan asked, Situ Zhong also smiled and told Zhang Fan of Xiaojin Xiaohuo's situation.

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