Star-source Legend

Chapter 1303: Strong shot

You know, among those who were killed by Zhang Fan just now, even a few of them reached the seventh level, but they were still killed directly by Zhang Fan. It is conceivable that Zhang Fan is powerful.


At this moment, the light surging in the eyes of Elder Zilin, he said in a deep voice, causing the entire hall to explode in an instant.

"What? Elder Zilin, Zhang Fan turned out to be the master? How is this possible?"

"Yeah, Elder Zilin, although Zhang Fan's attack just now was extraordinary, and it was considered very powerful among the spiritual masters, but he couldn't be the master, right?

After all, if you want to become a controller, you first need to get the inheritance of a certain controller. Is it possible that in the Shenhui universe, there is also the inheritance of the controller? "

At this moment, everyone was very shocked by what the elder Zilin said, even Shura was full of disbelief at this moment.

"You don't know, it's because you don't understand the controller. Carter, Huo Lie, you should have been in contact with Mia and Arthur, I think, to a certain extent, you should also know some of the controller's methods?

Zhang Fan’s attack just now looks very ordinary, but invisible, he directly calculates everyone’s retreat, and even the direction his throwing knife flies is all these people will move next. direction.

This method can only be done by the controller.

I also made a judgment because I knew the situation of some controllers. "

For everyone's suspicion, Elder Zilin was not angry. After all, this fact was indeed unacceptable.

You know, this time in the selection battle of cosmic geniuses, it is the first time in tens of millions of years that two masters can appear. One can imagine the rarity of masters.

Moreover, whether it is Mia or Arthur, it is their respective universe nations that have found the inheritance of the master, and finally let them inherit, and then they become the master.

However, Zhang Fan's situation is incomparable with the first two. According to their understanding, Zhang Fan comes from a small galaxy. Even if it weren't for the selection of cosmic geniuses this time, Zhang Fan would not be taken so seriously.

Originally, they were also very curious about why Zhang Fan attracted Hades’s attention. Now, let’s not say anything else, just relying on the status of the controller is enough to make Zhang Fan not inferior to Mia and the others, plus Zhang Fan That powerful combat power, everyone now has to admit that Zhang Fan is the only super genius among them who can challenge Hades.

"In that case, doesn't it mean that Manka is dangerous?"

At this time, someone also spoke.

"Hey, forget it, let it be eliminated. After all, it is Manka himself who is merciless and does not blame others. Of course, if he displays that trick, he may hope to escape temporarily."

Mantu can only feel a pity for Manka at this moment.


"Manka, my brother shouldn't offend you? He hurt him so badly. Why, do you have to get rid of him? Now that I am here, you should be prepared to bear my anger.

I have said that the person I care about, no matter who it is, no matter where it is, as long as it hurts him even a single hair, I will not show mercy.

Hong Lie, go and heal your wounds first, and watch me take revenge for you. "

Looking at Hong Lie's situation, Zhang Fan was like a kind of dry firewood, full of anger.


Immediately afterwards, a powerful aura directly radiated from Zhang Fan's body and enveloped Manka. At the same time, when his mind moved, Zhang Fan's war spear also appeared directly.


Immediately afterwards, Zhang Fan's whole person suddenly turned into a streamer, rushing towards Manka, and the war spear in his hand also pierced directly and ruthlessly towards Manka.


As for Manka, looking at Zhang Fan, who has always been very gentle, seemed to be mad at this moment, his whole expression also changed, and the first time he waved his huge mace to block.

Zhang Fan's figure is more than one meter, and Manka's figure close to more than three hundred meters looks like a mouse and an elephant.

However, when the two collided, the situation reversed.

Hong Lie's Manka, who is not inferior to the eruption of blood, has a huge figure that immediately retreats directly under Zhang Fan's blow, but Zhang Fan stays in place, motionless.

Such scenes seem to be shocking, and only Hong Lie feels normal.

"Fool, you know, even if I explode all my blood, my pure strength is no better than Afan, let alone consume a lot of you?

If you want to eliminate me, then bear the pain of Afan. "

At this moment, Hong Lie also thought to himself.

No one knows Zhang Fan's strength better than him, and no one knows the position of himself and others in Zhang Fan's mind better than him.

My current state is so bad, all thanks to Manka, then, unless Manka's strength far exceeds Zhang Fan, then wait for abuse.

"Why is his power so powerful?"

At this moment, Manka's figure stopped completely after he stepped back a full kilometer. The whole person felt very shocked in his heart.

"call out!"

At this time, Manka didn't have time to think about it, and a streamer lased directly towards Manka's location.

It was a war spear that was hundreds of meters long.

Obviously, after the first blow, Zhang Fan didn't intend to stop, but instead threw the spear at Manka with all his strength.

Normally, with Manka's strength, it is relatively easy to dodge Zhang Fan's spear attack, but Manka's figure at this moment is huge, even if he reacts quickly, he still cannot completely dodge it.


At this moment, Zhang Fan’s war spear directly penetrated one of Manka’s arms. Finally, after piercing through the thick trunks with undiminished strength, it finally submerged into a tree a few kilometers away. .

One can imagine the power of Zhang Fan's throw this time.

"Damn, why is this guy so powerful."

Manka also felt a sense of frustration for the first time.

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